Fassel meets with Redskins over coaching vacancies

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01-23-2008, 11:46 AM
If Fassel had his first interview on 1/11 then maybe Fassell was my
cousin Vinnies first choice all along.

Fassell makes as much since as Harbaugh in Baltimore. I don't
understand the process and how these coaches are choosen.
Baltimore has first-hand experience with Fassell and he was never considered for the job. It boils down to personality and who can be controlled. I do not believe GW is a yes man and not as diplomatic as JG and there's the rub.

01-23-2008, 11:48 AM
Just to throw this out there for discussion, why do we just assume it's all Snyder's fault?

Just for arguments sake what if Gibbs isn't 100% behind GW?

What if Williams was just a bad interview... or what if he wants too much control and or too much $$?

In the end Snyder is the one that is going to have to work closely with a new coach. Snyder is also the one that is the most informed about the potential candidates. As fans we know very little of what has gone on behind the scenes.

I think it's only fair that he brings in a guy that he's comfortable working with and someone that he feels is best for the job. Personally I'm going to hold off on my ultimate judgement until we see what the new HC is able to accomplish on the field. All of these emotional knee-jerk reactions are pretty silly and useless.

Great post but I think that thinking is valid! But...Snyder has not earned the right for this thinking!!!! we can only go on track record.

01-23-2008, 11:50 AM
Fassel didn't get hired yet! Still could be Williams job, just no way of knowing anything. Also really sucks how our ENTIRE STAFF hasn't even been given a peep from Vinny or Dan, typical......

01-23-2008, 11:51 AM
I couldn't be any more upset with Snyder than I am now. Fassel just got run out of two cities. WTF!!!!! The guy is definitely not the innovative mind we were looking for, and certainly not the disciplinarian. He's just FASSEL. The worst part is that this hire will run Williams out of town....who by the way, is the best coach on our staff. Everyone has a right to be angry, no matter which way you put it.
I'm mad as he!! and I'm not going to take this anymore!

01-23-2008, 11:59 AM
What he said!

01-23-2008, 12:04 PM
What bothers me is the secret talk... the mixed messages in the media, etc... I know more about the 27 presidential candidates (esp. candidates 13-27) then I do those being seriously considered for the Redskins HC job. We love football, we love our team, we'll do anything for them including hours upon hours on sites such as this to get the latest..... but it's not the freaking Commander in Chief!!! Throw a dog a bone every now and then - let the fanbase get excited and supportive of the organization. Instead - we are held out, nothing is released, etc. and it leads to this type of thread exactly. Hearsay, Guesses, Opinions and much to do about nothing.

GW could be the guy, part of me really wants this. Part of me releates this to a "We Are Marshall" type event. GW knows what these young men went through and continue to go through. How could having him HC not help these guys and the organization in the healing process. However, part of me is scared of GW due to his 'my way or the highway' attitude to matters and his performance with the Bills. Second chances are good, hopefully that holds true if he is hired.

Fassell, Shotts, Norv.... all these guys are the same to me. They're not a 'face' of a team and I think here in D.C. we have had that 'Face' HC (two times) and are a little uneasy as to how to act with simply a puppet as a HC, which I believe Fassell would be. Dan and Vinny holding the strings.

Cowher - something to get excited about, I just don't see it happening. Too many things point in another direction.

I honestly think GW deserves this job - he deserves the chance to see if his ''we don't have starters..." ideaology works from a team aspect as opposed to a defense only aspect........ Four interviews and nothing for over a week scares me though. God, I can only imagine what he must be thinking all day, every day.

In the end - it will work out. We will ALL support whomever the HC is, like it or not. If he starts out hot next year we'll love him. If he struggles we'll come here and bash him and his performance. Either way we're fans - it's not our call and we simply move on when the call is made.

I love this team - I love this franchise and I LOVE SINGING THAT WONDERFUL SONG AFTER POINTS SCORED!!!!


01-23-2008, 12:06 PM
washingtonpost.com (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/01/22/AR2008012203341.html)

01-23-2008, 12:09 PM
washingtonpost.com - nation, world, technology and Washington area news and headlines (http://washingtonpost.com)

actually some sound points here by Wilbon:

But to the outside world it looks like Snyder, with all these meetings, is trying to find a reason to promote Williams . . . or a reason not to. And that's fine, because Snyder is the one who's going to be on the hook for, what, $12 million at the very least? He ought to make sure he's comfortable with the next coach.

What I really want to know is how this fancy new title changes Cerrato's life. If he's got the exact same duties and has input but no power to make football decisions, so what? If he's the Boss of All Things Football, a position I keep pushing Snyder to create, then this could be a significant step in the right direction. Cerrato has taken more criticism than anybody in the organization. But I know this much: His advice as to what to do was wiser in several instances than the course of action the Redskins took.

01-23-2008, 12:18 PM
This is depressing me. I was mad about Fassell being interviewed back in 2004. Say it aint so!

01-23-2008, 12:20 PM
Just to throw this out there for discussion, why do we just assume it's all Snyder's fault?

Just for arguments sake what if Gibbs isn't 100% behind GW?

What if Williams was just a bad interview... or what if he wants too much control and or too much $$?

In the end Snyder is the one that is going to have to work closely with a new coach. Snyder is also the one that is the most informed about the potential candidates. As fans we know very little of what has gone on behind the scenes.

I think it's only fair that he brings in a guy that he's comfortable working with and someone that he feels is best for the job. Personally I'm going to hold off on my ultimate judgement until we see what the new HC is able to accomplish on the field. All of these emotional knee-jerk reactions are pretty silly and useless.

To add to that, while Fassel wouldn't be my first choice (don't know if Williams would either), to just declare a Redskins apocalypse because of him is simply idiotic. We don't know what other coaches will be hired, what free agents signed, trades made, draft picks selected. There is so much more to be done between now and opening day, beyond just picking a head coach.

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