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onlydarksets 12-30-2008, 11:18 AM That was Springs that was locked on Owens vs. Dallas & against Arizona Fitzgerald had 100+ yds. The Saints were without their top WR in Colston so who did he shut down?
I love hearing good things about Skins players, when they are accurate.
Springs locked Owens up in the first half, gave up a TD to Owens on the first possession of the second half, and then left the game. Los shut Owens down for the rest of the game.
No Matter His Age, Springs Has Impact - washingtonpost.com (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/09/30/AR2008093002592.html)
And Doughty got burned by Fitz, not Rogers. Los had a great game against the Cards (including holding on to an INT).
A Tie Game after Three - Redskins Insider (http://voices.washingtonpost.com/redskinsinsider/2008/09/third_quarter.html)
I think letting Rogers go is a mistake, unless he is seeking Champ $$, and we have no choice.
Defensewins 12-30-2008, 11:32 AM Rogers is definitely not worth top dollar. So yes you can't blame the Redskins for throwing a line out there to see what other teams may be willing to give up. I say if someone bites with a 3rd rounder go for it.
Rogers is worth more than a 3rd rounder.
How many great players have we drafted in the 3rd round?
Are you serious?
GMScud 12-30-2008, 11:33 AM Don't ignore the 'Champ Bailey' factor here also. Rogers is looking for a very lucrative contract when his expires next year. He feels like he is a top CB, "There are a lot of teams that would give their right arm for me." Someone is going to pay him #1 elite CB money next offseason when we all know he's not that good. We're not going to pay him that kind of money so why not get some value (2nd or 3rd round pick) this offseason? With a large number of FA corners this offseason it's going to be a buyers market, we can replace what Rogers brings (decent #2 CB) at a much cheaper rate over the next 5 years and get an additional pick as well.
I'm not sure why this is similar to Champ's situation. We offered him a big extension, and he simply didn't want to play for the Redskins anymore. Can't really blame him since we had just finished up with the joke Spurrier era. We did the next best thing and traded him for Portis, which has worked out pretty well I'd say. If we offered Carlos Rogers anywhere close to the money we offered Champ, he'd be a moron not to take it.
Paintrain 12-30-2008, 11:46 AM I'm not sure why this is similar to Champ's situation. We offered him a big extension, and he simply didn't want to play for the Redskins anymore. Can't really blame him since we had just finished up with the joke Spurrier era. We did the next best thing and traded him for Portis, which has worked out pretty well I'd say. If we offered Carlos Rogers anywhere close to the money we offered Champ, he'd be a moron not to take it.
The parallel is the inability to agree to contract terms. Rogers thinks he is an elite corner and is going to demand elite money, especially if Hall gets a nice extension. Rogers isn't an elite CB so we risk losing him and getting nothing in return next year, therefore it's better to trade him now and get something rather than lose him next year with no compensation.
Rogers is worth more than a 3rd rounder.
How many great players have we drafted in the 3rd round?
Are you serious?
That's how trading works in the NFL, you rarely get what a player is worth.
Do you think there's a team out there willing to part with a 1st or 2nd rounder for Rogers?? Good luck with that.
We'd be lucky to snag a 3rd.
BrunellMVP? 12-30-2008, 12:22 PM bryan (cumberland, Md.): Jason Taylor, Brett Farve do you see either returning next year ?
Matt Mosley: (12:15 PM ET ) Taylor's not going back to Washington. I'm pretty certain about that. I bet he'll retire. Favre will drag this out and make a big production -- like he always does.
Miller101 12-30-2008, 12:55 PM I don't buy into this. JLC likes to create drama. He always says that he has a 'source' on the inside. Most of the time that 'source' goes unnamed. And most of the time it comes up bullcrud. Like that Mark Brunnell trade, for example.
If Rogers think he's an elite corner. He needs to learn how to catch a football before he can get paid like one. I mean, he can't even catch a nerf football! And Nerf footballs, as soft as they are, they just fall right into your hands!
Hopefully, Rogers can prove that he can catch next year, so we can overpay him. Hopefully, the next time we're leading the Pittsburgh Steelers 6-zip Rogers will be able to CATCH and then run it in for a quick six. Hopefully, when our team needs a spark and Eli Manning hits him in the chest twice (I think Eli was color blind that game) Rogers will be able to CATCH and make that spark! Then he will get paid.
But what JLC is saying now is just bullcrud! But, it does give me something to talk about, when I should be working, so I can't complain too much.
BigHairedAristocrat 12-30-2008, 12:57 PM I keep hearing people suggest Chris Gamble around here. For the record, he has recently signed a lucrative extension (http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2008/football/nfl/11/28/panthers.gamble.ap/index.html) in Carolina that makes him a Panther until 2014.
thanks for the update. I wasnt aware of that.
tryfuhl 12-30-2008, 01:01 PM carlos is a great cb. he may not have hands but our pass D went downhill when he got demoted. retarded.
Exactly, I'd rather not catch interceptions than to allow touchdowns. Granted los got beat a couple times in he 2nd half of the season in his newish role, it happens to every corner.
I'd like to see Hall resigned, but I'm not sure he's the best bet in covering #1 receivers. I guess that's a great shot to get interceptions as the QB will take more risks going to #1, but if the CB also takes more risks, that could be disastrous.
Rogers is definitely our best CB. If we intend on keeping him I'd tell him early and let him know that his hands need to get better in the offseason. Of course he's entering a contract year after next, so he might not have the incentive to do it for us, and will be a free agent rather than trade bait, unless we franchised him.
tryfuhl 12-30-2008, 01:03 PM I have a real problem with the way Blache coaches his side of the ball. Basically, he plays favorites. That's bad high school coach crap.
Didn't Blache learn that FROM Williams?