02-12-2008, 09:38 PM
We'd have to trade quite a bit to be able to get Chris Long. He's out of our reach.
I agree about the corners though -- even if Rogers was perfectly healthy I'd say they could still use another cornerback.
I know he's outta reach, just dreamin. And some people got us trading alot to take CJ. Get outta here, yea id like to have em but we have more pressing needs then another 30 million dollar receiver. I read in another thread where someone suggested giving our first pick and Betts for CJ. Im sure you could work something out with a top three team for Betts and the #21. But im still DREAMING
02-13-2008, 05:53 AM
I am really starting to like cornerbacks Tracy Porter and Terrell Thomas I think either one will suffice.
02-13-2008, 07:08 AM
I have been excited about this draft for quite a while because we finally have most of our picks but I believe that this is all about to change. The only bad thing about not hiring a big name HC is that someone like Zorn does not have the clout to demand a large say in personnel decisions. That being said, we now have nobody to protect us from Dan 'the SuperFan' Snyder and his sidekick Vinny C.
We will be lucky to have 3 late round picks by the time draft day arrives.
You can't fill every need with the draft.
Bill B
02-13-2008, 11:56 AM
I don't think people need to worry about the Skins going insane this offseason and an impending spending splurge on big name free agents. The Skins still need to rework several contracts to get $16 million to comply with the salary cap. Trading away multiple picks for high priced veterans just doesn't make sense from a cap perspective this year.
I see the Redskins doing this:
1.) Keeping all of their picks and using them and letting the scouting department do their job and depending on them. The scouting department for the Redskins has had some descent success with Sean Taylor, Landry, Cooley as well as low level picks/undrafted free agents like Montgomery, Reed Doughty, Heyer and Lorenzo Alexander. Lets hope Synder can see this and learn that winning the offseason free agent championship is worthless.
2.) Picking up low-mid level free agents to fill the gaps at the positions of need. Often these low-mid level pickups in free agency really make or break your season. Just look at how important Randall Godfrey was to the team last season as an example.
3.) Possibly making one big name free agent pickup, but only if it is a unrestricted pickup and not costing them any picks. The team needs to get the mentaility of striving to get younger and look down the road a little in the range of 3-5 years. You don't want to be a team mostly composed of aging vets and few young players, because all the sudden those aging vets will begin to lose their ability and performance drops.
Folks - don't worry - the Skins are not going to be going on a rampant spending splurge when they went out and got Deion and Bruce Smith and the like - they still got to get down $16 million to comply with this years cap and they already have a lot of vets in place, so massive turnover is very unlikely.
02-13-2008, 01:35 PM
Strong Safety is a rather easy position to fill if you ask me. Remember Landry was actually a Free Safety at LSU, and only played strong cause we had taylor.
02-13-2008, 05:33 PM
I don't think people need to worry about the Skins going insane this offseason and an impending spending splurge on big name free agents. The Skins still need to rework several contracts to get $16 million to comply with the salary cap. Trading away multiple picks for high priced veterans just doesn't make sense from a cap perspective this year.
I see the Redskins doing this:
1.) Keeping all of their picks and using them and letting the scouting department do their job and depending on them. The scouting department for the Redskins has had some descent success with Sean Taylor, Landry, Cooley as well as low level picks/undrafted free agents like Montgomery, Reed Doughty, Heyer and Lorenzo Alexander. Lets hope Synder can see this and learn that winning the offseason free agent championship is worthless.
2.) Picking up low-mid level free agents to fill the gaps at the positions of need. Often these low-mid level pickups in free agency really make or break your season. Just look at how important Randall Godfrey was to the team last season as an example.
3.) Possibly making one big name free agent pickup, but only if it is a unrestricted pickup and not costing them any picks. The team needs to get the mentaility of striving to get younger and look down the road a little in the range of 3-5 years. You don't want to be a team mostly composed of aging vets and few young players, because all the sudden those aging vets will begin to lose their ability and performance drops.
Folks - don't worry - the Skins are not going to be going on a rampant spending splurge when they went out and got Deion and Bruce Smith and the like - they still got to get down $16 million to comply with this years cap and they already have a lot of vets in place, so massive turnover is very unlikely.
So why is there such a demand to give up this Draft for Ocho Cinco?
There goes this analytical theory!
02-13-2008, 05:44 PM
I have been excited about this draft for quite a while because we finally have most of our picks but I believe that this is all about to change. The only bad thing about not hiring a big name HC is that someone like Zorn does not have the clout to demand a large say in personnel decisions. That being said, we now have nobody to protect us from Dan 'the SuperFan' Snyder and his sidekick Vinny C.
We will be lucky to have 3 late round picks by the time draft day arrives.
This is the typical post bashing Snyder for something that he may do. Please can people come up with something a little better than a Snyder slammmm for something that he has not even done.
Bill B
02-13-2008, 06:19 PM
So why is there such a demand to give up this Draft for Ocho Cinco?
There goes this analytical theory!
My take is Chad Johnson is more rumor than reality, so I would say my take has a little more substance than the "demand" that you are referring to
From the Washington Times today:
Notes — The Redskins source downplayed rumors about the team's interest in trading for unhappy Cincinnati Bengals wideout Chad Johnson, though he didn't rule out the possibility. The source also believes cornerback Shawn Springs, who turns 33 next month, will stay despite his high $7.5 million salary cap number for 2008.
Position is Smith's if he wants it*-*-*The Washington Times, America's Newspaper (http://www.washingtontimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080213/SPORTS01/598484574/1005/home.html&template=nextpage)