08-10-2004, 10:53 PM
I just want to remind everyone that back when I sat at a desk all day, before this site got a makeover I was a pretty active member of this site. And during that time I went to bat for Andre Lott, now a lot of you were quick to crucify me because I bashed your false God Ifeani Ohelete. I was ripped for saying that I like Andre Lott and that I hoped he would win the starting job in last season's competition at safety. Now look where Ifeani has landed...3rd String behind my boy Andre Lott. Lott even held off Sean Taylor for about a week in camp, which isn't too bad considering this has been Taylor's job to lose since he was selected fifth overall by the Skins. So, in conclusion, I believe Lott should bump Bowen from the starting slot because he sucks too.
Oh by the way, I'm also the biggest Ladell Betts hater on this site and for some reason I don't think he played last night. Hmmm...doesn't look too good for him after what Sultan did. :smashfrea
I'm not a big fan of Iffy myself.
As for Betts he's a little dinged up and didn't make the trip.
08-10-2004, 11:17 PM
You know, I kind of liked Khary Campbell yesterday
08-10-2004, 11:26 PM
You know, I kind of liked Khary Campbell yesterday
same here as well as gari scott, both just seemed to be where ever the play was and/or making the play. and Sultan made some very nice cuts and runs last night.
08-10-2004, 11:28 PM
I wanted to see Scott Cloman get some balls.
Ohalate is fast, young, and talented. Lott did well, but I still like Iffy better. He showed up most of last year.
08-10-2004, 11:30 PM
Well it's official, Skinsfan and I are about to launch the Khary Campbell Fan Club, KFC for short
08-11-2004, 04:48 AM
are you guys going to have the four dollar meals menu, because those things rock!!!
And I think we might as well start bowen at SS because all we are going to need is a guy that hits hard. Taylor will pick anything thrown deep, so we'll let bowen knock a running back around after a screen play. Assuming bowen takes out the same aggression on the opposing team as he does no hes team members in practice...
NM Redskin
08-11-2004, 05:56 AM
I don't know, this might be way out there, but I think Iffy 3rd string has to do with him and the whole holding out for more cash for the # 26. Gibbs says he wants Redskins with character and the whole thing, to me, seem to lack character. I can understand a player not wanting to give up his number for various reason, but to hold for more cash seems shallow. As far Lott is consider, I agree he looked good in HOFG, camp reports seem to say good things, hopefully they can find a way to get him on the feild.
08-11-2004, 08:56 AM
Uhh, I honestly think Ohalate got sick of Portis's constant bitching about the number and gave it up so they could move on. Why not get some cash out of him for it too. He didn't do a damn thing to hurt the team.
I've seen Bowen rock Redskins, but he always seems to whiff on the other team. Mr. Clean is useless.
I can't see Gibbs punishing a player like that. Iffy is #3 on the depth chart for a reason, but I highly doubt it's because he didn't want to give up his #.