mooby 01-09-2008, 01:14 AM Because he's joining us as a moderator! j/k
Seriously though, in a strange way I feel that Gibbs' resignation is a positive step for discussions on this board. The bulk of my time here has been during Gibbs II.
And one thing that I think really affected our discussions and evaluation of Joe Gibbs is that we all had different perspectives and memories of him. Someone like Mooby isn't old enough to remember seeing live Darryl Grant highstepping into the end zone after intercepting a batted Dexter Manley pass in an NFC Championship game in front of a rocking RFK, the way Skinsguy can. Skinsguy probably doesn't remember Gibbs making his presence felt in the NFL for the first time in the early 1970s crafting a high powered St. Louis Cardinals offense, the way Backrow does.
I don't know, I guess I'm just rambling here.
But my point is, now with a new head coach we should all have a clean slate with which to evaluate him. Even if it's someone like Williams or Cowher who has experience being an NFL head coach, none of us have any emotional attachment to them as such.
That make sense?
This message board makes me feel so damn young :/. Although I do think it will be nice to view our own coach with unbiased eyes because he hasn't led us to 3 Super Bowls in his previous stint lol.
djnemo65 01-09-2008, 04:05 AM I think all of us Redskins fans - not just on this board but across the nation - have struggled to find the appropriate tone when talking about Gibbs 2.0. I think age is certainly part of it, but really it's just unclear the degree to which Gibbs contributions to the franchise weigh against the shortcomings of his second regime. Part of me always felt that he needed to be evaluated as any other coach - but how can that be, when he is the man who single-handedly put DC on the football map?
Going forward we will all be on the same page and I think that that will indeed be good for discussion.
Luxorreb 01-09-2008, 05:34 AM I grew up with Gibbs as coach... 9 years old when he started and almost 21 when he finished his first tenure. Only real playoff or winning the Redskins have ever done has been under Gibbs (other than the 99 Norvel Tampa trip)... I understand him stepping down and I truly appreciate him coming back. Gibbs has given validity to the Snyder era and put us on a course for which we should all be thankful. Gone are the career 'enders' Deion, Bruce Smith. We have veterans like Godfrey, McCardell, Caldwell who are still impact players while filling the team with youth. Landry, Rogers, McIntosh, Campbell. I would bet that Joe Gibbs would grant an interview by the redskinswarpath rep in some capacity... HTTR!!! In Gibbs We Trust!
I do understand the point behind the thread. I think there has been a bit of a divide between those that witnessed Gibbs' first run and were very loyal to him (myself included), and those that were too young during his first run and that loyalty just wasn't there and needed to be earned.
But I also think that no matter who the coach is, there is going to be those that lean more towards the supportive side and those that lean towards the less supportive side.
Bottom line, you can't make everyone happy.
BleedBurgundy 01-09-2008, 11:14 AM I do understand the point behind the thread. I think there has been a bit of a divide between those that witnessed Gibbs' first run and were very loyal to him (myself included), and those that were too young during his first run and that loyalty just wasn't there and needed to be earned.
But I also think that no matter who the coach is, there is going to be those that lean more towards the supportive side and those that lean towards the less supportive side.
Bottom line, you can't make everyone happy.
I'd love to be wrong, but that's what I see happening. Some of that is natural, and good for discussion's sake. But some people don't know how to separate the post from the poster. Those people suck.
Paintrain 01-09-2008, 11:19 AM Good thread.. I don't think Norv would elicit such impassioned responses.
SmootSmack 01-09-2008, 11:21 AM I do understand the point behind the thread. I think there has been a bit of a divide between those that witnessed Gibbs' first run and were very loyal to him (myself included), and those that were too young during his first run and that loyalty just wasn't there and needed to be earned.
But I also think that no matter who the coach is, there is going to be those that lean more towards the supportive side and those that lean towards the less supportive side.
Bottom line, you can't make everyone happy.
True, but I think the debates will (hopefully) be more substantial as opposed to fueled more so by emotion
saden1 01-09-2008, 11:25 AM I do understand the point behind the thread. I think there has been a bit of a divide between those that witnessed Gibbs' first run and were very loyal to him (myself included), and those that were too young during his first run and that loyalty just wasn't there and needed to be earned.
But I also think that no matter who the coach is, there is going to be those that lean more towards the supportive side and those that lean towards the less supportive side.
Bottom line, you can't make everyone happy.
Sure you can, win a Super Bowl :food-smil
Sure you can, win a Super Bowl :food-smil
Somehow I doubt that would make everyone happy. Someone would find something to gripe about. I guarantee it.
Daseal 01-09-2008, 11:46 AM Good post SS -- I agree completely that Gibbs loyalists would defend him regardless, and that often set others of us off since it seemed regardless of what the team was doing there was no wrong involved -- the discussion here I think will improve from people being able to speak their mind a bit better without previous biases.