Looking ahead to the Saints

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09-09-2008, 02:34 PM
I will say the same thing i said last week....get portis involved early and often. As much I like throwing the ball all over the field i believe the strength of our team at this point is portis and betts. the passing game will come along but thats not what we do best yet. If we can establish a run, get springs in the game, and bring the pain from the ends....AC and Jt...i like our chances.

I agree that CP and Betts need to be involved but teams know the Skins cant pass so it will be difficult to get the running game going. Teams dont respect the Skins passing game so they can totally key on stopping the run and darng the Skins to beat them with the pass.

Soup's Uncle
09-09-2008, 03:35 PM
Man, this website is turning into the bicker house. One loss and everyone craps their pants.

I think I am one of the only optimistic Redskins fans. I'll be at the game, 50 yard line, 10 rows behind the Saints bench talking trash.

Our D, as we all know WILL BE BETTER...Springs will be back. I'm calling my boy Laron Landry with a pickle.

Now will the O be better? That is the million dollar question. I think it will....I'm expecting big things from CP...

Should be a good game...a very winnable game.

over the mountain
09-09-2008, 03:47 PM
soup im right there with you buddy but 8 sections to your right and across the field on the skins sideline, we are a D team and i look forward to our boys running hard out there!!!!

go skins!

09-09-2008, 04:14 PM
I hope we mix up the playcalling a bit to keep the Saints D off balance. Run-Run-Pass, Run-Run-Run isnt going to cut it. Do we still have that WR option with EL or the HB option with CP in this offense?

09-09-2008, 10:38 PM
I'm new here and a Saints fan, but I must say...this is by far one of the classiest threads I've ever seen about an opposing team. I mean this is like the opposite of any Eagles message board I've ever been to. (And I say this fully disclosing the fact that I've engaged in some pretty nasty trash talk on the Saints behalf in my day.)
I'll be at the game this weekend and of course I'll be rooting my Saints on! I can only hope the fans in the stands are as classy as you guys seem to be!

09-09-2008, 10:59 PM
I'm new here and a Saints fan, but I must say...this is by far one of the classiest threads I've ever seen about an opposing team. I mean this is like the opposite of any Eagles message board I've ever been to. (And I say this fully disclosing the fact that I've engaged in some pretty nasty trash talk on the Saints behalf in my day.)
I'll be at the game this weekend and of course I'll be rooting my Saints on! I can only hope the fans in the stands are as classy as you guys seem to be!

There's your problem right there.

You're going to an Eagles message board. If you ever expect anyone to be classy, you're going to be in for a rude awakening.

Good luck on Sunday! (But not too much luck ;))

09-10-2008, 05:39 AM
My hopes for the Saints in DC are as follows:

1. The D line continues to get push.

Sunday was fun to watch, and even with a mobile QB such as Garcia the line was able to get pressure all day. Even when he was able to get the ball to receivers there was pressure while he threw. I like Campbell and all, but he looked confused and immobile against the Giants... NO should be in his face all day.

2. More Colston, please.

I understand the gameplan for the Bucs included a more spread offense and a LOT of Reggie. But I would like to see NO best WR get more face time and let him do what he does. This is not saying I don't want to see Reggie run wild, but I want to see Colston get at least 6 or 7 catches.

3. Shockey, Shockey, Shockey.

Sunday was a nice debut. But in DC I want Shock to place the fear of the football Gods into the Skins. I want to see screencaps all day Monday of the confused Washington defensive player's faces as they try their best to find a way to cover Shockey while still not leaving Colston or Bush huge opportunities.

4. Test Washington's D early with a shot

Don't be shy to use that playaction, Payton. When Devery caught that TD pass Sunday it brought back a flood of feelings that I hadn't really felt since 06. The feeling that "yeah... we'll catch back up".

5. MM back in action alongside Porter

The kid really shined Sunday and there is no reason to "demote" him against a weaker offense this Sunday. I'm really looking forward to watching him mature in front of our eyes into a real playmaker.

6. Got Bush?

What can I say about the most athletic and explosive player the Saints have ever had? Sunday was like a "rebirth" of sorts for Reggie after the disappointing and injury riddled 07. He ran with authority, with swagger. And also, he ran fast as all hell. I would be my last dollar that Washington is scared poopless that they are going to be made fools of... especially their linebackers. Expect a LOT of plays that use Reggie as a decoy Sunday and even more that put him where he can do what he does best.


09-10-2008, 10:13 AM
I just want us to look prepared on offense. We've had extra time to get ready. Just look like an NFL team, not some rinky dink high school offense. No excuse not to move the ball against a below average defense at home.

On defense I want to see a pass rush from Taylor and Carter. Cause if we don't knock Brees around it's going to be a long day. That dude doesn't have the strongest arm, and he's not 6'4 and 230 lbs, actually I don't even think he's 6'0 tall, but he just knows how to play QB and gets the job done.

09-10-2008, 12:39 PM
sorry but you must not tune in for a lot of saints games. the saints offense is built around alot of short quick passes and 3-5 yard runs. the saints have alot of drives where they keep hitting, and hitting, and hitting, then they hit you with the knockout punch on a 30+ yard touchdown.

the saints offense struggled at times in the first half, but they made adjustments and got shockey involved in the second half. they looked like the saints offense that i'm used too seeing. i'd expect too see alot more of the saints moving the ball this weekend. no disrepect too your team, but yall don't have the d tampa has.

the saints d got alot of good pressure on garcia all day. they only brought him down twice but they were in his face all day and forced him too use his legs too make plays. garcia completed around 58% of his passes. and he threw the ball 41 times, so the saints d were able to force him too throw the ball. the saints corners were glued onto the bucs recievers alot throughout the day and the bucs recievers made a couple plays. but the most important thing, and the thing im most proud of is that the saints defense were able to make plays when needed. the bucs o was 0-9 on 3rd down conversion going into the 4th quarter. they finished 2-12. and as for the running game the numbers were not reflected on the way the saints stopped the run. they played good but gave up two plays, one being a 46 yarder. as i said earlier in this thread, that's what scares me. they will hold the opposing rusher too a 3 yard average the entire game but will then give up a huge 30+ yard carry.

the saints bit themselves alot in this game. 6 penaltys in the first half. a olinemen missed his block on that interception play and if that would not have happended that play could have been a potential touchdown because there was nothing but green in front of moore. i would put my money on the saints getting something from that drive. nobody knows what would have actually happened, but that would have made it a 31-13 saints win, if my maths right lol.

and one of the things i'm most excited about is that deuce or aaron stecker never saw the field, our two top recievers only caught 4 passes, shockey didn't really get involved until the 3rd or 4th quarter. and the saints leader in the secondary, mike mckenzie, didn't dress. nor did the other starting corner usama young.

I am a Skins fan who lives near New Orleans so I actually see too many, for my taste, Saints games.

I'll stick by what I said and take your comments as support for my position. Take away the 30+ yard plays which you touted and the Saints have a harder time scoring. You just have to make them earn their yards.

I would put the Skins D up against the Tampa D any day.

If you stop a teams' running game some, and then give up a big run, that is NOT stopping the run. Allowing the other team 7 yards per carry is not stopping the run and no excuses change this fact. So my point remains - Tampa was able to run the ball well on the Saints and I think Washington can do it, too.

09-10-2008, 01:44 PM
My question now is.... If and I mean IFFF we beat the Saints this weekend, is it cheapened by the lack of Colston? Or did his minimal involvement in week 1 really solidify the fact that they have a great QB who can use anyone?

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