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memphisskin 01-16-2008, 01:28 AM Well in the past, chances were more than likely we wouldn't have re-signed Cooley to a new deal before he tested the market, wouldn't have ensured we had a solid running back by retaining Betts at below market value.
Yeah the Duckett was a failure for us. But we've also invested a lot of late draft picks and solid scouting overall on several solid, young players who shouldn't be dismissed so quickly. Apart from Campbell and Landry-Alexander, Heyer, Doughty, Montgomery, Blades just to name a few.
SS, I will give you the college scouting department wins, which I wanted to attribute to Louis Riddick but he does PRO scouting. Can we really count a 5th round pick as a solid scouting win, when our Front Office traded the 3rd rounder for Lloyd and the 4th round for Duckett?
Outside of Fletcher, which free agent that we brought in the last couple of years actually performed the way we expected? And I'm basing expectations on salary, unless its just our business model to give everyone $10 million to sign, which to me is still a lot of money. Lloyd, Carter, Randle-El, Arch Deluxe, none of them seem like $10 mil players to me.
How about letting Ryan Clark, Pierce, and Smoot all walk, when $1 million combined would have kept them all here?
I do see improvement, however a lot of that was due to the guy who just retired. We shall see if it continues, I'm a Skins fan so of course I hope it does continue. I'm afraid it will go back to the days of Taylor Jacobs.
Love the tete-a-tete, you do make me think there SS.
memphisskin 01-16-2008, 01:35 AM In case you don't look back..
Edit #2: Found it, but I was just wrong. It turns out I used it for a different yet related argument altogether. It does say here that other interviewing cannot take place without interviewing a minority, but it also says their has to be prior contract stipulations. So sorry again, I am even more of an ass then I thought. I still maintain, however, that he could have asked Joe to delay the announcement while he reworked Williams' contract.
http://www.redskinswarpath.com/locke...tml#post406424 (ESPN: Redskins to Interview G. Williams Today) (http://www.redskinswarpath.com/locker-room/21960-espn-redskins-interview-g-williams-2.html#post406424)
And I still maintain that you are wrong.
Before the Rooney Rule, the argument was that minorities were terrible at interviewing. You only get better by doing, so the Rooney Rule's intent is two-fold, foster diversity by 1) developing the interviewing skill set of minorities, and 2) force owners to interview minority candidates that they were not doing otherwise.
Your assertion, which I agree with as a Redskin fan interested in continuity, I absolutely disagree with as a minority. What's to stop any owner from doing the same thing you prescribe?
Good arguing with you though, and for the record, I don't think you're an ass. Maybe donkey-like, but not an ass. Just joking, its all good!
SmootSmack 01-16-2008, 01:48 AM SS, I will give you the college scouting department wins, which I wanted to attribute to Louis Riddick but he does PRO scouting. Can we really count a 5th round pick as a solid scouting win, when our Front Office traded the 3rd rounder for Lloyd and the 4th round for Duckett?
Outside of Fletcher, which free agent that we brought in the last couple of years actually performed the way we expected? And I'm basing expectations on salary, unless its just our business model to give everyone $10 million to sign, which to me is still a lot of money. Lloyd, Carter, Randle-El, Arch Deluxe, none of them seem like $10 mil players to me.
How about letting Ryan Clark, Pierce, and Smoot all walk, when $1 million combined would have kept them all here?
I do see improvement, however a lot of that was due to the guy who just retired. We shall see if it continues, I'm a Skins fan so of course I hope it does continue. I'm afraid it will go back to the days of Taylor Jacobs.
Love the tete-a-tete, you do make me think there SS.
Are they worth $10 million, no probably not. Though I think El and Carter come pretty close considering the market.
The money debate is a never-ending one, and will probably continue until the day that it really does come back to bite us in the gluteus. Up until now it hasn't really killed us (props to Marty for avoiding disaster back in 2001, but that's another story).
And sometimes the best move is to let people go. And sometimes people just want to go.
Anyhow, I suspect there could be a FO change coming anyway.
Campbell17 01-16-2008, 06:35 PM I dont know where he is going with all the interviews, we are 99% sure he's coaching.
Bill B 01-16-2008, 06:47 PM Are they worth $10 million, no probably not. Though I think El and Carter come pretty close considering the market.
The money debate is a never-ending one, and will probably continue until the day that it really does come back to bite us in the gluteus. Up until now it hasn't really killed us (props to Marty for avoiding disaster back in 2001, but that's another story).
And sometimes the best move is to let people go. And sometimes people just want to go.
Anyhow, I suspect there could be a FO change coming anyway.
Smootsmack - what change do you think is going to happen to the FO? -(just curious)
SmootSmack 01-16-2008, 06:59 PM Smootsmack - what change do you think is going to happen to the FO? -(just curious)
Just a gut feeling that someone new might be added to the decision making process. And I'm not talking about the new coach.
Not as strong a feeling as I had yesterday though
T.O.Killa 01-20-2008, 09:05 PM I was researching, if there was a relationship between Steve Mariucci and Cerrato, and I came across this article about how Cerrato's job was in jepoardy for leaving the 49er's 20 million over the cap. Sound familiar.
Tough Decisions Ahead for Mariucci (http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/1998/11/30/SP10064.DTL&type=printable)
skinsfan69 01-20-2008, 09:22 PM I still don't understand why Dan keeps this tool around. Vinny is never ever going to get fired. He and Dan seem to be butt buddies. If he really wanted to win as bad as we all know he does then why doesn't he go get the best personel guy out there? He goes out and pays top $ for the coaches yet he doesn't do it when it comes to the FO.
SouperMeister 01-20-2008, 09:38 PM As I understand it, essentially you've got Louis Riddick leading a team of scouts that research and target pro players (NFL, CFL, AFL) and then Scott Campbell leads the team that does the same for the college players. And Vinny oversees both groups, participates in the latters stages of player evaluation, makes suggestions based on their findings, and essentially serves as a filter of information to ownership (and Gibbs when he was here).
But they supposedly give Riddick/Campbell pretty much carte blanche, not sure I'm using the term right actually but Snyder and Cerrato usually go off their recommendations without much pushback.
And the other key player is Eric Schaeffer, who handles the money.I wonder if Riddick recommended both Archuleta and B. Lloyd. If so, I would think that we could do better with our head of pro scouting.
Redskins 01-20-2008, 10:40 PM What does Vinny do? Have you heard the term "fluffer"?