Bill B 01-22-2008, 03:44 PM OK people, chill on the Dan Snyder just wants to make money conspiracy theory. He's not effing around with coaches and free agents just to make more money. The answer is much more simple than that: he just doesn't understand football well enough.
He brought Gibbs in and gave him total control over personnel decisions. Two out of those four years, Gibbs took a very low-key approach to free agency. And during those years, we didn't have any coaching turnover. Amazingly, despite the relative stability, the team made a boatload of money!
Change does not lead to more revenue. Marketing (extremeskins, alternate uniforms, expanding the stadium, Redskins Radio, etcetera) makes more money. He's not thinking of bringing in Fassel to make more money. He's considering Fassel because he feels it's possible he'll be a better HC than GW.
He's in it to win it. If he picks Fassel, it shows he has no clue. If he picks GW, it shows that he's learning.
Schneed - I agree with you on Synders lack of football knowledge but as far as Synder and his desire to accumulate wealth - I know people who have worked for the guy and money is extremely imporatant to the guy and runs through his decision making on pretty much everything first and foremost. Case in point: People have mocked him for the Six Flags purchase when he actually did not purchase the company for the ongoing operations - he purchased Six Flags for the underlying real estate. Synder does not care one lick about family entertainment that Six Flags used to be known for - alll he cares about with Six Flags is how much capital appreciation the Real Estate is providing. The Redskins are no different - if they were not churning out millions in earnings every year he would be taking a different approach to reverse its trend. I am not trying to criticize Synder as a businessman - in fact I think most of his business making decisions are pretty descent - I am just disappointed Synder does not learn from the likes of a Bob Kraft and go out and get tried and true GM to run the football operations.
firstdown 01-22-2008, 03:45 PM OK people, chill on the Dan Snyder just wants to make money conspiracy theory. He's not effing around with coaches and free agents just to make more money. The answer is much more simple than that: he just doesn't understand football well enough.
He brought Gibbs in and gave him total control over personnel decisions. Two out of those four years, Gibbs took a very low-key approach to free agency. And during those years, we didn't have any coaching turnover. Amazingly, despite the relative stability, the team made a boatload of money!
Change does not lead to more revenue. Marketing (extremeskins, alternate uniforms, expanding the stadium, Redskins Radio, etcetera) makes more money. He's not thinking of bringing in Fassel to make more money. He's considering Fassel because he feels it's possible he'll be a better HC than GW.
He's in it to win it. If he picks Fassel, it shows he has no clue. If he picks GW, it shows that he's learning.
Well your last statement is based off of nothing at this point because we do not know what is going on behind closed doors. Maybe GW wants to make total changes in the team other than the D which is his. We just do not know what is going on so we cannot say one is better than the other without knowing what actually facts. I can understand why people want to see the coach named but to draw all these conclusion about Snyder at this point is just not fair.
Schneed10 01-22-2008, 03:46 PM Take a deep breath here folks.
Danny Boy has succeeded in creating a media frenzy about his new head coach. That focuses the spotlight on him and what he's doing/thinking/saying/not saying... And that's what this kind of thing is all about for him. There has to be "sizzle" associated with all of this. If he can hire a "sizzling" - read "surprising" - HC, that's fine. If not, he has to manufacture "sizzle" and that's what he's done.
Someone asked why the media don't take him on. Well, the local media doesn't dare do that because he'll take vengeance on them. One reporter for a local TV station was banned from using the indoor studio facilities at Redskins HQS for a year and had to do all of his reports from the parking lot. That kind of set the tone for local guys being nasty to Danny Boy.
As for the national media, they don't call BS on Danny Boy much anymore because it isn't all that newsworthy anymore.
As long as people are talking about this coaching search, that's good from Danny Boy's point of view. So keep it up folks.
Smootsmack gets angry with me when I say nasty things about Danny Boy and his need to have his ego stroked. This thread sounds to me a bit as if some others here are also thinking that Danny Boy and Vinnie are not certified football geniuses. Welcome to the dark side, folks.
For those who really think Jim Fassel is a bad idea for this team, take solace. There are plenty of worse candidates out there without coaching jobs. I don't think Fassel would be a great hire, but he's not nearly as bad a choice as some others would be.
Can you please explain to me the financial incentive behind creating a "buzz" about your head coaching hire?
The Redskins sell out their stadium every year, so "buzz" does not sell you any additional tickets. The coach doesn't wear a number, so coaching buzz doesn't help you sell jerseys. As the fans "buzz" about the coach, they don't check Danny's websites, they check with the insiders like JLC, Jay Glazer, Mortensen, King, etcetera. So the only websites that get a boost are media-run and don't belong to The Danny.
Danny is a great businessman, but apparently you are not. I just love this conspiracy theory about the "buzz" being profitable. It's a myth.
Sean"Big Hurt"Taylor 01-22-2008, 03:46 PM We will not win until Snyder sells the team. Believe it! See you guys in 2010. That is when he will probably sell the team and I will return to Washington Redskins as being my favorite football team. Until that I will only watch football to see all of the teams. This freaking pathetic.
firstdown 01-22-2008, 03:50 PM Please tell that to Dan Snyder, he's perfectly happy hiring idiot coaches and making money off the fans anyways, no matter how shitty the product on the field is he knows the fans will always support the team and buy everything up regarding the team.
Well I guess Gibbs, GW and Saunders are on that idiot coaching list.
Schneed10 01-22-2008, 03:51 PM Well your last statement is based off of nothing at this point because we do not know what is going on behind closed doors. Maybe GW wants to make total changes in the team other than the D which is his. We just do not know what is going on so we cannot say one is better than the other without knowing what actually facts. I can understand why people want to see the coach named but to draw all these conclusion about Snyder at this point is just not fair.
Fair point. There could be circumstances, of which I'm not aware, that would make Fassel a better choice than GW. But if that were the case, it would be upsetting either way. Because even if Fassel is the better choice, it still means we're starting over, yet again, and Fassel will have to coach a group of players that really wanted GW.
Right decision or not, Fassel is going to cause a rift in the locker room. These players want GW. If they don't get him, I can see many of them getting very jaded.
firstdown 01-22-2008, 03:51 PM We will not win until Snyder sells the team. Believe it! See you guys in 2010. That is when he will probably sell the team and I will return to Washington Redskins as being my favorite football team. Until that I will only watch football to see all of the teams. This freaking pathetic.
By, see you in 2 years.
charlielyons 01-22-2008, 03:55 PM im sure gibbs had no idea when he retired this would happen.....he probably would have just stayed on and take a bobby bowden role....and let the coordinators run it all
sportscurmudgeon 01-22-2008, 04:01 PM Schneed:
I didn't say that Danny Boy created this "buzz" to make money. I said he did it to stroke his ego.
He also happens to be very interested in making money on the Redskins, but that's not why he finds ways to get himself positioned at the center of the stories about hiring coaches and signing flashy free agents. He does that for ego-strokes.
Skins_FanFL 01-22-2008, 04:10 PM Looking over Fassel's record, I see only one above average year. 2000, he went 12-4. (He went 10-5-1 once, and 10-6. Both times losing first-round Wild Card games.)
He was 25-33 at Utah.
There's a reason he hasn't been a head coach since 2003. Think of all the coaching vacancies since then...and he hasn't received a sniff from anyone, outside of Synder.
If not Gregg Williams, then pick an up-and-coming assistant. Fassel ain't the guy. The players are firmly on Greggy's side. Any other choice is a signal that the next few years will be about rebuilding a new identity. Continuity will be destroyed.
Just my humble opinion.