SBXVII 01-22-2008, 11:47 PM I have been dwelling on another thought also....what if Snyder was not happy about the offense last year and told Gibbs he would give Saunders one more year to get it scoring and it didn't. What if partial reasoning for Gibbs leaving is because Snyder said it's time for Saunders to be let go and try something else and Gibbs said I'm outa here. I'm sure his grandchild was more the reason but what if he was told he was going to have to let Saunders or Williams go because Snyder was not impressed with how they performed.
Everyone brings up how the Skins won the last 5 games and how they were starting to come together. I'm comfused but I thought that happened last year also didn't it? They won a few last games and everyone was happy that we would carry it over to this year and be a scoring power house. I'll admit we broke 21 points several times but I didn't see the scoring power house Saunders is associated with in KC. Maybe next year will be different. Maybe not. Maybe Snyder in his "impatiantness" is wanting more. I am by no means saying Fassell is the answer. Things may turn out fabulous next year and everyone will be saying "I didn't see that coming."
Perhaps Fassell is offering his services on the cheap because no one is calling on him and he asking Snyder for a favor. Who knows. Fassell never impressed me but maybe with the right OC and DC he will shine. I really don't have a problem with Rex. He had the defense running well (except for the Miami game). Maybe Snyder is thinking instead of building from the back to the front on defense, it's time to build from the front to back. Maybe Fassells phylosophy on Offense is not much different then Saunders and we keep AS for another year. Who know.
This is exactly why I try to have two favorite teams. I have always liked Tampa and have enjoyed the games we play with them (although when we lose I am down.lol) I started adopting NE a few years ago because I thought highly of the coach and thought he was a classy guy. Good team with a good QB. however since they totally humiliated us and did not have the decency to just let it be close, screw NE. I hoped and hoped they would make it to the SB only to be let down hard. Go Giants!
GMScud 01-23-2008, 12:04 AM Get a grip man. This isn't the end of the world. What is so great about Williams other than "continuity"
Both are solid choices. Again, I'd prefer Williams (mainly just so people would shut up already), but if we hire Fassel as our head coach, go back to a West Coast offense that Campbell is supposedly more comfortable in and restore our winning ways...well all these "the world is over" posters will look pretty dumb.
This isn't Rich Kotite we're talking about. Let's give the team a chance
You bring up a good point. I know that Williams is fan favorite. The way he dealt with the Taylor situation was excellent. And the players love him too. These guys have been through hell and back together. This locker room has bonded together in a special way. And the fans feel that. They love that (me included). Obviously that lends to how much support Gregg is getting. That said, he only has two years of head coaching experience, and his football acumen outside of the realm of defense is very unproven.
All I can think of is Williams went into his interviews and presented the direction he wanted to take the Redskins, and that direction must have been very different from Vinny and Danny's ideas.
JLC mentions is his most recent article that Gibbs privately endorsed Williams to Snyder. Snyder loves Gibbs and signs off on almost anything he says. Something must have gone down that really soured The Danny on GW.
redsk1 01-23-2008, 12:22 AM You bring up a good point. I know that Williams is fan favorite. The way he dealt with the Taylor situation was excellent. And the players love him too. This locker room has bonded together in a special way. These guys have been through hell and back together. And the fans feel that. They love that (me included). Obviously that lends to how much support Gregg is getting. That said, he only has two years of head coaching experience, and his football acumen outside of the realm of defense is very unproven.
All I can think of is Williams went into his interviews and presented the direction he wanted to take the Redskins, and that direction must have been very different from Vinny and Danny's ideas.
You make some valid points but I trust GW's direction better than i do VC's or DS's direction. That's the scary point. I don't trust our FO!!!
Ownership can do whatever they want, but it's just a little disappointing. They talk about true redskins, history, character, family, etc til it comes down to it and you don't hire the BEST candidate in house. You hire Jim Fassel? Throw away 4 years of building a team. Now don't get me wrong i am of the opinion that changes are needed on our team, but let GW do his thing.
This is why I tend to dislike the Redskins FO. It's not a well built machine. We're a coaching carousel. We make FA blunders. Yes, we've done some good things, but who here thinks we have more young talent than our nfc east foes? Gmen...no. Cboys....no. Eagles...maybe???
Jim Fassel if hired won't make it 4 years...make that 3 years. Oh yeah, Rex Ryan, you'll no longer have the talent that you had on your D. Now go out and have a top 10 D consistently. Good luck w/ that.
Why not go for the better candidate who happens to be 8 years younger than JF, i believe. Why not try to have a coach around for a while?
skinsfan69 01-23-2008, 12:26 AM Fassel is qualified as a HC and is not a bad choice. HOWEVER what really bothered me about him was his last year in NY he totally lost the team. They just quit on the guy.
SmootSmack 01-23-2008, 12:28 AM Fassel is qualified as a HC and is not a bad choice. HOWEVER what really bothered me about him was his last year in NY he totally lost the team. They just quit on the guy.
Yeah I hope due diligence was done on why exactly that happened
SmootSmack 01-23-2008, 12:31 AM If we end up with Jim Fassel as HC and Rex Ryan as our defensive coordinator, then I'll feel pretty good about our coaching staff for the long term. Fassel is a good QB guy, and Ryan is one of the better defensive minds out there.
Of course, I'd feel good about our staff for the long term if it were Gregg Williams, Jerry Gray as DC, and Al Saunders as OC. In addition to the long term, it would feel pretty good for next season.
Fassel is a solid coach in my opinion. Rex Ryan is a great DC. But I'll have a hard time expecting more than 8-8 in this upcoming transition year.
Ryan and Williams both come from the Buddy Ryan tree (one a bit more closely than the other) so the defensive philosophy may not change much, if at all.
skinsfan69 01-23-2008, 12:33 AM Yeah I hope due diligence was done on why exactly that happened
This is why Snyder just shouldn't hire the guy. Who gives a damn if he gets alongs with everybody. Are we trying to get along and be buddy buddy, or are we trying to win games? To me, Fassel just seems like a good OC. There are just certain guys that I can tell are leader of men. Fassel is not one of them.
GMScud 01-23-2008, 12:40 AM This is why Snyder just shouldn't hire the guy. Who gives a damn if he gets alongs with everybody. Are we trying to get along and be buddy buddy, or are we trying to win games? To me, Fassel just seems like a good OC. There are just certain guys that I can tell are leader of men. Fassel is not one of them.
Look, the guy hasn't done anything notable in 4 seasons. Can't deny that. But he did win a conference championship and was twice named coach of the year (I think I've repeated that stat 3 times now). Obviously he understands what it takes to be successful as a HC in this league. But can he still be that guy? I'm not so sure, and neither are a lot of "league sources."
Paintrain 01-23-2008, 12:45 AM If Fossil is announced as HC tomorrow, it just might be the the lowest of the low in Redskins history. I might not watch another game until Snyder sells the team. Do the right thing, hire GW. Don't be a stupid F...!!!!! Overreact much?
If we get Fassel (which is basically a lock at this point) and Ryan, we are in no worse shape than if we kept GW and hired a new OC to replace Saunders.. The only true way to maintain 'continuity' would be if Gibbs never left. For all that we thought GW may keep the same, we truly have no idea what his plans were. Maybe he wanted to move training camp to Calabasas, CA. Maybe he wanted to switch to a 3-3-5 defense. Maybe he wants to hire Mike Martz away from SF to be the OC.. We have no clue but we're automatically sold on him because he 'maintains continuity'?
As I posted earlier, Pittsburgh changed head coach and OC and made the playoffs.. SD changed head coach, OC and DC and made the playoffs.. Dallas changed head coach, OC and DC and made the playoffs.. In the playoffs NYG, SD, Indy & Sea all had coaches who had previously led another team to the playoffs.. The 2 Super Bowl coaches are 'retreads' that I'm sure were not warmly embraced by their fan bases upon hire..
Let's take the 'post loss' stance when it comes to posting.. Take a few deep breaths, a walk around the house and use logic rather than emotion..
drew54 01-23-2008, 12:47 AM This is very troubling to me. I really feel that this could make it hard for me to follow the team with such a die hard passion.
Even if Fassel wins it all next year, there will still be that bitter taste hanging around.