11-11-2008, 03:35 PM
I would love to hear from some of JG's former players like Monte Coleman on LA comments about JG. Monte would kick and wipe his ASS with Lavar Arrington.
Anyone have any toilet paper so I can wipe my LAVAR?
Im not puttin too much into this because writters hold quotes for a long time and put them out at the best time. This may have been said right after his NY departure or before that. The game was his life and to lose it so early its gotta hurt.
No, it's new article, fresh full of "look at poor me" quotes from LA.
ESPN - LaVar Arrington calls Joe Gibbs a 'coward' for leaving (
11-11-2008, 03:48 PM
Just read the article over at ESPN. Lavar sounds bitter, and lame. Talked about JG and money?? Seems like he could be a lot clearer if he gave back some of the millions he got.
And he said Dan Snyder was scared of him?? Does he mean physically? I can't see Snyder being scared of him saying stupid stuff. Geez, go to NY and open a restaurant there.
Let's see, he's had beefs with Snyder, Gibbs, and Williams. Anyone noticing a trend?
Perhaps the problem is Arrington himself.
Good to see Arrington still has that star mentality. It's all about him, everyone else is just out to screw him over. Funny thing is he still thinks the fans love him.
11-11-2008, 04:21 PM
Just read the article over at ESPN. Lavar sounds bitter, and lame. Talked about JG and money?? Seems like he could be a lot clearer if he gave back some of the millions he got.
And he said Dan Snyder was scared of him?? Does he mean physically? I can't see Snyder being scared of him saying stupid stuff. Geez, go to NY and open a restaurant there.
He did give back some of his money to get released from the Skins.
11-11-2008, 04:52 PM
I have my new jersey coming will never go out of style like my lavar arrington.lets all go eat at lavars restraunt i will order the sour grapes and the crow!!
11-11-2008, 04:56 PM
lavar take a leap you sorry pathetic loser
11-11-2008, 04:57 PM
I think LA is just upset at how his career went and he's not one to except the responsibility. He was once a great talent who was never able to put it all together and when he looks back on his career he realizes what a huge disappointment he truly was and so instead of being a man and accepting responsibility he acts like a child and blames someone else.
11-11-2008, 04:59 PM
Lavar Arrogant? Anything this guy has to say is not worth listening to. He is a legend in his own mind.
11-11-2008, 05:06 PM
What did Gibbs do to get him hurt or involved in a motorcycle crash??
Suck it up LaVar and take a look in the mirror if you want to know what happened to your career.
Agreed Matty,he had a good 15 mins in New York (and I do mean 15 min) but did Joe Gibbs Blow out his Achillies........???