Lady Brave
02-06-2008, 10:53 PM
I see your point about getting the two confused. It's usually noted that the columns Mark submits are written as a "fan view" and linked to ES.
I think overall he does a good job of capturing the mood and sentiments of most of the fans, depending on whatever situation the Redskins are in at the time. I actually like the fact that the organization chooses to showcase his work. However, I could see those that have a dissenting opinion taking issue that he speaks for everyone or for the organization.
I think most people realize that the opinions Mark expresses are not endorsed by the team, but it might be to their benefit to include a disclaimer in his articles.
02-06-2008, 11:31 PM
Who cares about Extremeskins??
That board sucks balls.
02-07-2008, 12:00 AM
Who cares about Extremeskins??
That board sucks balls.
I'll never forgive those mangina mods for coming over to our board and badmouthing the legendary Joe Crisp. No amount of access and no number of presspasses can change they the fact that they are cocky cocks.
Lady Brave
02-07-2008, 12:18 AM
I'll never forgive those mangina mods for coming over to our board and badmouthing the legendary Joe Crisp. No amount of access and no number of presspasses can change they the fact that they are cocky cocks.
Was that just one mod or all of them? Granted, I wasn't here when that went down, but I read the thread. Only one of them chose to be antagonistic from what I recall.
With respect to the OP, nothing good will come of this thread. If people get their jollies from bashing other Redskins boards, then so be it. I personally don't see the point and I think there are better things right now to talk about.
02-07-2008, 12:56 AM
I can't believe the City Paper wrote an article about ES banning a member.
That was the first thing I thought. I can't say I hate ES because they are fellow Redskins fans and all, but I'm sure glad I don't waste any time on their site.
02-07-2008, 01:00 AM
Isn't that the site with the "funky bunch" dancers as mods?
02-07-2008, 01:12 AM
Was that just one mod or all of them? Granted, I wasn't here when that went down, but I read the thread. Only one of them chose to be antagonistic from what I recall.
With respect to the OP, nothing good will come of this thread. If people get their jollies from bashing other Redskins boards, then so be it. I personally don't see the point and I think there are better things right now to talk about.
It was all of them, and they also printed compromising pictures of SGC and tax records linking Matty and this site to the Russian Mafia. Ooh, I just hate those guys.
That Guy
02-07-2008, 05:43 AM
I see your point about getting the two confused. It's usually noted that the columns Mark submits are written as a "fan view" and linked to ES.
I think overall he does a good job of capturing the mood and sentiments of most of the fans, depending on whatever situation the Redskins are in at the time. I actually like the fact that the organization chooses to showcase his work. However, I could see those that have a dissenting opinion taking issue that he speaks for everyone or for the organization.
I think most people realize that the opinions Mark expresses are not endorsed by the team, but it might be to their benefit to include a disclaimer in his articles.
in the military, you're not really allowed to comment on anything in uniform, because, even though you're an individual with a right to your own views, being in uniform makes it too easy to confuse personal views with those of the military itself... they're generally pretty strick on that too.
same thing. an article linked to by the redskins or posted on is much easier to confuse as team gospel.
and ES is the reason we no longer have camp access... while they were busy bragging about being the first website to have press passes to training camp, we'd already had a guy doing it for two years... and they're the reason we don't now.
they don't seem reasonable (again, for the most part) and luckily they don't come here often. they tend to be a lot more courteous here than on ES though. Om's probably one of the better ones, but it's stupid that he's allowed to insult whoever and can't take it in return, or that he feels a need to undermine legitimate conversations for no good reason.
and it's REALLY hard to argue that those guys AREN'T bought sitting in the press box and getting free trips to every game. If they didn't want the heat for that, they shouldn't have signed the deal.
02-07-2008, 10:52 AM
Who cares about Extremeskins??
That board sucks balls.
And how. Although, I don't suspect the mods here would behave differently if they were lounging around the team hotel the night before the game. I KNOW I wouldn't. I'd be defending Snyder like Perry Mason on crystal meth.
02-07-2008, 02:12 PM
Isn't that the site with the "funky 4" dancers as mods?
nope. that's
As far as being the OP, my intent was to show what was written and to see what others thought. I find it amusing that both the writer and the ES mod would stoop to such childish nonsense on a blog merely to see who's unit is bigger.