Warren85Ellard 10-31-2008, 01:22 PM Who's worse: Jim Rome or Scott Ferrall?
I'd rather punch Rome in his mouth, but I can tolerate him more than I can Scott Ferrall for some reason.
firstdown 10-31-2008, 01:22 PM The more I learn about Moss as a new comer, the more I like him. I really think he is quickly becoming a personal favorite for me.
Although as I learn more about Cooley, Portis, Cambell, Taylor, I'm liking more and more to. And I am in awe of Jim Zorn. I know you guys are still testing him out, but just personality wise he is such a character!
I write fiction as a hobby, and I think one of the reasons I was able to really get into this sport, having no previous experince in it, was because I chose the redskins. These guys have such great stories, and such well defined personality and character. In fact they are so alive, so passionate, so unique, that even when they are not in an interview, just watching them play the game, you can see in every play a little of their personality coming out. It's really an amazing sight to see.
Nice to have you aboard. You may have stated this in the past but what got you into football and how did the Skins become your team?
Who's worse: Jim Rome or Scott Ferrall?
I'd rather punch Rome in his mouth, but I can tolerate him more than I can Scott Ferrall for some reason.
What's up with Ferrall's voice? Sounds like he swallowed some razor blades and washed it down with jet fuel.
dmek25 10-31-2008, 02:10 PM i really don't mind Ferrall. but he does have that Andre the giant thing going on, when he speaks
redwarrior111 10-31-2008, 03:52 PM We definitely have a number of characters on this team, but they're all great players and they're devoted to winning, which is great. I have to disagree with you about Taylor though. What's to like about so far? When he has played, he's done very little, and we threw away a high draft pick for him. I don't care if he's been Defensive Player of the Year, he's got a lot to prove on this team before he joins the ranks of Portis, Captain Chaos, etc.
I don't disagree with you. Heck I'm in no position to, lol. I don't think he is in the same ranks as the others (And I love that you used Captain Chaos instead of Chris Cooley, I love that thats his handle, lol) But umm...just out of curioisty...why do you have his jersey as your avatar if you don't like him?
redwarrior111 10-31-2008, 03:58 PM Nice to have you aboard. You may have stated this in the past but what got you into football and how did the Skins become your team?
Honestly what got me into football was a few things. And there episodic.
1. At an Obama ralley I went to everyone was cheering and screaming and I had a lot of fun. I decided I wanted to do this more often than just political season, lol, so I wanted to get into a spectator sport.
2. I have been a martial artist for a long time, and love to learn about the warrior traditions of various cultures throughout history. Football reminds me alot of Spartan warfare. From the phalax like design of the defense, to the territorial nature of its fan base, and that "With your shield or on it" mentality.
3. I generally love the contact nature of it, and the level of action keeps me interested.
At first, I picked the redskins because I had to start somewhere, and I live in redskins country. Like I said I like how territorial it is, and while I agree with Candianskin about it not mattering where you come from as a fan, I decided what the heck, I'll be territorial too.
But it didn't take long before it was more than that. Like I said, its the personality and heart of the team that keeps me here. These guys, and certainly our schizophrenic coach (I say that affectionately) have a whole lot of heart compared to other teams I've looked at.
KLHJ2 10-31-2008, 04:10 PM Honestly what got me into football was a few things. And there episodic.
1. At an Obama ralley I went to everyone was cheering and screaming and I had a lot of fun. I decided I wanted to do this more often than just political season, lol, so I wanted to get into a spectator sport.
2. I have been a martial artist for a long time, and love to learn about the warrior traditions of various cultures throughout history. Football reminds me alot of Spartan warfare. From the phalax like design of the defense, to the territorial nature of its fan base, and that "With your shield or on it" mentality.
3. I generally love the contact nature of it, and the level of action keeps me interested.
At first, I picked the redskins because I had to start somewhere, and I live in redskins country. Like I said I like how territorial it is, and while I agree with Candianskin about it not mattering where you come from as a fan, I decided what the heck, I'll be territorial too.
But it didn't take long before it was more than that. Like I said, its the personality and heart of the team that keeps me here. These guys, and certainly our schizophrenic coach (I say that affectionately) have a whole lot of heart compared to other teams I've looked at.
I don't know what you just said, but I like it.
GMScud 10-31-2008, 04:23 PM Honestly what got me into football was a few things. And there episodic.
1. At an Obama ralley I went to everyone was cheering and screaming and I had a lot of fun. I decided I wanted to do this more often than just political season, lol, so I wanted to get into a spectator sport.
2. I have been a martial artist for a long time, and love to learn about the warrior traditions of various cultures throughout history. Football reminds me alot of Spartan warfare. From the phalax like design of the defense, to the territorial nature of its fan base, and that "With your shield or on it" mentality.
3. I generally love the contact nature of it, and the level of action keeps me interested.
At first, I picked the redskins because I had to start somewhere, and I live in redskins country. Like I said I like how territorial it is, and while I agree with Candianskin about it not mattering where you come from as a fan, I decided what the heck, I'll be territorial too.
But it didn't take long before it was more than that. Like I said, its the personality and heart of the team that keeps me here. These guys, and certainly our schizophrenic coach (I say that affectionately) have a whole lot of heart compared to other teams I've looked at.
You said Spartan warfare. Sweet.
djnemo65 10-31-2008, 08:00 PM This is the billionth time a thread that mentions Rome has turned into a referendum on the man's career. I can't think of a single other media personality who can't be mentioned without prompting debates about whether or not he's an asshole.
DirtyLandry 10-31-2008, 08:31 PM This is the billionth time a thread that mentions Rome has turned into a referendum on the man's career. I can't think of a single other media personality who can't be mentioned without prompting debates about whether or not he's an asshole.
He's not an asshole, just a tool. I don't want to hear what this guy is burning on when his catch phrase is "What is up?" He is an ultra-caucasian, monotone talking head who has the personality of a sponge. He hosts his own show on espn which is a paradigm for a society that embraces mediocrity.