08-06-2008, 10:53 AM
10Am-Noon. Sorry for the late posting, just remembered myself. Should be interesting to see what Schien thinks. He hated the way Zorn was hired (IE everyone else turned us down so we were out of options). Plus he hates coordinators being hired before a HC. Anyways, should be interested
08-06-2008, 10:57 AM
I'm really glad you posted this, I had forgotten about it.
Soup's Uncle
08-06-2008, 11:00 AM
My work sucks, they don't let us stream audio SO I CAN'T LISTEN TO MY SIRIUS ONLINE!
Please when it's over, someone post some highlights or something. Thanks.
Solly we say hellooooo to Matty from NY, he's next on Sirius NFL radiooooooooooooo.
Hey Matty bring it!
Hey Adam I just wanted to know what's up with your stupid big radio voice.
08-06-2008, 11:04 AM
I don't mind Adam's voice. For those if you that can stream you can sign up for a 3 day trial at SIRIUS Satellite Radio - SIRIUS Internet Radio (http://www.sirius.com/siriusinternetradio)
Uh oh here comes the Colt lovers. They're quickly shooting him down as expected.
08-06-2008, 11:24 AM
Well, you can't compare Colt Brennan to Tom Brady. Just makes the caller look like a jackass.
Well, you can't compare Colt Brennan to Tom Brady. Just makes the caller look like a jackass.
I wonder if that was Angry
Zorn coming up next after the break.