Stuck in TX
02-04-2008, 06:29 PM
Overall the Patriots should be happy that they lost. It is so much easier to say "well we were good for most of the season, but we lost it at the championship" and leave it at that. heres how it would have gone if they had won: "We were the first team to go undefea.... well, we technically cheated in one game, but it was against the Jets, anyway, we got a better record than the '72 Dolph... what's that you say? Yeah we ran the score up alot to show how cocky we were but thats okay when your the best."
IN THE LONG RUN, PRICKS NEVER WIN AND KHARMA ALWAYS COMES BACK. Brady should just be glad that he doesnt have a remaining career left of explaining how and why they went undefeated. Be thankful that the Giants wanted it more.
IN THE LONG RUN, PRICKS NEVER WIN AND KHARMA ALWAYS COMES BACK. Brady should just be glad that he doesnt have a remaining career left of explaining how and why they went undefeated. Be thankful that the Giants wanted it more.