10-19-2008, 06:45 PM
sometimes i wonder what you guys are thinking .. that last drive woud have been fine if Jason Cambell didn't fall on his ass .. and the snap was HIGH .. Suisham is a good kicker, how many times has he nailed kicks for us .. how about the 3 kicks vs Dallas ?? relax .. we get the ball at half .. i predict CP will carry the load the rest of the way . 200 yards today for CP #26
I'm with you. I see nothing to be too down about. No TO's like last week so far, and Portis is moving the pile. Just like to see more shots down field to open things up and give Portis a little more room. If the D had been playing off looking for the pas, Portis could have broken one or two of those runs by now.
I'm with you. I see nothing to be too down about. No TO's like last week so far, and Portis is moving the pile. Just like to see more shots down field to open things up and give Portis a little more room. If the D had been playing off looking for the pas, Portis could have broken one or two of those runs by now.