Stuck in TX 05-14-2008, 02:04 PM Would you respect your father if he was a deadbeat dad who never gave a shit? Just sayin.
And besides, if he was put on the practice squad he'd be snatched up immediately by another team, you don't put rookie second round draft picks that are expected to be starters on the PS.
I didnt realize that when put on the PS, the team relinquishes rights to the player and he is up for grabs. my bad. And I wasnt suggesting leaving him there, but putting him there for a season as punishment. As far as the deadbeat dad goes, its a free country. He can go anywhere. That is no excuse for pulling a gun on him. If he truly is a deadbeat dad, he has more problems than he needs. His son should take his newfound fame and fortune and do something positive.
prinzeofmoval 05-16-2008, 01:46 AM If he cant respect his own father, how can he respect a coach? I would put him on the practice squad for a season to teach him about how lack of respect can get you nowhere.
Okay i guess you never met my dad..Stuck Meet Sh*t for brains..I wanna know why he pulled the gun or how the fight started. Stupid if you asked me but my dad was a douche also
jsarno 05-16-2008, 02:50 AM If he cant respect his own father, how can he respect a coach? I would put him on the practice squad for a season to teach him about how lack of respect can get you nowhere.
We really don't know the whole story.
I was abused for many years, and it wasn't until I took matters into my own hands when I was 18 that it finally stopped. We have no clue what Hardy's father put him through.
If it is just an anger issue, then shame on Hardy. If Hardy's father was abusive then he deserved what he got. We are too quick to judge people here, sometimes I am just as guilty with that, but we need to understand there are two sides to the story.
Don't think it's OK to hit your father for any reason? Be abused for 18 years and see what you think.
Big30 05-16-2008, 03:23 AM Just another player cut from the mold of Pac Man Chris Henry and Tank Johnson all wasting god given talent and acting a complete fool
NYCskinfan82 05-16-2008, 06:36 AM Now this is why athlete's go and live in gated communities.
SmootSmack 05-16-2008, 08:12 AM Okay i guess you never met my dad..Stuck Meet Sh*t for brains..I wanna know why he pulled the gun or how the fight started. Stupid if you asked me but my dad was a douche also
That was pretty uncalled for (unless you're talking about your dad in which case...I'm not a moderator for your family).
As for the Hardy situation, we don't know the whole story. If I were to guess, some pent up emotions were released and things got heated. And Hardy's dad decided not to press any charges after realizing that his son is about to get PAID, and it would behoove the dad to stay on his good side.
That Guy 05-16-2008, 04:37 PM there's still no reason to pull a gun unless you plan on using it... and if he was, then he's really f'ing stupid.
regardless of how douchey his father may be, he didn't have to be there and he had no reason to pull a gun. i doubt his father is built like a linebacker or trying to kill him (which is the only real reason to pull a gun).
Dirtbag59 05-17-2008, 11:47 PM there's still no reason to pull a gun unless you plan on using it... and if he was, then he's really f'ing stupid.
regardless of how douchey his father may be, he didn't have to be there and he had no reason to pull a gun. i doubt his father is built like a linebacker or trying to kill him (which is the only real reason to pull a gun).
Well in that case the gun was used for intimidation purposes. I actually wanted to give Hardy the benefit of the doubt when it came to the incident with his girlfriend since I came away with a good impression after seeing him speak at the combine, but to me this shows that theres a pattern of violence, and look at the people he's gone after. A women and an old man. I mean come on man.
The only way to forgive this is if his father started the fight but that doesn't seem to be the case.
I hope people take character a little more seriously during next years draft, as a lot guys around here were calling for Hardy. I didn't really want him, not just because of the character issues but because I thought that Thomas, Kelly, Nelson, and Sweed were all better options, and at the time I thought we were only going to take one reciever.
rypper11 05-18-2008, 11:55 AM I have no problem with him beating his father. If my father decided to be a part of my life after finding out he could get money out of me I would probably beat him too. He obviously didn't hospitalize him, just roughed him up a little. I say find out why before chastising him. That being said, you don't pull a gun unless your life is in danger.
cochise 05-19-2008, 04:56 PM Not all Dad's do the right thing.