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SmootSmack 04-16-2008, 07:13 AM Started a new thread
-Prinzeofmoval will now draft for the Jets (36) and Eagles (49)
-GMScud will now draft for the Colts (59)
-Still waiting on Dirtbag, Jdlea, SkinsnCanes, and 2982
-If the above four don't respond by 6:30p today then That Guy takes Dirtbag's picks (Falcons and Niners); GTripp takes Jdlea's picks (Saints, Steelers, Patriots); Slingin takes Canes' picks (Ravens and Titans); FRPLG takes 2982's picks (Broncos and Packers)
-We'll keep this thread as a backup in case the chat isn't working right
-I'll step in and make any picks if necessary, otherwise I'll just...moderate
diehardskin2982 04-16-2008, 09:59 AM wow!?! this strategy is very inclusive, maybe you should have done 2 drafts if the Mod & friends were gonna take over it. I mean its trash that you give my skins pick away when I'm not here, but wait 2-3 days on your personal friends pics. Last years draft was way better, learn some patience!
jdlea 04-16-2008, 10:12 AM I can't be online when we do this today. Sorry guys, just go ahead without me, Wednesdays are terrible for me.
SmootSmack 04-16-2008, 10:27 AM wow!?! this strategy is very inclusive, maybe you should have done 2 drafts if the Mod & friends were gonna take over it. I mean its trash that you give my skins pick away when I'm not here, but wait 2-3 days on your personal friends pics. Last years draft was way better, learn some patience!
Woah, wait a minute. Personal friend's picks? What friends are you talking about? I don't know anyone in this draft any more than I know you. Secondly, it's not like we removed you from the draft we just switched you to another team to keep later in the round to move the draft along. I realize that you really wanted to draft for the Redskins, but I'm sure everyone did. Look at it this way, the only reason you had the Redskins is because you were late to the party the first time.
I don't recall last year's draft being way better by the way. Either way, I thought this might be the most efficient way to do this. But if everyone agrees with 2982 we'll scrap tonight's plans and do it another way.
Slingin Sammy 33 04-16-2008, 10:41 AM I don't recall last year's draft being way better by the way. Either way, I thought this might be the most efficient way to do this. But if everyone agrees with 2982 we'll scrap tonight's plans and do it another way.
Keep the plans for tonight. It's not like this thread was a hidden mystery or anything. It was posted for a while and everyone's draft position was posted. If someone couldn't be online then a PM to a Mod would've probably been the responsible thing to do. You've been very fair in how you did the draft.
Slingin Sammy 33 04-16-2008, 10:54 AM wow!?! this strategy is very inclusive, maybe you should have done 2 drafts if the Mod & friends were gonna take over it. I mean its trash that you give my skins pick away when I'm not here, but wait 2-3 days on your personal friends pics. Last years draft was way better, learn some patience!
No one waited 2-3 days on "personal friends" picks. Go thru the thread before you make that statement.
The draft order has been posted for a while. If you were going to have trouble making the Skins pick you should've posted or PM'd a Mod. I don't know anyone here, including any of the Mods, other than through the board. I PM'd you with the trade offer, and then SS later when I got no response. I believe SS made the decision to give me the pick because I held the Rams and the way the draft was going it made sense for the Skins to trade down and the Rams to come up to get Clady. There was a post while this was in progress suggesting the same thing (by GTripp).
If it's a problem and you can make 8pm tonight, I have no problem to switch my picks in the 2nd and 3rd with you. You can take whatever picks the Skins and Rams have and I'll take the Packers and Broncos.
That Guy 04-16-2008, 12:23 PM the way this is going it'll be september before it's done. I don't see what the huge offense in trying to finish it is...
Skinny Tee 04-16-2008, 12:58 PM No one waited 2-3 days on "personal friends" picks. Go thru the thread before you make that statement.
The draft order has been posted for a while. If you were going to have trouble making the Skins pick you should've posted or PM'd a Mod. I don't know anyone here, including any of the Mods, other than through the board. I PM'd you with the trade offer, and then SS later when I got no response. I believe SS made the decision to give me the pick because I held the Rams and the way the draft was going it made sense for the Skins to trade down and the Rams to come up to get Clady. There was a post while this was in progress suggesting the same thing (by GTripp).
If it's a problem and you can make 8pm tonight, I have no problem to switch my picks in the 2nd and 3rd with you. You can take whatever picks the Skins and Rams have and I'll take the Packers and Broncos.
GTripp0012 04-16-2008, 01:45 PM Woah, wait a minute. Personal friend's picks? What friends are you talking about? I don't know anyone in this draft any more than I know you. Secondly, it's not like we removed you from the draft we just switched you to another team to keep later in the round to move the draft along. I realize that you really wanted to draft for the Redskins, but I'm sure everyone did. Look at it this way, the only reason you had the Redskins is because you were late to the party the first time.
I don't recall last year's draft being way better by the way. Either way, I thought this might be the most efficient way to do this. But if everyone agrees with 2982 we'll scrap tonight's plans and do it another way.That's kinda why I thought we should have made it VIP exclusive in the first place. If:
1) You value the WP enough to contribute money towards helping Matty pay for the server, and
2) You showed interest in participating in a mock draft
Then I believe there's a good chance that you check or would check this thread frequently enough to keep the draft moving.
Actually, it really hasn't been too bad all things considered, but we definately shouldn't hesitate to make it more exclusive to people we trust to make their selections.
Diehard (who is VIP, and still probably would have helped us had it been VIP exclusive) is more than welcome to draft with us, but we agreed to roll with this thing tonight at 8, and since the rest of us feel that we should do it then, he's either there when we start or he's left out.
That's not being elitist, it's being completely fair to everyone.
That Guy 04-16-2008, 03:02 PM i was a primary on the mock two years ago and people drop out of lose interest left and right, and i kinda felt like i wasted my time writing up somewhat in depth needs/strategy etc for every team only to have people ignore it... it's pretty typical, everyone is excited when its brought up and forget about it 2 minutes later.