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Sheriff Gonna Getcha 01-22-2008, 02:32 PM I dislike the Giants, but I do not hate them like I do the Cowboys. Yes, they are in our division and if they were playing against another team like the Colts, I'd root against them. But, the Giants are playing the Patriots. I disdain the Patriots, Belichick, Brady, Wilfork and Seymour and the classlessness that they represent. Short of seeing the Redskins win the Super Bowl, there's very little I'd enjoy more than seeing Tom Brady and Bill Belichick crying on the sidelines as their team loses the big one.
FYI - I am not rooting against the Pats because they are winners. If the Jags, Colts, or several other teams were 18-0 and headed to the Super Bowl, I'd be rooting for them.
hesscl34 01-22-2008, 02:44 PM I just can't bring myself to vote for cheaters. I hope GIANTS cause an upset and the Pats go home crying.
QBall 01-22-2008, 02:50 PM Go Giants!! Do it for Coughlin, I kinda like the guy, the faces he makes crack me up.
Hahaha, yeah he reacts on the sidelines like I do on my couch!!!
Go Gmen!
ArtMonkDrillz 01-22-2008, 03:05 PM I keep going back and forth on this for pretty much all the same reasons as the rest of you.
On one hand I'd hate to see another team from the division win the Super Bowl because I have been conditioned to hate them. But on the other hand, it would be a nice reminder to the rest of the league that the NFC East is by far the toughest division out there.
Also, the Pats were caught cheating this year. Red-handed, no doubt about it, hand-in-the-cookie-jar cheating; so how am I supposed to pretend that they had a perfect season? The "greatest team of all time" shouldn't need to cheat to win.
I know that video taping signals doesn't give you a big advantage right away, and I know that every team probably does something like this, but no other teams have actually been dumb enough to get caught doing it.
If there really is a place for *'s in the record books than I think the Pats most certainly have to have a big fat one next to their name if they go on to win this thing.
I guess for that fact, I'd like to see the giants win just so I can believe that there is a little bit of cosmic justice out there.
In the end I would just love it if neither team won. I hope that the game is a boring 0-0 tie that lasts all the way until the lowest players on the depth charts faint and the game is cancelled due to a major lack of interest.
Better yet, maybe the striking writers can block the doors to the stadium and the winner can be announced during a boring press conference that no one watches like the Golden Globes. I'd be fine with that.
(oh, and I think the giants pull off the upset, just because)
ChuckPrez 01-22-2008, 03:37 PM The Gints for Two Reasons:
1. It will cement the already established fact that the NFC East is the best division in the Super Bowl Era (18 appearances, 10 wins thusfar)
2. Giants win the Super Bowl in '86
'Skins win the Super Bowl in '87
Giants win the Super Bowl in '90
'Skins win the Super Bowl in '91
I would prefer this trend to continue.
sancho2613 01-22-2008, 03:37 PM Well i'm gonna have to go for the Giants I'd rather say we got kicked out of the playoffs by the SB champs rather then the SB losers... lol I just really dislike the Patriots more then the Giants
sancho2613 01-22-2008, 03:40 PM The Gints for Two Reasons:
1. It will cement the already established fact that the NFC East is the best division in the Super Bowl Era (18 appearances, 10 wins thusfar)
2. Giants win the Super Bowl in '86
'Skins win the Super Bowl in '87
Giants win the Super Bowl in '90
'Skins win the Super Bowl in '91
I would prefer this trend to continue.
I heard about that somewhere else too, that the last two times the Giants won the SB the Skins won it the very next year... I'd imagine you should all be rooting for the Giants so history can repeat itself right????:silly:
I said it before, and I'll say it again. Go Giants. As long as the they are still wearing #21 on their helmet and the Patriots are not, how can you root against Giants?
SouperMeister 01-22-2008, 04:29 PM I'll be rooting for the Giants. The Patriots were so damn smug citing their need to "play all four quarters" after they were passing the ball ahead 45 points on us in the 4th quarter. I'm just sorry that our team doesn't get another shot at them this year.
Longtimefan 01-22-2008, 05:25 PM As much as I would like to see history made, I will root for the G-men in the SB. I'm partial towards the NFC and particularly the east, because (arguably) it the best division in football. When you play teams in the NFC east, win or lose, you know you've been in a game. Plus, I have close relatives in NY that have been great Giant fans for many years. I'm happy for them.