SmootSmack 07-13-2008, 10:26 PM I don't know, this is alot of pressure where putting on him. If i was him( and i'm no where as good as him) but i would actully like to sit down for one year trying to erase that Al's BS playbook and know our team knows the WCO perfectly next year.
I just don't want JC on that term( one bad year = new QB) type of thing. Although Brennan is tempting.
I don't know what you're getting at with the Brennan bit at the end, you lost me there.
But as for Campbell wanting to sit down a year, that seems pretty ridiculous. I mean imagine you're Jim Zorn, Vinny Cerrato, or Dan Snyder and Campbell comes up to you and says "This is too hard for me, I want to sit out a year" I don't know what you'd think, but my first reaction would be "Good riddance, you're getting paid millions to play a competitive sport. If you don't want to compete, you don't gotta go home but you gotta go."
smoot27 07-13-2008, 10:36 PM I don't know what you're getting at with the Brennan bit at the end, you lost me there.
But as for Campbell wanting to sit down a year, that seems pretty ridiculous. I mean imagine you're Jim Zorn, Vinny Cerrato, or Dan Snyder and Campbell comes up to you and says "This is too hard for me, I want to sit out a year" I don't know what you'd think, but my first reaction would be "Good riddance, you're getting paid millions to play a competiive. If you don't want to compete, you don't gotta go home but you gotta go."
JC would want to start of course, but the reason i'm saying bench him for one year *for Favre* is for Favre should progress the O alot faster. If you have JC this year he could end up not the high expectation, but where saying 20 TD's 10 INT's and stuff which is good how ever the team is gonna take time. I mean alot of us have said JC well end up good in 3 years (just cause of the progress) but bring Favre in here would speed things up.
I say JC wouldn't mind at all. This is his role-model and JC could learn alot from Favre . These Rookie WR's could take time too but maybe with Favre who knows we could have one of them 600-700 yards. Its not an superbowl run no, but this sure as hell could speed things up epically if Zorn is new and the offensive coordinator is new i mean really how good are we sure this O can be?.
All i'm saying is why not..........one year is all we need JC could start next year all he wants and no more QB's at all but its gonna be an problem for alot of us skins if he doesn't act quick. But basically this is all progress and when i saw Romo come of the bench I thought he would suck,but again he was benched and what happened?. If your saying JC is gonna complain if he doesn't start ...nop i doubt it, JC also said he learned alot in one day from Favre and there both from the same place so i dont see why not.
skinsfan69 07-13-2008, 10:43 PM GB should just clean their hands of this mess and flat out release him and sign a vet. back-up like Culpepper. Just cause Farve played well last year doesn't mean he can repeat that performace a year later. He hasn't been working out all off season or doing any of the OTA's/minicamps. Sorry but he's not going to walk into someones camp and light the world on fire. If I were Ted T. I'd let him go and turn the page. Enough is enough. Let someone else deal with this drama.
SmootSmack 07-13-2008, 10:47 PM JC would want to start of course, but the reason i'm saying bench him for one year *for Favre* is for Favre should progress the O alot faster. If you have JC this year he could end up not the high expectation, but where saying 20 TD's 10 INT's and stuff which is good how ever the team is gonna take time. I mean alot of us have said JC well end up good in 3 years (just cause of the progress) but bring Favre in here would speed things up.
I say JC wouldn't mind at all. This is his role-model and JC could learn alot from Favre . These Rookie WR's could take time too but maybe with Favre who knows we could have one of them 600-700 yards. Its not an superbowl run no, but this sure as hell could speed things up epically if Zorn is new and the offensive coordinator is new i mean really how good are we sure this O can be?.
All i'm saying is why not..........one year is all we need JC could start next year all he wants and no more QB's at all but its gonna be an problem for alot of us skins if he doesn't act quick. But basically this is all progress and when i saw Romo come of the bench I thought he would suck,but again he was benched and what happened?. If your saying JC is gonna complain if he doesn't start ...nop i doubt it, JC also said he learned alot in one day from Favre and there both from the same place so i dont see why not.
I guess I just don't get what it would be speeding up. I mean you even say it's not a Super Bowl run. It doesn't speed anything up if he (Favre) just leaves after one non-Super Bowl year with the Redskins.
onlydarksets 07-13-2008, 10:56 PM JC would want to start of course, but the reason i'm saying bench him for one year *for Favre* is for Favre should progress the O alot faster. If you have JC this year he could end up not the high expectation, but where saying 20 TD's 10 INT's and stuff which is good how ever the team is gonna take time. I mean alot of us have said JC well end up good in 3 years (just cause of the progress) but bring Favre in here would speed things up .
I say JC wouldn't mind at all. This is his role-model and JC could learn alot from Favre . These Rookie WR's could take time too but maybe with Favre who knows we could have one of them 600-700 yards. Its not an superbowl run no, but this sure as hell could speed things up epically if Zorn is new and the offensive coordinator is new i mean really how good are we sure this O can be?.
All i'm saying is why not..........one year is all we need JC could start next year all he wants and no more QB's at all but its gonna be an problem for alot of us skins if he doesn't act quick. But basically this is all progress and when i saw Romo come of the bench I thought he would suck,but again he was benched and what happened?. If your saying JC is gonna complain if he doesn't start ...nop i doubt it, JC also said he learned alot in one day from Favre and there both from the same place so i dont see why not.
I'd stay down on this one, if I were you. It just doesn't make sense.
rypper11 07-13-2008, 11:04 PM Looking at Packers message boards, it's really interesting how many Packers fans (nearly all) are siding with Favre and not Ted Thompson. Makes you wonder how rabid Packers fans for the past two decades really have been. Have they just been rooting for Favre all this time?
What? You don't think any loyal fan base would be the same as Packers right now? I know we don't have any long term Skin future HOF'ers on the team now but we all wanted to let Darrell Green play as long as he wanted. Nickel, dime, punt return, didn't matter. An NFL MVP and SB winning QB gets even more loyalty than a CB.
smoot27 07-13-2008, 11:27 PM I guess I just don't get what it would be speeding up. I mean you even say it's not a Super Bowl run. It doesn't speed anything up if he (Favre) just leaves after one non-Super Bowl year with the Redskins.
But sure as hell will speed the O up from three years too just one. I mean again if Zorn felt comfortable with the passing than why did he say" where gonna run the ball alot *in meaning 70% of the time*. And its no harm there when you have CP back at his best with the scheme he did similar to Broncos.
smoot27 07-13-2008, 11:31 PM I'd stay down on this one, if I were you. It just doesn't make sense.
It would make sense to know an QB has the most pressure on the team to do something instead of just learning one year under the guy he looks up too( as well as Mcnair).
To be honest would you want to start in an new offense and know if you mist up bad this year could mean alot?. Not to mention more pressure after and having an un-questionable QB drafted to maybe end up taking your spot?.
That Guy 07-14-2008, 12:20 AM sorry, smoot, but in one day you've done enough to land on my ignore list... that's really quite a feat. I'd argue your points, but... well, it'd be pointless.
SmootSmack 07-14-2008, 12:38 AM sorry, smoot, but in one day you've done enough to land on my ignore list... that's really quite a feat. I'd argue your points, but... well, it'd be pointless.
I'm hurt...oh, wait