70Chip 08-19-2008, 11:06 PM 1. No one ever really properly defended the slip screen to Moss.
2. A lot more things go wrong with 5 man pass pro than do with 6 or 7.
3. The best play sequence in goal to go, is run pass run, regardles of the yardage needed.
4. Clinton Portis is the best ball player on your team.
5. Gadget plays work the best in the 3rd quarter and on 2nd down.
6. Special Team Trick Plays are way under-utilized.
7. In goaline, it's best to have two receivers run the baseline.
8. Don't lean too heavily on draws or screeens early on in the season.
9. Get your QB moving with designed rolls. sprints, whatever.
10. Only go for it based on the crowd in December and January.
That'll do.
http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:p6CoMAw0iCKKhM:http://communities.canada.com/saskatoonstarphoenix/photos/ilovelamp/images/89112/480x480.aspx (http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://communities.canada.com/saskatoonstarphoenix/photos/ilovelamp/images/89112/480x480.aspx&imgrefurl=http://communities.canada.com/saskatoonstarphoenix/blogs/ilovelamp/archive/2007/07/04/the-greatest-of-all-time.aspx&h=480&w=480&sz=30&hl=en&start=5&sig2=4KdviA6p99v78_yCI5bjZw&tbnid=p6CoMAw0iCKKhM:&tbnh=129&tbnw=129&ei=0HerSNGGJZXWevODgS0&prev=/images%3Fq%3DDennis%2BHopper%2BHoosiers%26gbv%3D2% 26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DG)
skinsfan_nn 08-19-2008, 11:26 PM Not that it's worth a shit....lol
You get a D just for trying, beats an F......but you at least attempted a Top 10, I think?
I don't think Zorn will be taking any of your free play calling advice there 70, but #10 isn't to bad, always do what the paying crowd wants you to do, JUST GO FOR IT.
lol nice Hoosiers reference
The Goat 08-20-2008, 01:04 AM Well here goes...
1) Especially early in the season, test the o-line and force it to find its mean streak. That means a balls to walls rushing attack w/ Thomas pulling often. What is more probable in the first year of the WCO w/ smallish starting receivers: a dominant running game or a dominant passing game? The passing game will have to develop as the season progresses but we can/should be a dominant running team two minutes into week 1.
2) Continuing on the ground game... work Betts and Portis into the game together on maybe half the rushing plays. Smashmouth football will get us a long ways, but using Betts and Portis together will create misdirection and pay dividends.
3) Play to JC's advantage w/ lots of big target sets early in the season (to build his confidence). This could mean moving Cooley, Davis and maybe Kelly around a lot.
4) Again early in the season, avoid testing our pass protection. Until it becomes clear whether Jansen can still handle top d-ends we should always provide him w/ help on the deeper route plays. We can't risk JC getting plastered and dinged up early.
5) Take at least 3 or 4 deep shots per quarter and not always to Moss.
Ruhskins 08-20-2008, 03:07 AM Well here goes...
1) Especially early in the season, test the o-line and force it to find its mean streak. That means a balls to walls rushing attack w/ Thomas pulling often. What is more probable in the first year of the WCO w/ smallish starting receivers: a dominant running game or a dominant passing game? The passing game will have to develop as the season progresses but we can/should be a dominant running team two minutes into week 1.
2) Continuing on the ground game... work Betts and Portis into the game together on maybe half the rushing plays. Smashmouth football will get us a long ways, but using Betts and Portis together will create misdirection and pay dividends.
3) Play to JC's advantage w/ lots of big target sets early in the season (to build his confidence). This could mean moving Cooley, Davis and maybe Kelly around a lot.
4) Again early in the season, avoid testing our pass protection. Until it becomes clear whether Jansen can still handle top d-ends we should always provide him w/ help on the deeper route plays. We can't risk JC getting plastered and dinged up early.
5) Take at least 3 or 4 deep shots per quarter and not always to Moss.
I agree with your #5 especially if our tall receivers Thomas/Kelly develop into deep threats. And my opinion on gadget/trick plays...I dunno but I feel we shouldn't do them if we have fallen behind in the game (i.e. that reversed we ran with S. Moss during the game against Green Bay [when we were down] which resulted in a fumble recovered and ran in for a score).
4thGenRedskin21 08-20-2008, 07:38 AM Ruhskins, actually, we were winning when we ran that reverse to moss, because he fimbled it and they picked it up and ran in back for 6 and that was the go ahead score.
But yeah, this thread is comedy... someone from the internet seriously trying to give a NFL coach advice on playcalling. I hope you were joking hahahahahahahahahahaha
Ruhskins 08-20-2008, 09:59 AM Ruhskins, actually, we were winning when we ran that reverse to moss, because he fimbled it and they picked it up and ran in back for 6 and that was the go ahead score.
But yeah, this thread is comedy... someone from the internet seriously trying to give a NFL coach advice on playcalling. I hope you were joking hahahahahahahahahahaha
Ah yes, you are correct.
GoSkins! 08-20-2008, 10:14 AM 70Chip.
11. Don't forget that you can rush Carter AND Taylor from the same side if you put Evans at the other DE. (make sure you take a nice picture of how wide the OT's eyes get when they see those guys).
firstdown 08-20-2008, 10:30 AM 12. On short playes like 4th and 1 fake the snap and have Rabach move the chains.
Ade Jimoh Fan Club 08-20-2008, 10:54 AM Here's my 2 cents:
Never, ever punt if you are on the opponents side of the field.
Think about it - if you are on their 40 and it's 4th down you have two choices:
1) Go for it - you have at least a 25-30 % chance of converting first down.
2) Punt and likely they will get the ball on the 20 yard line. So you gave up 20 yards for a chance to keep momentum? I'll take that every time.
Plus, I say throw it up - an INT deep in their territory is the same as a punt except we actually have a chance of converting, whereas with a punt we do not.