01-19-2008, 09:57 PM
However, his link doesn't work, and yours does, so he will have to forfeit the crown.
This is really getting old (not your post - the whole steroid/perjury thing). It seems every month there is someone new who lied about taking steroids. I dunno, maybe I'm jaded.
I'm with you on this. I'm so damn tired of it. I just don't care if everyone in team sports takes HGH or steriods.
01-20-2008, 09:25 AM
That would be Sean Gilbert.
Ah yes, of course
01-20-2008, 09:47 AM
Here's a question for Warpathers:
Dana Stubblefield was/is a defensive line coach for a high school in California. I haven't read that the school has fired him over this perjury situation so I guess he's still there.
Reports are that he was up front with the kids and the school about his use of steroids and BALCO stuff and has often spoken to his team about not using steoids.
Obviously, he knows something about playing on the DL - - at least as much as your average high school coach.
SO, would you want your kid to play for a team where Dana Stufflefield was an assistant coach?
If you would not want that, would you forbid your kid to play on that school team so long as Stubblefield was the coach?
That's my only problem with the steroid issue - how early it starts. I don't care what grown men are doing to enhance their physical abilities. I do care when high school and college athletes start emulating them.
For me, my son wouldn't play.
That Guy
01-20-2008, 03:46 PM
stubby told the media here that he had tried the crap and it didn't really help him.
and, i mean, we all saw how bad he was post contract... nothing to argue there.