10-06-2008, 12:22 AM
Adding to that...
Chris Horton - When a player with the ball goes down in the pros, the play is not over, next time do touch the player. Some people say that Rogers was at fault, but he was coming with enough momentum that had he try to touch Jackson he would have hit him and probably would have drawn a foul. Horton had enough time to slow down and touch him.
Devin Thomas - I think you are leading the league in offensive pass interferences, STOP IT!
ARE - Sure you threw a TD, but you drop three balls. Work on that.
Yeah, those were very costly. On the third one you could see how annoyed Campbell was.
10-06-2008, 12:28 AM
Brooks needs to work on Punting the ball with some more distance and hangtime.
10-06-2008, 12:34 AM
Brooks needs to work on Punting the ball with some more distance and hangtime.
In other words he has do his job better in every respect.
10-06-2008, 07:58 AM
getting back to Greg Lewis, lets be fair. could he really start on any other team? kind of like their modern Todd Pinkston. the guy sucks
10-06-2008, 08:12 AM
ARE, you are a professional football player, catch the ball.
That's really it.
10-06-2008, 08:46 AM
Brooks was piss poor.
ARE needs to catch balls. He does look better returning punts minus the one he shouldve fair-caught.
We don't have a good enough pass rush to play zone D. Don't know who to call out there. Just fix it or toss it out.
ARE simply had a bad day catching the ball, normally he's pretty sure handed so I'll give him a pass for now. He helped make up for it with that TD toss.
10-06-2008, 03:17 PM
ARE simply had a bad day catching the ball, normally he's pretty sure handed so I'll give him a pass for now. He helped make up for it with that TD toss.
I agree, and he ran that play perfectly. He sold the run well, and was patient enough to wait for Cooley to get open.
A lot of times, when that play is run, players will show their hand too early by running laterally and not tucking the ball. ARE ran towards the line of scrimmage and didn't show pass until just the right time. It's a hard play to execute, and he did it very well.
10-06-2008, 03:33 PM
It's cliche to blame Devin Thomas every week. So I won't. Instead, I'm going to rewatch the game this week to see Carlos Rogers lay the smackdown on the Eagles offense.
On a related note, does anyone else think that McNabb throws a very uncatchable ball? I mean he sees zones very well but his completion percentage is always far below where it should be in Reid's offense. It's cliche to blame the receivers over this, but we've seen 8+ years of WR turnover and Philly, and no one can really catch his passes.
I mean, yeah Greg Lewis sucks, but at somepoint, doesn't the blame for not adjusting come back at McNabb?
They used to say the same thing in Atlanta. Vick never had any decent receivers, blah blah blah. Matt Ryan seems to be doing just fine with them. McNabb has an ugly habit of throwing the ball directly into the ground or 3 feet over his receiver's head. Always has, and at this point in his career, he probably always will.