artmonkforhallofamein07 01-11-2008, 01:13 PM Hi guys, I just wanted to know how some of you are feeling about Sean lately. Is the hurt still there? The saddness I feel for the loss of one of the best defensive players we have ever had in a Redskins uniform still follows me to this day. I know that Sean was a believer, and as I am I know where I hope he is, but it still does not heal the hurt that I have inside. I know that I did not personally know him, but it still hurts when I see him. I cry still.
Now that our playoff run is over, and we move on as a football team to next season how do you guys feel about Sean? Is the hurt still there? I was fine after I watched the funeral, but now that the season is done I hurt again. I miss you Sean, and hopefully one day I will get to meet you in the Spirit in th Sky.
12thMan 01-11-2008, 01:23 PM Yeah, man I'm definitely feeling you. As I've said before, living here in D.C. you constantly see the reminders of Sean. This morning I saw a guy reading a newspaper with #21 ball cap on. Day before that, I spotted a Mini Van that had Taylor's number painted on the inside of the rear window.
I don't hurt in the same way as I did after his immediate passing, but I still miss that dude a lot. One of the things that was so disconcerting, at least to me personally, about Gibbs abrupt retirement was that he and Taylor had a unique bond. In some ways, they came to represent Gibbs 2.0...at least to me.
RobH4413 01-11-2008, 01:43 PM Not trying to be insensitive, but I never hurt when Sean was killed. I never knew the guy, so I feel it would dishonor those that die just as valiantly to disproportionately mourn one of them just because they're a football player.
I'm not going to lie, I think it was very very tragic, and I feel for the hearts of his family. But I can't feel more for him than the thousands of young men and women that die throughout this world everyday that I never here about.
Did it ruin my week? Yeah... but I'm mad at myself for letting it.
I will continue to honor him for what he was. A great football player, and from what I know an excellent father and a changed man. He will be missed... but I'm not going to let it effect me now.
artmonkforhallofamein07 01-11-2008, 01:58 PM 12th I definately feel your thoughts on Gibbs and Taylor.
And Rob I would question myself as to why I felt so sad for some one I did not know. Knowing all along that these types of tragedies happpen all the time to men and women here at home and abroad.
We truly were lucky to get to know him in some way.
Time heals, brother
It does not feel the same, or as bad as it did before. I do still have the bad, empty feeling about Sean. Add Joe's departure to that, and.......hard to describe..........I don't feel the same....."zeal" I did for any of it. My FANaticism is temporarily gone. It will return, but for now........hard to get exited about any of it
Lady Brave 01-11-2008, 02:07 PM I still tear up a bit when I see images of him. I often think about the players walking past his plexiglassed locker. I suppose I'll always mourn the loss of what could've been when it comes to Sean.
12thMan 01-11-2008, 02:08 PM Rob, I don't think you're being insensitive at all. I think everybody is in a different place regarding Taylor's tradegy. And because someone felt his loss more profoundly than another Redskins' fan, doesn't mean one person is more sensitive than the other. As long we agree that he'll be missed, that's the main point.
I just won't drunk call you anymore, that's all:)
RobH4413 01-11-2008, 02:14 PM Rob, I don't think you're being insensitive at all. I think everybody is in a different place regarding Taylor's tradegy. And because someone felt his loss more profoundly than another Redskins' fan, doesn't mean one person is more sensitive than the other. As long we agree that he'll be missed, that's the main point.
I just won't drunk call you anymore, that's all:)
Now I'm going to make a point to get wasted tonight and blow your phone up.
But seriously... I'm going to some random happy hour w/ my roommate and his law firm in d.c., so this is a very real possibility. And... no worries about the calls. I kind of thought they were hilarious.
Rajmahal33 01-11-2008, 02:16 PM The hurt from Sean's death will be a part of the team for a long time and the emotional healing will take time. I also think that the organization will not fully recover from his death for at least another full season if not longer.
12thMan 01-11-2008, 02:19 PM Now I'm going to make a point to get wasted tonight and blow your phone up.
But seriously... I'm going to some random happy hour w/ my roommate and his law firm in d.c., so this is a very real possibility. And... no worries about the calls. I kind of thought they were hilarious.
K Street area?