Much to do about nothing here if you ask me. If anything Cooley is guilty of being too honest. He's not doing anything illegal.
He frequently blogs about good times he's had with friends and family and like most of us stories like that frequently involve drinking. I think because of that it might seem like he drinks more than he probably really does.
If anyone has paid attention he's also posted videos of him working out at Redskins Park. Maybe he needs to do more of that to prove he's not drinking 24/7.
SC Skins Fan 05-22-2008, 03:15 PM Much to do about nothing here if you ask me. If anything Cooley is guilty of being too honest. He's not doing anything illegal.
He frequently blogs about good times he's had with friends and family and like most of us stories like that frequently involve drinking. I think because of that it might seem like he drinks more than he probably really does.
If anyone has paid attention he's also posted videos of him working out at Redskins Park. Maybe he needs to do more of that to prove he's not drinking 24/7.
I think that is a fair point. Personally, I've never seen anything good come from alcohol consumption, so I do come at this issue with a certain set of life experiences.
GMScud 05-22-2008, 04:06 PM I'm in my 20's too (only a few months older than Chris Cooley actually), but I agree with you here. It isn't worth talking about drinking all time and, quite frankly, for people whose bodies are their livelihood it does not make a whole lot of sense to drink period. Obviously a lot of sports players do, but as a matter of economic rationality it doesn't make a whole lot of sense (like riding motorcycles or playing pick-up basketball). Not illegal (as long as you aren't driving) but not really the smartest thing to do and does have an effect on your body (even if you can compete at a high level, if you are using alcohol on a consistent basis you are not maximizing your physical potential University Health Center | AOD | Alcohol and Athletic Performance (http://www.uhs.uga.edu/aod/athletic-performance.html)). I don't know how much Chris Cooley drinks, and so far there has not been any problem so obviously he can do as he wants, but there is more negative that can come from drinking than positive. If nothing else talking about getting hammered opens you to criticism so it is probably in his own interest to keep it out of the blogging.
Hallelujah!! Someone sees what I'm saying. I guess I wasn't being clear enough, although I thought I was.
I never said he shouldn't drink, I said he shouldn't brag about it so much. Period. He's not in college anymore. It obviously doesn't affect his on field performance, but there's no need to mention drinking your future father in law "under the table." I'm glad he's an honest dude, but he's going a tad overboard.
GMScud 05-22-2008, 04:08 PM Much to do about nothing here if you ask me. If anything Cooley is guilty of being too honest. He's not doing anything illegal.
He frequently blogs about good times he's had with friends and family and like most of us stories like that frequently involve drinking. I think because of that it might seem like he drinks more than he probably really does.
If anyone has paid attention he's also posted videos of him working out at Redskins Park. Maybe he needs to do more of that to prove he's not drinking 24/7.
Is anyone insinuating he's drinking 24/7? I don't know how many different ways I have to say it. I have NO ISSUE with him drinking. I have an issue with him bragging about it in nearly every blog he posts. This isn't a college kid's myspace page. It's a nationally read blog on Yahoo. He's a probowl NFL TE. He shouldn't quit drinking, but he should quit glorifying it so openly.
GMScud 05-22-2008, 04:10 PM Chill out bro. I understand what you're saying but Cooley isn't James Thrash. He likes to party and have a good time like I'm sure a lot of guys do. I'm sure once the season starts he takes care of business.
ARGGGGHHHH!!! Read my posts BRO! I never said he shouldn't party!!!!
skinsguy 05-22-2008, 04:17 PM Only issue I'd have with him blogging about drinking would be glorifying the drinking to younger, under aged folks who might happen to read his blog. Other than that, I see good points on both sides of the fence.
Well, to be honest, I just really have issue with Chris not providing more pictures of his hottie girl! :-D
mooby 05-22-2008, 04:49 PM I don't care about his drinking as long as it doesn't become a problem and he keeps it seperate from his football life. As for talking about it on his blog, well I'm sure he knows by being open like he is that he is opening himself up to criticism as well, so if it comes he will handle it.
Besides, how many people have read an athlete's blog and thought, man this guy's blog is so boring, he doesn't really go into detail and he always keeps everything PG in it. I wish he'd open up more so we could truly get a better idea of what he's like, instead of getting the impression that he's a stiff necked a-hole who's constantly concerned about his image.
Well, I'd rather have a Chris Cooley, who so far has been pretty much open about everything and isn't concerned what people think of him, than a guy like that.
skinsfan69 05-22-2008, 05:00 PM ARGGGGHHHH!!! Read my posts BRO! I never said he shouldn't party!!!!
I did. I hear what you're sayin. I just like that the dude is being honest.
GMScud 05-22-2008, 05:00 PM I don't care about his drinking as long as it doesn't become a problem and he keeps it seperate from his football life. As for talking about it on his blog, well I'm sure he knows by being open like he is that he is opening himself up to criticism as well, so if it comes he will handle it.
Besides, how many people have read a athlete's blog and thought, man this guy's blog is so boring, he doesn't really go into detail and he always keeps everything PG in it. I wish he'd open up more so we could truly get a better idea of what he's like, instead of getting the impression that he's a stiff necked a-hole who's constantly concerned about his image.
Well, I'd rather have a Chris Cooley, who so far has been pretty much open about everything so far and isn't concerned what people think of him, than a guy like that.
Best post so far in this thread. Very well said. Especially the part about other athletes' blogs being so boring. I guess it's kind of a two-way street for me. I really like the guy and love hearing his funny, REAL stories, I just don't want to see the media rip him.
hooskins 05-22-2008, 05:09 PM Best post so far in this thread. Very well said. Especially the part about other athletes' blogs being so boring. I guess it's kind of a two-way street for me. I really like the guy and love hearing his funny, REAL stories, I just don't want to see the media rip him.
Well the media "rips" everyone. See Portis, Arenas, etc. but it only matters if the athlete lets it get to them. Cooley doesn't seem like the type to be phased by crap like that, so to me it's a complete non-issue.