Smoot Lays The Smack Down (Week 2)

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09-15-2008, 03:46 PM
You're good. And even though I didn't want to pay that much for water, I preferred staying cool to suffering heat stroke or something worse. I got paid on Friday so I was in good financial shape too, after I got my bills taken care of.

I was unfairly busting your chops because your story remind me of buddy of mine. He is 35 now, like me, and still has the biggest money problems ever. He will be like I don't have money for rent or food blah blah...then you seem him the next week and he has a new TV or video game or whatever. I am just like what the hell????? I have been his friend since third grade, even in High School he would be like I don't have any lunch money, then by the end of the week he was buying a new game or going to a concert. Gee I wonder if he just saved all his lunch money and mouched off others??? LOSER.

I am not putting you in this class Mooby just teasing you a bit.

Sheriff Gonna Getcha
09-15-2008, 06:59 PM
I didn't realize it was that hot in DC. I couldn't hear the game announcers (I presume they talked about the heat) and I do not live in the DC area. I guess I'll give the fans a pass for last Sunday. I won't give them a pass for just about every other Sunday. It seems like every time the TV cameras pan to the seats at FedEx, about 1/3 of the seats are empty.

09-15-2008, 07:01 PM
Portis said it was one of the hottest games he's ever played in. Considering he played at the U that's saying something.

09-15-2008, 07:07 PM
Yeah I mean really, I was thinking the same thing...but there was some serious issues there yesterday in that if people didnt show up/sit down due to the heat...I really can't blame them because it was absolutley BRUTAL... I was pretty dehydtrated myself after the game and didnt feel too good last night...I think that had alot to do with it, as it was really really draining.

I actually got a last minute invite yesterday morning while sitting on my new leather couch enjoying reading about fantasy football in the A/C... and I said thanks but no thanks. Call me be a bad fan, but I've been to enough games in The Swamp in Gainesville to know how brutal FedEx would feel.

09-15-2008, 08:32 PM
I didn't realize it was that hot in DC. I couldn't hear the game announcers (I presume they talked about the heat) and I do not live in the DC area. I guess I'll give the fans a pass for last Sunday. I won't give them a pass for just about every other Sunday. It seems like every time the TV cameras pan to the seats at FedEx, about 1/3 of the seats are empty.

Maybe they should do loyalty points like they do with the Terps! LOL. Yeah, I know, students get their tickets for free.


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