05-22-2008, 05:22 PM
I like his honesty. At least his wife knows exactly what she's getting.. LOL
Mr. and Mrs. Cooley's love story, written by Chrishesscl34 05-22-2008, 05:22 PM I like his honesty. At least his wife knows exactly what she's getting.. LOL GMScud 05-22-2008, 07:33 PM Well the media "rips" everyone. See Portis, Arenas, etc. but it only matters if the athlete lets it get to them. Cooley doesn't seem like the type to be phased by crap like that, so to me it's a complete non-issue. Yes and no. Ripping someone for their quirky comments (Arenas) or funny costumes/dog fighting comments (Portis) is very different than ripping someone for substance intake/abuse, be it legal or illegal. SmootSmack 05-22-2008, 08:17 PM Chill out bro. I understand what you're saying but Cooley isn't James Thrash. He likes to party and have a good time like I'm sure a lot of guys do. I'm sure once the season starts he takes care of business. I agree, and I don't want to take this off topic...but, how is it that you don't have the same view of Jason Taylor who has spent a decade showing that he takes care of business when the season starts? As for Cooley, I don't think any of us have ever had any reason to truly question his work ethic or performance and I think some might be reading too much into what he writes. GMScud 05-22-2008, 09:01 PM I agree, and I don't want to take this off topic...but, how is it that you don't have the same view of Jason Taylor who has spent a decade showing that he takes care of business when the season starts? As for Cooley, I don't think any of us have ever had any reason to truly question his work ethic or performance and I think some might be reading too much into what he writes. For me, the blog thing has never been about his performance. He's obviously been the same cool, party loving dude for a while, and has always excelled on the football field regardless. Plus (knock on wood) he never misses a game. I don't think anyone here has questioned his work ethic. But I'm really not sure why it's so hard for people here to see that an NFL star blogging repeatedly about heavy drinking could eventually be a problem. GMScud 05-22-2008, 09:29 PM Anyway, all this stuff aside, Chris is getting married tomorrow (I'm sure the bachelor party tonight will be epic). I wish him a beautiful wedding and a happy and healthy marriage. A wedding is certainly an occasion where it's acceptable to booze it up AND talk about it. So I look forward to reading his blog next week (or the week after if he's not blogging on his honeymoon). That one should be really entertaining. Skinny Tee 05-23-2008, 12:58 AM Chris has been getting a lot of national exposure recently. From his blog to his rants about rookies getting too much out of college. I heard his name a lot this offseason. HOGTIMUS PRIME 05-23-2008, 06:05 AM What a wonderful love story, especially the part where he passes out in front of his future father in law, but I have to ask the question I thought he was married at the time and all of this happened behind his wife's back? I thought I remembered something like that going on, not that I was really keeping up with the whole thing, does anyone know for sure? Or am I confusing his situation with someone else? SC Skins Fan 05-23-2008, 09:20 AM What a wonderful love story, especially the part where he passes out in front of his future father in law, but I have to ask the question I thought he was married at the time and all of this happened behind his wife's back? I thought I remembered something like that going on, not that I was really keeping up with the whole thing, does anyone know for sure? Or am I confusing his situation with someone else? You remember wrong. But I actually do think he was married briefly once before (before the NFL I think). I'm pretty sure I read that in a Washington Post article a couple of years ago. ... And after a brief search I found the link from January 2006 ... I wish I could remember important stuff the same way I collect stupid tidbits about the NFL. Captain Chaos Enjoying the Ride - washingtonpost.com (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/01/06/AR2006010602033.html) Dirtbag59 05-26-2008, 07:59 PM Here we go again with the people that can't handle the fact that a guy in his 20's likes to drink. :doh: I think any player that runs over people at the rate Chris does needs a drink to numb the pain. With that said he's looking more and more like John Riggins each and everyday. I mean I know I've said before but white guy with an afro, number in the 40's, smash mouth type of player, loves to drink, plays for the Redskins, the resemblence is uncanny. The only difference is Cooley seems to be a little more of a nice guy. Sometimes I think its interesting to wonder what Riggins would have been able to do if he played during the internet age. However I don't know if he's writing these stories on his own, but wow. Artist, writer, receiver, blocker, is there anything this guy can't do? |
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