hesscl34 10-21-2008, 05:51 PM WE aren't scoring and that should be a concern. Detroit should be an easy win, but so should have been the Browns at home.
You have to admit that first half on Sunday was a a nightmare. Who plays that way??? .. ugh. We better not do that again.....
53Fan 10-21-2008, 06:04 PM I think it would be more realistic to compare Detroit to roadkill than a wounded animal. I understand your point but it's kinda been driven into the ground. Any team can win on any given Sunday. There's a difference between overlooking a team and being confident. I don't think the players are overlooking Detroit but they should feel confident going into the game. If we do get a big lead I think we should just run it out instead of giving future opponents some film to look at. I was'nt wondering how it happened against the Pats, I was wondering why Williams did'nt blitz more and knock the crap out of Brady.
JLee9718 10-21-2008, 06:23 PM Except for the Giants, we've outplayed everyone else, both on offense and on defense. We should've torn up the Rams and the Browns, but we just couldn't score. I hope whatever it is will be corrected by Sunday and we maul the Lions.
Daseal 10-21-2008, 09:19 PM Doesn't seem like something lockable. He's saying beware of the Lions. People on here whined and cried constantly after the Patriots put the hurt on us, then turn around and want us to destroy the Lions. For the record, I want us to destroy the Lions but didn't have an issue with what the Patriots did to us.
The Redskins need to stop leaving teams in games. We can 'outplay' everyone, but if we keep it within 7 points you will lose some of those games. This is an offensive game now, the offense gets a lot of rules in their favor. Really, had the Browns not gone for it on 4th down (then Portis may have never fumbled, but that's the what-if game) it very well could have gone to overtime (or lost if he hits that final FG.)
johnerotten 10-21-2008, 11:14 PM Really stupid comments like maybe Portis can get 300 yards and break the team record in rushing yardage.
i'd love to see him do that so would have a very good chance of beating the all time most yards in a season record.i'd also love to see Portis get all the attention he and the oline would get if it happened.if anything it was stupid for you to bring that 52-7 blowout
against the pats into a place where it did'nt belong einstein!!!!
johnerotten 10-21-2008, 11:22 PM Doesn't seem like something lockable. He's saying beware of the Lions. People on here whined and cried constantly after the Patriots put the hurt on us, then turn around and want us to destroy the Lions. For the record, I want us to destroy the Lions but didn't have an issue with what the Patriots did to us.
The Redskins need to stop leaving teams in games. We can 'outplay' everyone, but if we keep it within 7 points you will lose some of those games. This is an offensive game now, the offense gets a lot of rules in their favor. Really, had the Browns not gone for it on 4th down (then Portis may have never fumbled, but that's the what-if game) it very well could have gone to overtime (or lost if he hits that final FG.)
i'd bet that the majority of those complaints were the patriots running the score up like they obviously did were'nt they?the skins should NOT set out to break records intentionally,but if they have a good shot at breaking it,why should they let up?zorn nor gibbs would have ever run the score up like that asshole belichik did last year.
SmootSmack 10-21-2008, 11:23 PM Doesn't seem like something lockable. He's saying beware of the Lions. People on here whined and cried constantly after the Patriots put the hurt on us, then turn around and want us to destroy the Lions. For the record, I want us to destroy the Lions but didn't have an issue with what the Patriots did to us.
The Redskins need to stop leaving teams in games. We can 'outplay' everyone, but if we keep it within 7 points you will lose some of those games. This is an offensive game now, the offense gets a lot of rules in their favor. Really, had the Browns not gone for it on 4th down (then Portis may have never fumbled, but that's the what-if game) it very well could have gone to overtime (or lost if he hits that final FG.)
He could have just titled it "Beware of the Lions" then. Plus, it could have just gone in the "Are the Lions Really That Bad?" thread.
But whatever
skinsfan69 10-21-2008, 11:30 PM I'm just sort of thinking that we're not that type of team to blow anyone out. We should win but I just don't see a blow out. Our offense just isn't capable of putting up 35 + points. But I think we should score in the low to mid 20's and they'll be in the mid teens.
GusFrerotte 10-21-2008, 11:43 PM Except for the Giants, we've outplayed everyone else, both on offense and on defense. We should've torn up the Rams and the Browns, but we just couldn't score. I hope whatever it is will be corrected by Sunday and we maul the Lions.
That is my point about being concerned about the team. WE need to score more if we are going to make a serious run. We will not beat The Steelers with only scoring 14 or the Gmen in round #2 for that matter.
MonkFan4Life 10-22-2008, 12:59 AM You know what ? I know what 52-7 felt like. I remember what 36-0, 37-0, 45-10, and 41-7 felt like too. Those were a list of a couple other times the Skins were blown out dating back to 1998. I wonder if their fans gave a shit how WE felt. FUCK THEM. If the players feel like shit, sorry. You don't care about the opponent when you're celebrating either. No one is saying to go for it on 4th down like Belibitch did last year while running the score up. If they get blown out then they do. But to say that I should have some kind of remorse because I know what it's like as a fan to watch a blow out ? Hell fuck ass no !
I hope the Skins beat the Dogshit out of the Lions on Sunday, just like I hope for every game.