01-06-2009, 05:09 PM
alcohol negates specific intent . . .but im sure the "experts" will chime in soon enough to tell me how wrong i am lol!!!
i.e. vick knew what he was doing was wrong and had the specific intent of killing a dog. little should have known drinking and driving would increase the chances of causing a car accident (recklessness) but did not have the specific intent of getting into a fatal car accident.
go skins!!
Isn't that playing semantics? Little knew that he had been drinking when he got behind the wheel. Intent to break laws has very little to do with whether they are broken and the consequences. I'm sure 'he didn't mean it' isn't a very successful defense tactic.
01-06-2009, 05:23 PM
The guy made Roddy White look like a bust and can't aim to save his life. 56.4% is his best completion percentage for a season? I'll pass.
Skinny Tee
01-06-2009, 05:27 PM
Isn't that playing semantics? Little knew that he had been drinking when he got behind the wheel. Intent to break laws has very little to do with whether they are broken and the consequences. I'm sure 'he didn't mean it' isn't a very successful defense tactic.
I agree.
What Little did is worse than Vick. Intent doesn't change the magnitude of his criminal act. However I don't think that either of them derserve eternal condemnation for their acts. They served, are serving, their criminal and civil punishments. As long as they can show remoarse and willingness to make amends they should have a second chance.
Liking what they did to a Manson style crime is exorbitant.
On a side note did you know that the first lady Laura Bush has killed someone while behind the wheel?..that gotta suck to live with that.
Skinny Tee
01-06-2009, 06:19 PM
Slingin Sammy 33
01-06-2009, 06:36 PM
What Little did is worse than Vick. Intent doesn't change the magnitude of his criminal act.
Certainly the magnitude of the result of Little's actions is far worse than what Vick did. Of course human life is far more valuable than an animal life.
However the intent of making an extremely poor judgement (don't know if Little is a habitual DUI type, if he is than that's another story) while under the influence of alcohol that accidentally resulted in the loss of human life cannot be compared to the cold-heartedness and evil that is required to finance and operate a dog-fighting venture which systematically tortures / maims / kills animals for fun over a period of years.
01-06-2009, 06:46 PM
To echo what Schneed said. In my "day" job for an IT/telecom no way would I hire a convicted felon, too much potential risk and we can find much better candidates for positions. At my small restaurant, same thing, why take the risk? Do I want a convicted felon with access to my cash register or someone with a clean record?
Vick decided to murder animals for fun, no one forced him to. I have absolutely no sympathy for him.
I am in no way defending Vic, but I must have missed the part where he did it for fun? Also I hope alot of you realize that, that beautiful white German Sheppard you or your neighbor or friend has would have been destroyed by most sheppard breaders. Most white sheppards are looked at as having a gene defect and their parents are looked down upon after even one is found to be in a litter. The breader does not take the animal to a vet to destroy it either. For whatever reason usually due to the breader showing their animals or breading for money they will destroy the pup in hopes no one finds out cause it could cost them hundreds of dollars including from future litters. I only mentioned the Sheppards cause I have heard breaders talk about these things. Then you have to wonder what the other breaders of other animals are doing in order to make a dollar. God forbid their dog has sex with a different bread or a mutt. They will destroy the dog cause it will no longer be of use to them.
Now I mention this cause I'm not so sure he did it for fun. Again maybe I'm wrong, and I could be, but we all really don't know the specifics of the case. I have heard people in animal rescue talk about how they will destroy an animal if it bites a person or is too aggressive. All I'm getting at is maybe, maybe he decided he had to destroy the animal for whatever reason. Perhaps the dog bit him or a family memeber and he decided to put the dog down.
Again we all are trying to hold court over the man after he already has gone to court and full filled his obligation. As for hiring a felon....I'm always on the fence. Vic's issues have nothing to do with laundering money or stealing, or killing a person, or vandalizing someone elses property. It wasn't drug related....even though I was supprised there. Vic's troubles had nothing to do with football. I see no reason he can not come back to a team that would benifit from having him. but I don't see the Skins benifiting from having him. and I would most definitly agree if he had to be a spokesman for PETA and get counceling for the drug issues.
............head shake.............
01-06-2009, 07:23 PM
NO is the obvious answer. Some people dont mind what hes done... most do. Whatever. IT DOESNT MATTER!!! Hes not comming here!
Everybody calm down... "WHY WE TALKING ABOUT THIS" relax dude its just a forum discussion.
01-06-2009, 07:37 PM
You gotta be kidding me!!!!!!! Vick can scramble and is a great runner, but his last season with the Falcons he sure sucked as a passer. Only the doormat type teams will make a play for him and we are not desperate. Even if we do part ways with JC next year(doubtful unless he asks for the moon) we are better off drafting another QB than getting Vick.
01-07-2009, 12:36 AM
I can't write how I really feel about these two degenerate animals. I'd be banned from posting and I really can't find the words. I don't care if this bile bag can jump over a mountain, he gets signed, I'm not longer a Redskin. If I had my way him and Marcus would be floating down the James with their hands and feet bound with leashes and their dope shoved down their filthy craws.
To be honest... I hope the skins sign Vick so I don't cheer for the same team as you. Get a life dude