09-08-2004, 01:09 PM
Actually I need a pass for that Orange lot which I dont have. Has anyone here used the cash parking lots? Do you have to take the shuttle or do you walk too? What time should I try to get to the actual stadium so that I dont miss anything?
09-08-2004, 02:10 PM
theres no cash lots in the stadium. Im pretty sure they run shuttles from a bunch of places though, i think theres info on the skins site about it.
09-08-2004, 02:19 PM
Yeah I figured it out, and heard some very bad reports about that ( not getting to the game ontime ). So I just went nuts and spent the extra $20 bucks to get a green lot pass and not have to go through any hastle. Thanks though.
09-08-2004, 02:32 PM
you arent going to really save money trying to parkoutside the stadium. Plus its so much easier to park inside. I think our passes are like 25 a game, which is crazy but we park in the first row of spaces and have no hassels.
09-08-2004, 02:39 PM
Yea the ones I bought were 40. Which is freaking rediculous for parking, but its only 15 more than the Cash lots so I hear, and its so much less hassle. Plus I've never been to the stadium before so I just want everything to go well so I can enjoy the day and not have to worry about stupid sh*t like parking.
09-09-2004, 05:36 AM
I'll be in the green lot.
Hopefully by 10 am and in the closest green lot. Like I said got a big dark dark purplish new ford van w/ Redskins windsock, flags and magnets. Got 6 people going to the game grilling out. Stop by for some pregame snacks or we'll be watching the 4pm game on the TV. Hope to finally meet ya Joe. You've done wonders for this site. You should really have a job w/ espn as the redskins fan covering them...
09-09-2004, 06:37 AM
I appreciate that, Luxo!
I will, in fact, be there Sunday, and I'll be parking in the Orange lot. My wife and I are going to try and get there at 11:00AM. It's a long drive from Richmond, so that's probably the earliest we'll be able to get there (read: the earliest my wife will be willing to wake up on a Sunday!).
We'll definitely try to hook up with you Luxo, since it sounds like you'll be grillin' up all the goodies! I assume if you're trying to park in the closest Green lot, that would be Lot D1. We'll probably park in Lot E2, in that case. Let me know for sure.
F2 - Orange Lot next to Arena Drive, Will be there at 10:00 AM as usual, tailgate starts at 10:05, party starts at 1:05.
Burgundy Conversion van, stop by and say hello.
09-09-2004, 08:42 AM
F2 - Orange Lot next to Arena Drive, Will be there at 10:00 AM as usual, tailgate starts at 10:05, party starts at 1:05.
Burgundy Conversion van, stop by and say hello.
Hey CRT,
Gonna try and find as many Warpathers as possible Sunday. Not sure how early I am gonna be there but want to try stop in. Gonna meet up with DJ first and then play it by ear.
Hang a Warpath sign or something. If you got a cell phone, PM me with the number and I'll give you a call so's I can find you. I have a feeling there may be more than one burgundy van around (or just let me know the plate number).
Hope to see you there!
09-09-2004, 08:46 AM
Luxo, Gmanc, CRT and Joe -
wanna pick one place to meet before the game for about 10 minutes or so? Try to get as many Warpathers in one place at the same time? maybe 11:30ish? Someone may have to leave a grill in the care of friends but it would be cool to actually get all of us together.
I am sure all will volunteer to host, anyone volunteering to visit?