Peter King on Zorn Hire

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02-12-2008, 06:37 PM
You actually stopped hating the Giants at one point? I've hated them more than the Cowboys for YEARS! The hatred is even worse now.

For a brief minute I was happy they won the Super Bowl. Though in a perfect world, neither team would have won.

02-12-2008, 07:01 PM
For a brief minute I was happy they won the Super Bowl. Though in a perfect world, neither team would have won.

LOL.............I know how hard that was for you and I want you to know it was appriciated.:)

Sheriff Gonna Getcha
02-12-2008, 07:05 PM
LOL.............I know how hard that was for you and I want you to know it was appriciated.:)

I for one was elated. I don't hate the Giants like I do the Cowboys and I want to see Manning succeed (at least when he's not playing us). Since we were not in the game, seeing the Giants win/the Patriots lose was the best thing I could have hoped for.

02-12-2008, 07:14 PM
[quote=talk show host;421350]"The way he treated GW and Joe Gibbs?" what are you referring to? You mean how Gibbs screwed Snyder over and failed to live up to the contract he signed where he agreed to coach the skins for 5 years? And how Snyder did everything he could to try and convince Gibbs to stay... man, Snyder sure screwed Gibbs over there...

LOL...................Jr you need to make up your mind,In one breath you talk about Joe Gibbs failure to honer his contract ...........the hell with his family ,right? Then you switch to how GW disrespected your HOF coach???Make up your mind your hatered is blinding your thought process.Hate to tell you this but you kind of prove the point ,Snyder is the owner but not everything going on during the game is ok'ed thru the owner...............should Gibbs have know yeah but unless I missed it nobody has stated exactly when this was thought up and if it was a last min thing .it is understadable.Your bitching about Gibbs...he brought the team back to the playoffs just not once but twice in 4 years...yup he screwed Danny boy,how dare he leave becuase of a sick grandchild..that bastard!

02-12-2008, 07:16 PM
I for one was elated. I don't hate the Giants like I do the Cowboys and I want to see Manning succeed (at least when he's not playing us). Since we were not in the game, seeing the Giants win/the Patriots lose was the best thing I could have hoped for.

Do you know the patriot fans have a petition to replay the last 1:40 seconds of the game?I'm serous!


A request for the NFL to investigate the final 1:40 of Super Bowl XLII - Signatures (

02-12-2008, 07:39 PM
Do you know the patriot fans have a petition to replay the last 1:40 seconds of the game?I'm serous!.

now if that is being a bunch of whining ass little girly men what is?i hear the ram fans are petitioning the nfl to re-play the last 2 minutes of the 2002 superbowl too since the patriots filmed their walk through the day before.

02-12-2008, 09:54 PM
I am basically convinced that most media and a lot of fans will never ever look at something Snyder does and think it was done right when it comes to footbal. I am just so tired of all the complaining and bashing. I don't even care what PK says because I just wont read it. I am just done with the negativism. I am not defending DS but in the end he is obviously damned is does and damned if he doesn't on just about everything.

Just spoke with Mr Snyder this morning and asked him about his mental state after such an exhausting search for his successor to Joe Gibbs. He reiterated that it had been one of the most difficult of times for him, and as a result he had come to the conclusion the next time he's faced with the challenge his MO is going to be vastly different.

He's going to invite all the media types form the various networks to his home, HAVE THEM present him with a list of names who they feel comfortable with being the next HC of the Redskins. Once all parties are comfortable with the list of candidates, they will return to their respective networks, conduct a poll and whatever candidate emerges as leader from the poll results he will name his next HC. But wait, there's a catch!!...............They will also have to pay him.

02-13-2008, 04:16 AM
I beleive he's just mad we didn't get Fassel, because he knows what "easy pickings" we would be with a wimp like that "leading" our team.

What a well thoughtout and cohesive response.................

02-13-2008, 08:58 AM
Isn't Zorn 54 yrs old? Why does everyone talk about him like he's 35? At this point I'm skeptical. Why didn't any other team show interest in hiring him before if he's been around the league for 10+?

SC Skins Fan
02-13-2008, 09:39 AM
Just spoke with Mr Snyder this morning and asked him about his mental state after such an exhausting search for his successor to Joe Gibbs. He reiterated that it had been one of the most difficult of times for him, and as a result he had come to the conclusion the next time he's faced with the challenge his MO is going to be vastly different.

He's going to invite all the media types form the various networks to his home, HAVE THEM present him with a list of names who they feel comfortable with being the next HC of the Redskins. Once all parties are comfortable with the list of candidates, they will return to their respective networks, conduct a poll and whatever candidate emerges as leader from the poll results he will name his next HC. But wait, there's a catch!!...............They will also have to pay him.

Let's be more specific than just throwing out the term "media" and saying they are universally out to get Snyder (poor Dan). Even the King piece, which inspired this thread, wasn't vitrolic (as was much fan response to Fassel, underservedly so in my opinion) he was simply stating - in his opinion as a commentator and columnist - a better option existed which would have had an experienced coach on top with Jim Zorn running the offense. I tend to agree with that sentiment, but now we're moving forward. Wilbon was unconditionally laudatory of the move and last I checked he qualified as a "media type". I think much media coverage deserves criticism (take for instance all the 'horse race' coverage of the primaries), but not everyone in the "media" represents some scary force with some maniacle agenda. (

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