09-08-2008, 04:21 PM
Matt Ryan and Joe Flacco have to get this award. For other positions it is a bit easier to get the hang of the speed of the NFL because the focus is never soely on the shoulders of an outside linebacker or a wide out. Middle linebacker and quarterback are the two most demanding positions for a rookie and Ryan and Flocco both stepped in on terrible football teams and made a positive impact.
09-08-2008, 05:51 PM
yeah..poor norv..he was always a good coach even when he was here
Slingin Sammy 33
09-08-2008, 06:59 PM
Delhomme & McNabb (unfortunately for us) appear to be back.
Turner is a monster.
Units that impressed:
Chicago's OL, who was much maligned in the off-season HANDLED Indy.
Steelers OL
Those that didn't impress:
Al Saunders offense in STL (LOL)
Redskin Warrior
09-08-2008, 06:59 PM
tony romo
He impressed me too but I wasn't going to be the first one to admit it.
09-08-2008, 07:10 PM
I'm giving it to Michael "The Burner" Turner and Matt Ryan. I've been waiting all these years to see what Turner could do if he was a featured back in an offense and needless to say he didn't disappoint me in his starting debut. Matt Ryan also did a lot better than most rookie quarterbacks I've seen over the years.
I'd give the credit to Dallas's OL before Romo. He had all freaking day to throw back there. It was ridiculous.
09-08-2008, 07:16 PM
How about fast Willie Parker written for dead before the season? That boy is back.
09-08-2008, 07:17 PM
Derrick Frost.......of the Green Bay Packers! Nice Punt!
09-08-2008, 07:29 PM
Jake Delhomme to Dante Rosario. To crush ole Norvells home season openers game winning plans.
Great pass and catch with zero on the clock!