12-05-2008, 10:14 PM
Whoa now!!!!!! Hey we played good hard nosed football and we could move the ball and score during that run, then came the debacle against the Rams, the near debacle against the outplayed Lions, and then the downward spiral after the bye. Were expectations raised? Of course, the Skins played sound football, the and looked very strong. Beat Dallas and Philly away and looked dominant. I think it is a mistake though to say we expected too much from the team though. They did play superbly against very tough intradivison rivals along with the other 4 victories. One thing during that stretch was we were for the most part a healthy team, and Portis was running wild. I think that Zorn needs to tweak his WCO or maybe totally revamp it for '09. Getting some real Wrs would help also. It is pretty bad when our current crop of WR's make Gus' trio of Westbrook, Connell, and Sheppard look like all pros.