05-04-2008, 09:55 AM
Boating while intoxicated in Austin Texas. On boat with 12-15 others, he was the only one arrested.
Will find a solid source soon, current source is NFL radio.
05-04-2008, 11:23 AM
Cedric Benson arrested in Texas :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Bears (http://www.suntimes.com/sports/football/bears/931248,benson050408.article)
05-04-2008, 11:37 AM
I'm guessing he was the owner of the boat, or he was driving the boat. I've seen those police beach shows where they guard the beach and the waters and usually they only arrest the guy driving the boat if he's drunk.
05-04-2008, 11:40 AM
I know a guy that was sitting in a boat and got a DUI. My main problem with it, was his boat was parked in his driveway. Hard to drive a boat on the highway.
05-04-2008, 11:49 AM
I know a guy that was sitting in a boat and got a DUI. My main problem with it, was his boat was parked in his driveway. Hard to drive a boat on the highway.
He got a DUI because he was drunk on his boat in his driveway? I gotta say that doesn't make much sense, if he wasn't driving the boat how could they legally give him a DUI? If you are drunk on your boat on your own property then they shouldn't be able to give you that lol.
05-04-2008, 11:54 AM
One of my friends got charged with a dui while riding a bicycle drunk... another one was just sitting in his car looking for some cds and he got charged too
05-04-2008, 11:57 AM
Yeah you can pretty much get a DUI if you are drunk and driving/riding anything. I was watching Most Shocking a couple days ago and they showed these 2 cops chasing a drunk guy on a lawnmower. They were in a slow speed pursuit with him lolol, he was going like 3 mph. The chase ended because he ended up leaning too far over to the left and falling off the lawnmower and then they arrested him and gave him a DUI.
05-04-2008, 12:02 PM
Because the keys were in the ignition. He was looking at the motor or something similar. I had an underage possession of alcohol and they made me go to a DUI class with other folks. While a majority were typical DUI cases, most of them were people too poor to fight it. The girl that blew a .06 and her blood test showed .01 -- DUI. The guy who was mowing his lawn with a beer. You know that you're on state property within 10 feet of the highway? Got a DUI mowing his yard.
Let's stop kidding ourselves. The police's job has turned from concentrating on safety and protection and moved to making money. The problem is so many laws are ambiguous. There's no 'law' that says .08 or over and you're drunk. It's a suggestion, you can be charged for DUI whenever if the cop wants to, and it's all about if you have the financial means to fight such a charge. The boat thing IS very rare, but it can happen.
Oddly enough, I did my paper for VASAP about what a terrible organization MADD is and the teacher praised me for it. MADD lies horribly in their statistics (if you get in an accident on the way home from the grocery store with a 6 pack of beer in your trunk, that's alcohol related accident in their opinion), the person who founded MADD left because of how they bastardized her ideas, etc.
[this information all from VASAP]
05-04-2008, 12:26 PM
Ah if the keys were in the ignition then I can understand how he got it. N yeah I definitely agree about the police motives, it's not as much about protecting as it is about making money for the state. And even though the laws are ambigious things aren't going to change, they just are probably going to get even more ambigious so that cops can charge anyone with anything that loosely looks like breaking the law. And I had no idea about Madd and their statistics, that's something to keep in mind.
05-04-2008, 12:33 PM
Still, keys in the ignition -- where's he going? Common sense has left law.