12thMan 12-13-2007, 05:40 PM That sounds about right. I don't see how he could be any higher at this point.
Yeah, you probably could split a few hairs and push him to sixteen maybe fifteen but that's it.
GTripp0012 12-13-2007, 05:51 PM If the list is based on this year only, right at the current moment, then theres no way in the anals of hell that you can make a argument for McNabb over Garrard. Theres no place to start or finish.
If this is a career projection forecast, then you have issues all over the place.
firstdown 12-13-2007, 06:08 PM I think you nailed it. Eli's stats are slighly better than Jason's but that doesn't tell the whole story. Also, you get the feeling the team loves and admires Campbell a great deal.
I think if you spoke to many Giants off the record, the opinions about Eli would vary more than we think.
Oh, come on 12th you have know way of knowing this and the one time when Tiki attacked Eli his team mates stood up and defended him. Yes he has had late year melt downs but I have been impressed with his play so far this year. Now of course I'm hopng that he has his melt down this week and the rest of the year for that matter.
12thMan 12-13-2007, 06:13 PM Oh, come on 12th you have know way of knowing this and the one time when Tiki attacked Eli his team mates stood up and defended him. Yes he has had late year melt downs but I have been impressed with his play so far this year. Now of course I'm hopng that he has his melt down this week and the rest of the year for that matter.
You're right, you're right...I don't know this for sure. But I have a feeling (sorry Schneed), but I have a feeling if Tiki felt this way, someone else, at least a handfull of other Giants shared that same sentiment. That being said, Tiki isn't the most lovable guy himself:)
SFREDSKIN 12-13-2007, 06:25 PM How about Cutler at 11 over Campbell and Young. I think Cutler should be even with Campbell.
I think you nailed it. Eli's stats are slighly better than Jason's but that doesn't tell the whole story. Also, you get the feeling the team loves and admires Campbell a great deal.
I think if you spoke to many Giants off the record, the opinions about Eli would vary more than we think.
Boy, I hate to speak against Campbell, but Eli will lead the Giants to the playoffs this year for the 4th year in a row. Granted, he has folded in a lot of big games, but he also has at least a few come from behind wins. The former out-numbers the latter, sure, but Jason hasn't given us many come from behind victories at all (just one, right? against the Jets this year) and I'm pretty sure that wasn't Doug Williams wearing number 17 when a plethora of 4th quarter interceptions kept the Skins from beating Dallas and Philly in back to back weeks this season.
They seem pretty comparable, but Eli has more experience, and has had more success. Hard to reason putting JC ahead of Eli.
redsk1 12-13-2007, 08:09 PM Boy, I hate to speak against Campbell, but Eli will lead the Giants to the playoffs this year for the 4th year in a row. Granted, he has folded in a lot of big games, but he also has at least a few come from behind wins. The former out-numbers the latter, sure, but Jason hasn't given us many come from behind victories at all (just one, right? against the Jets this year) and I'm pretty sure that wasn't Doug Williams wearing number 17 when a plethora of 4th quarter interceptions kept the Skins from beating Dallas and Philly in back to back weeks this season.
They seem pretty comparable, but Eli has more experience, and has had more success. Hard to reason putting JC ahead of Eli.
No question. Eli has had success. I'm no fan of Eli's at all, but he has led his team to the playoffs a # of times. I don't see how JC should be ranked above Eli. JC really hasn't done anything yet. I think he will-I'd like to think he will, but this isn't a poll about who will be better, its about right now. Eli's had a good year.
SC Skins Fan 12-13-2007, 10:37 PM The Official Eli Manning Sucks Blog (http://www.baka-raptor.com/EliManning/index.php)
That's all I have to say about that.
EARTHQUAKE2689 12-13-2007, 10:44 PM Campbell at number 18 is great seeing that he has only one year under is belt
jsarno 12-14-2007, 12:28 AM I have two issues with the rankings. 1st, I would not put Brady ahead of Manning. If Manning was a Patriot, he would have already had the record. Manning and Brady are of very similar age, look at the differences in stats. Granted Brady hasn't played as long, but he has in no way put up the stats that Manning has. Manning is the smartest qb to ever live.
The other issue I have is fairly predictable, and I won't even mention his name, but I will just say he's ranked way too high. (like gump says...that's all I got to say about that) :D