08-29-2008, 12:56 PM
I prefer to have the panic button in hand with my thumb on the button with just enough pressure to take the slack out.
I would also enjoy having a panic button that is voice activated so if something where to impair my ability to physically press the button I could just scream and it would activate.
In the even that my voice is compromised, I would like a panic button that monitors my heart rate and is triggered when it either goes too high, too low or any combination of inconsistent extremes (e.g. Smoot gets his hands on an INT in our endzone but then drops it).
08-29-2008, 12:58 PM
Why can't they look sharp and be tired of the preseason? It shouldn't be mutually exclusive.
Human nature.
How often do you perform a task with excellence that completely bores you and carries the risk of an injury that could alter your career?
08-29-2008, 12:59 PM
Doesn't this whole thread contradict what the team said all last week about wanting to get back out there and redeem themselves?
Edit: I thnk that Campbell was trying to play down another sub par performance.
08-29-2008, 01:09 PM
Well if this team is not putting forth their best effort when on the field we have some big issues. Maybe we can point to some of CP comment or the comment CC made on his site about practice.
08-29-2008, 01:44 PM
you know what? about tryon..little do we forget that corners typically take alot longer to develop in this league than at any other position except qb. Especially if you are not imbibed with the sick killa physical skills to start out with...look at carlos...he just now may be having his breakout year...look at took him a minute. Im not saying tryon is the man..but im saying give him some time
Well if this team is not putting forth their best effort when on the field we have some big issues. Maybe we can point to some of CP comment or the comment CC made on his site about practice.
Welcome to the preseason. I don't think you'd have any trouble finding 31 other teams that aren't playing to win this time of year, and therefore aren't putting out their best efforts on the field.
Doesn't this whole thread contradict what the team said all last week about wanting to get back out there and redeem themselves?
Edit: I thnk that Campbell was trying to play down another sub par performance.
Kinda tough to do in such limited time. 7 plays to be exact.
08-29-2008, 01:56 PM
lets just rally behind jc...for the first 4 games..everybody stand strong behind our tall dark, athletic brother...when he falters...its time to put the shades on and play hawaii five o
08-29-2008, 02:16 PM
I'd love to be proven wrong, but these past two performances have to be indicative of something. These guys don't care that they've looked like complete shit?? If Zorn isn't satisfied, but the players are, that says something about their commitment to the coach. If our second teamers are getting their ass kicked by their second teamers, that says something about our depth. Again, it's the pre-season and tv interviews are basically a collection of cliches that don't provide anyone with the real story. I'm just hoping the Redskins are pissed and ready to f-up the Giants ring party next Thursday. ARRRGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
Cooley says we should relax (