Yeah the families all get to know each other, I think that's correct.
As I understand it, Snyder didn't really spend any time at all interviewing Spurrier (shocker I know), he just went on his gut feeling. And that backfired big time, so he's been extremely meticulous ever since.
At least he learned a lesson.
I guess he doesn't always go back to his "old ways" after all.
01-15-2008, 11:31 AM
Hour 1-More of a "get to know you" session. Where do you see yourself in five years, what are your strengths and weaknesses, things of that nature
Hours 2 through 4-Spent on offense, defense, and special teams philosophies. One hour for each unit
Hour 5-break for lunch
Hour 6-Call LaVar, get his opinion on everything
Hour 7-Evaluate the coaching staff, changes Williams may/may not want to make
Hour 8-Make a phone call to Cody Boyd, beg him to come back
Hour 9-Discuss possible contract terms
Hour 10-Watch continuous loop of T.O. crying, point and laugh
Hour 11-Roll up a blunt, light it up, and read the "Question 3" thread
Hour 12-Dinner
Don't lie. That's a workday at ESPN...especially the smoking part. :D
01-15-2008, 11:39 AM
I thought I was reading the schedule on how one becomes a Mod...
01-15-2008, 02:12 PM
You have to run out of questions after a while. One example of the questions could be " Quick stand on your head and call four plays in a row." I can't imagine a 12 hour interview. It does seem a little excesive.
01-15-2008, 11:07 PM
Someone asked what was going through the coaching candidate's mind during a 12-hour interview. Here's one possibility:
"This funky little dude is famous for paying outrageously humongous salaries to coaches and players. Damn, I hope I get the opportunity to cash a couple of his $5M per annum paychecks. That's life-changing money!"
01-16-2008, 12:00 AM
That's usually the norm for Snyder. Gibbs sat down with Snyder for 8 hours before he agreed to come back. Rhodes and Fassel 9 hours each
WTF? Doesn't he run a company, too?
Actually, I heard the first 7 hours are dedicated to the candidate coming up with various plausible justifications for Vinny Cerrato's job.
01-16-2008, 02:43 AM
They probably discuss the future of all of the coaches on the staff and how they will handle each of their scenarios in the event of failure. Case and point, Al Saunders.
01-16-2008, 02:45 AM
They probably discuss the futre of all of the coaches on the staff and how they will handle each of their scenarios in the event of failure. Case and point, Al Saunders.
Most definitely
01-16-2008, 02:50 AM
Do you have your posts on Auto Pitot?
01-16-2008, 02:56 AM
Do you have your posts on Auto Pitot?
Most definitely