09-02-2004, 10:19 AM
I am in Baltimore. So far, the preaseason games which were not nationally televised have been on comcast in Baltimore (channel 9 or 10 - local espn). I was wondering if anyone knows whether this will be continued during the regular season.
Although local affilliates can choose to broadcast a "regional" game, the default choice is the game chosen by the network. Unless faced with no other options, the Baltimore stations don't show the Skins games. Basically, Baltimore stations only shows about half the Skins games during the year.
Since the preseason games are on comcast, I was hoping I wouldn't have to climb on the roof and hook the antenna up to get the DC stations for the away games this year. Anyone got a clue?
Although local affilliates can choose to broadcast a "regional" game, the default choice is the game chosen by the network. Unless faced with no other options, the Baltimore stations don't show the Skins games. Basically, Baltimore stations only shows about half the Skins games during the year.
Since the preseason games are on comcast, I was hoping I wouldn't have to climb on the roof and hook the antenna up to get the DC stations for the away games this year. Anyone got a clue?