01-24-2008, 10:15 PM
Better be lucky you don't live here. Every five minutes they're talking about Fassel this and that.
You could have to live in Philly where no one has worn an iggles jersey since week 17. They think the egirls are better than us, and we got lucky. I got annoyed that if i wear a skins jersey when they are out, you don't know much about the team! I want to be in DC!
01-24-2008, 10:17 PM
IF they build a stadium at the RFK site, it's not likely to hold MORE people than Fed Ex does. So do the math folks.
To keep the same level of revenues, ticket prices will have to go UP. Add to that the fact that the Redskins own Fed Ex Field so they don't pay rent except to themselves.
At any new stadium, there would have to be some kind of lease costs to the Skins as tenants even if it is a sweetheart deal. That increase in costs would mean ticket prices will have to go UP.
So how is this ticket price INCREASE going to assure more hard-core fans and fewer of the corporate folks who are there to be seen there and not to see the game there?
This does suck! But it is true, the coorporate people will decrease. Is it gonna be a dome or an open roof???
01-24-2008, 11:03 PM
I couldnt post a link but
San Diego team owner is trying to build a new stadium at no cost to the city. But opinions differ as to city benefits. A U of MD economics professor Dennis Coates studies this subject. Lets get him to join the Warpath and enlighten us. A new stadium in DC would be great for the city if nightlife develops around it ala the Phone Booth.
PG county gets 10% of ticket prices - $ 200 times 92,000 times 10 times 10% equals 18 million plus. DC could use this.
$18 million a year sounds really nice until you look at the bond financing necessary to pay for a $750 mill to $1 billion stadium. I don't even want to get into the difficulties in municipal bond financing these days. The only way this would work is with private financing or the city starts taxing out of state residents working in the city and that is not gonna happen. At this point $18 million wouldn't cover what was pilfered from the DC tax office.
01-24-2008, 11:18 PM
Domes are louder than closed roofs and like the Oregon stadium, RFK was the loudest stadium per. person.
01-24-2008, 11:31 PM
but that would mean that REDSKIN fans may actualy going to the games. Not 25,000 fans, 50,000 business associates, and 20,000 opposing team fans.
Here is my math on actual fans. I realize they are not exact.
RFK 55,000 screaming maniac fans. Of those 55,000 left 30,000 have been run off. (ticket pricing, losing, losing, losing, ticket price, opposing team fans, Redskin fans who have no clue how to bounce a stadium, chant, sing, scream) That leaves 25,000 fans who know how to make a stadium a feared place for all opponents. Ironic that we have the largest stadium in the league and never get mentioned as a place people do not want to come to. Gibbs could not even win there. Snyder has ruined what the REDSKINS stand for.
What about Soulja Boy?
01-24-2008, 11:34 PM
How about the nationals playing at FedEx?
Bill B
01-25-2008, 12:36 AM
IF they build a stadium at the RFK site, it's not likely to hold MORE people than Fed Ex does. So do the math folks.
To keep the same level of revenues, ticket prices will have to go UP. Add to that the fact that the Redskins own Fed Ex Field so they don't pay rent except to themselves.
At any new stadium, there would have to be some kind of lease costs to the Skins as tenants even if it is a sweetheart deal. That increase in costs would mean ticket prices will have to go UP.
So how is this ticket price INCREASE going to assure more hard-core fans and fewer of the corporate folks who are there to be seen there and not to see the game there?
Actually just saw on News 4 that the new stadium would hold 100,000 people and be bigger than Fed Ex.
01-25-2008, 01:01 AM
How about the nationals playing at FedEx?
They have a brand new park opening this year.
01-25-2008, 01:05 AM
What about Soulja Boy?
I am so glad they stopped playing that song on the radio rotation every 10 minutes here. I thought I would keel over.
01-25-2008, 06:15 PM
Here's the link in today's WaPo (