Jacqueline Kent Cooke: Heiress Arrested

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07-04-2008, 10:41 AM
Well, I'm assuming she's a resident of the state of Texas, which is why I posted those numbers. Regardless, my point was she can attend a good public university in whatever state she resides and pay much less than the $23K in tuition at SMU.

Ok,but here is the question ...why should she have to?She is the child of a very wealthy man and he ...the estate or family can pay why should the state money go to her instead of someone that really needs it?She is getting screwed buy her family....her mom is a BITCH but don't take it out on the kid......her dad was a SOB also, had he done his homework the Danny would'nt have the Skins now and things would be better....IMHO.

07-04-2008, 11:59 AM
WOW....It sounds like JKC knew what he was doing with his dough. I agree with some of you peeps. It's his money so he did whatever he thought was right. As for his daughter she will get off easy.

07-04-2008, 08:43 PM
WOW....It sounds like JKC knew what he was doing with his dough. I agree with some of you peeps. It's his money so he did whatever he thought was right. As for his daughter she will get off easy.

How?I mean just read this thread she is a girl in college who screwed up,if anyone here went to college we all pretty much did the same thing ...she got caught.Let me ask this ,how many of you out there when you make a mistake or screw up is it put in the paper the next day.....a National paper and what was her big crime,her dad was a horney old man who fought with his wife (actualy all his wives) and your step brother who is 50 years older than you is mad at you becuase his old man screwed him out of one the Major NFL teams,yeah she's a brat all right....maybe she has reason?

07-04-2008, 10:01 PM
Folks, I would like to start a fund to help this poor girl get back on her feat. Who's in? I'd like to raise at least 20K to help her partly cover her school expenses and lawyer.

07-05-2008, 12:52 AM
How?I mean just read this thread she is a girl in college who screwed up,if anyone here went to college we all pretty much did the same thing ...she got caught.Let me ask this ,how many of you out there when you make a mistake or screw up is it put in the paper the next day.....a National paper and what was her big crime,her dad was a horney old man who fought with his wife (actualy all his wives) and your step brother who is 50 years older than you is mad at you becuase his old man screwed him out of one the Major NFL teams,yeah she's a brat all right....maybe she has reason?

Do you really know anything about Jack Kent Cooke? Did you even read the article or the posts on this thread? Sure, she got a DUI. But the issue is how she is whining and fighting and suing her father's estate for more money. She's been getting 50K/yr her whole life so far, it goes up to 100K yr as soon as she hits 21, and once she's 35 she'll get in the neighborhood of 500-600K/yr for the rest of her life. And she's bitching about it, and clearly has a pompous, holier than thou attitude. JKC only left his eldest son $25M, which is a lot, but peanuts compared to his $1 billion+ fortune. He wasn't into showering family with absurd amounts of money. So what?

07-05-2008, 12:42 PM
Do you really know anything about Jack Kent Cooke? Did you even read the article or the posts on this thread? Sure, she got a DUI. But the issue is how she is whining and fighting and suing her father's estate for more money. She's been getting 50K/yr her whole life so far

Seems I know more than you do ,She has not gotten 50 grand a year, that went to Mom and I admit it's not chump change and it did not start till after the court fight I think she was 10 .The estate of JKC has been nickel and dimeing this kid to death in a fight with her Mom.....monies that belong to the child.The Money might have been awarded but it has been appealed many times.Dn't like her mom fine I can see that but to pick on the kid becuase see will ...years down the road make more money then you is infantile.

07-05-2008, 03:04 PM
Seems I know more than you do ,She has not gotten 50 grand a year, that went to Mom and I admit it's not chump change and it did not start till after the court fight I think she was 10 .The estate of JKC has been nickel and dimeing this kid to death in a fight with her Mom.....monies that belong to the child.The Money might have been awarded but it has been appealed many times.Dn't like her mom fine I can see that but to pick on the kid becuase see will ...years down the road make more money then you is infantile.

Wait, you think I'm "picking" on the kid because down the road she'll "make" more money than me?? That's a laughable, and, well, infantile assumption. First of all, inheriting money is much different than "making" it. Second, I'm giving her and her family a hard time for suing the estate for 9 figures when she's set to inherit millions anyway. I'm giving her family a hard time for suggesting that she's being denied a right to an education because the foundation is not showering them with more cash. And I'm also ragging on her for her lame drunken behavior while tooling around in her BMW underage and hammered at 5am. She's young so she'll get a pass character-wise from me for the DUI if it's an isolated incident, but that doesn't mean she's above being criticized for it.

The whole "poor us" attitude they're taking is so lame. If you read my earlier posts on this thread, you would have seen my big beef is with the greed and helpless position they're taking. Using words like "emotional suffering" because she's not getting more money right now (she's over 18 so she gets it, not her mom) from her trust is just weak. She'll be set financially no matter what, but it's not all being given to her at once. Boo hoo. How is JKC's foundation "nickel and diming" her? By sticking to the guidlines of the trust Mr. Cooke himself set up? The foundation is simply following the plan it's founder laid out for his daughter. But what does her family do? They try to sue for over $200M. What a joke.

So forgive me for not crying a river for this chick. To do so would be infantile.

07-06-2008, 08:02 PM
Wait, you think I'm "picking" on the kid because down the road she'll "make" more money than me??

So forgive me for not crying a river for this chick. To do so would be infantile.

Thank you for proving me correct,and calling her a "chick" is infantile.

07-06-2008, 09:11 PM
Pardon me while I shed NOT A SINGLE TEAR for this young woman or for anyone else in JKC's family.

There are folks in the US-of-A who have lots of real economic problems in their lives.

There are folks in Darfur who might be eating dirt boiled in water as a soup for dinner tonight.

Those kinds of folks deserve sympathy; this twit does not!

07-06-2008, 09:42 PM
Thank you for proving me correct,and calling her a "chick" is infantile.

Huh? Proving you correct? What are you talking about? You haven't the slightest idea who I am or what my values and personality is, yet you assume my only reason for having an opinion on this is because I'm bitter or jealous about her inheritance? That's laughable. Get a clue LittleOne.

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