03-07-2004, 08:38 PM
People continue to forget that this is not 2000 all over again. Take a look at the Redskins roster, there are only 6-7 players over the age of 30 as of opening day, some like Mitchell and Noble and Tupa aren't key players.. Let's allow this to play out before we start jumping to conclusions about 'here we go again'.. With the exception of CB, I think each move has represented an upgrade from the player that finished the season at that position..
Brunell is better right now than Ramsey simply based on experience
Portis is a no brainer over Candidate/Betts/Rock
Rasby is a much better blocker than Chamberlain
Dainels is an upgrade over Bruce Smith
Griffin is an upgrade over anyone who played DT last year
Washington is faster, more athletic and younger than Armstead
Springs from Bailey is a downgrade, but better safety play can offset that
Tupa is an upgrade from Barker
oh yeah, that Gibbs guy is a little better than the Ole Ball-less Coach
03-07-2004, 08:43 PM
I definately do not think that the 'Skins got shafted in the trade. I think Portis put it best when he said that Bailey could only control one player, while he controls where the ball is going.
Brunell is probably going to retire before the entire contract has been finished so he won't be seeing all of that money.
Wrong forum to join if you don't want to hear criticism about your team, man. That's just the way it is.
03-07-2004, 09:27 PM
I think Brunnel will start for maybe two seasons and then Ramsey will take over. By then, Ramsey should be at the fullest of his potential. As paintrain stated, this isn't 2000 over again. The choices were are making in the free agent market are good choices based on the players' ability, strengths, and age as well. Most of the ones we've gotten so far are fairly young players, except for Brunnell, but he is still considered in his prime at the age of 33?
03-08-2004, 05:24 PM
can somebody plese let me know just who the hell this attner or aptner guy is?i have never heard of him/her/it before.
03-08-2004, 07:16 PM
Geesh. Morons.
*poke* Hhhmmmm, Cowboys fan posting on a Redskins forum board. I'm sure if you try hard enough, you can be more moronic than that, right?
03-08-2004, 11:18 PM
Must be really bored since there's no action in their offseason, other then Parcells eating habits, to read up on articles on their arch-rivals from obscure amateur websites and post it on here. He probably was so upset that the Meshawn deal fell through that he had to try to stir things up here to make himself feel better. Misery loves company.
03-09-2004, 12:48 AM
Hey Jeeves, blow it out your arse ye bloody wanker.
03-09-2004, 01:58 AM
So, really, how's that Galloway trade going?
03-09-2004, 02:51 AM
Portis or Hambrick?
Coles or Glenn?
Brunell/Ramsey or Carter/Hutchinson?
Yeah, I can see why a Cowboys fan would want to be part of a Redskins discussion board. ;)
by the way, bigredskinfan, email paul attner at