Beemnseven 11-23-2008, 12:50 PM Lincoln Financial where the eagles play, i wouldnt really call it "support".
Okay, but how many times do you see their stadium infiltrated by fans of the opposing team? I'd say never.
Philly is one of those places where opposing fans are afraid to go.
So again, FedEx Field can't hold a candle to Philly's home field advantage.
HoosForCooley 11-23-2008, 11:07 PM I am a Redskins season ticket holder and I have been for the last 7 or so years. My first seats were next to a chain link fence. That is right, I sat at the very top. I can tell you this, my seats have been moved down and I have been tempted to call the office and ask for my seats back at the top.
Why? you may ask: Because Redskins fans actually tell me to sit down on plays, they barely cheer and they want to drink more than cheer for a team. It upsets me a great deal. If you go to bar you get much more of the old RFK experience and alot cheaper tab! I go because I care about the Redskins, I have fun with my wife and have had many great memories with my father at these games. I suggest more fans for for that reason.
Miller101 11-24-2008, 03:43 PM I am a Redskins season ticket holder and I have been for the last 7 or so years. My first seats were next to a chain link fence. That is right, I sat at the very top. I can tell you this, my seats have been moved down and I have been tempted to call the office and ask for my seats back at the top.
Why? you may ask: Because Redskins fans actually tell me to sit down on plays, they barely cheer and they want to drink more than cheer for a team. It upsets me a great deal. If you go to bar you get much more of the old RFK experience and alot cheaper tab! I go because I care about the Redskins, I have fun with my wife and have had many great memories with my father at these games. I suggest more fans for for that reason.
Dude! Do what I do! Tell the dude that wants you to sit down to stand up! Its 3rd Down! GET UP! I can't hear you! If they have a problem with it.........say you can't hear them again! If they still have a problem with it, after the noise has died down, tell them to get an usher. He WILL NOT care if you stand up during big plays! Trust me! I know!
With that being said. If you are consistently standing up...............just for the heck of it. Then he will say something.
mlmpetert 01-10-2011, 05:15 PM I disagree about the crowd noise. FedEx field has 35,000 more seats than RFK, but can't hold a candle to it in terms of noise. I attended many a game at RFK that left my ears ringing for hours, not unlike going to a loud rock show. That has NEVER happended to me at FedEx, and I've seen some great games there too, including the huge win over the 2005 Giants that was essentially a playoff game for us. I believe there are two factors at play:
Too many "Corporate Fans"
Poor Architecture for funnelling the sound to the stadium floor
RFK with it's curvature on the roof line kept most of the noise inside. FedEx field allows much of the noise to escape the top of the stadium.
Qwest Field is an example of a stadium with GREAT acoustics that gives the Seahawks a distinct homefield advantage. I hope that The Danny considers architectural issues for creating more noise if/when he builds a new stadium.
In the spirt of bumping old threads:
Seahawks fans cause seismic shock in playoff win - Shutdown Corner - NFL - Yahoo! Sports (http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/blog/shutdown_corner/post/Seahawks-fans-cause-seismic-shock-in-playoff-win?urn=nfl-305600)
Pretty cool on Seattle's part. Hopefully if Danny builds a stadium in DC he will try to copy some of the design of Qwest. Although at the end of the day the fans are gonna have to do their part.
Also as someone pointed out:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earthquake_Game (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earthquake_Game)
skinsfan69 01-10-2011, 05:22 PM Michael Wilbon was right (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/11/05/AR2008110504343.html). The idea that Redskins fans are among the most hardcore in the league is a complete myth. Apart from this site, of course.
Fed Ex Field is a neutral site at best. I can't think of a stadium full of "fans" that supports the home team any less.
Even the lousy Raiders have a more dedicated bunch.
Not the case from I'd say from when George Allen first got here til 1993 when Gibs left. There is a completly new generation of fans that have only seen losing. And part of it is the somewhat older fans like myself are simply tired of the bullshit.
scowan 01-10-2011, 05:34 PM Not the case from I'd say from when George Allen first got here til 1993 when Gibs left. There is a completly new generation of fans that have only seen losing. And part of it is the somewhat older fans like myself are simply tired of the bullshit.
Skinsfan, I think you hit the nail on the head. I am 41 years old and remember and lived the 80s as a teenager and early 20s. I remember winning a lot as a Skins fan. How many winning seasons and playoff appearances have the Skins had since their last Super Bowl win in 1991? That's 20 years ago!!! How can fans create a home field advantage when your team just stinks year in and year out. Even their last playoff team in 2007, the Skins were 9-7. 2005 season was 10-6, but both of those teams were Wild Card teams. The Skins havn't won the division since 1999. Then you have to go back to 1991 to find the next one. You have suffered for a lot of years if you are a Redskins fan.
Defensewins 01-10-2011, 06:00 PM A winning team cures everything.
You can't have good home field advantage with out a winning team.
RFK is not some magical place. It was the coaches and players that came together to make it grand. Once we win over 10 games in one season, then what ever stadium we play at will be a great place.
We had decades of terrible football in RFK before Vince Lombardi, George Allen and finally Joe Gibbs arrived. We could play in a parking lot, I don;t care, just win.
firstdown 01-10-2011, 06:31 PM that article gave excellent points,RFK seemed to have a huge home field advantage,fed ex rarely seems as loud as rfk did.
I wish for 1 game something happened to fed ex and the team had to play at rfk again and todays players saw what it was like,preferably a playoff game,that would be so great,the stadium would be rocking!
Is there any player currently on the skins that played at rfk?
I think if we were winning Fedex would also rock. Not much for fans to really get excited about right now.
Longtimefan 01-10-2011, 06:39 PM A winning team cures everything.
You can't have good home field advantage with out a winning team.
RFK is not some magical place. It was the coaches and players that came together to make it grand. Once we win over 10 games in one season, then what ever stadium we play at will be a great place.
We had decades of terrible football in RFK before Vince Lombardi, George Allen and finally Joe Gibbs arrived. We could play in a parking lot, I don;t care, just win.
So true, and well said.
DCtoAZ 01-10-2011, 06:41 PM I agree 100% on the fact that Fed Ex Field is ready to rock .. that stadium does get loud and has even pumped up the volume for some "big" games over the past few years .. your telling me that game 1 this year wasn't loud ? The atmosphere wasn't good considering they let people tailgate for 13 hours ?? Fed Ex Field IMO is just one home playoff game from getting buck nasty .... 90,000 people have been waiting very patiently for a few home playoff games ...