Vick Sentenced to 23 months in Prison

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12-10-2007, 05:28 PM
Vick deserves every last second of that. I don't believe of torture of any sort. Animal, human, anything. Are there more important things in the world than dog fighting, certainly. However, our soldiers VOLUNTEERED to go to war. Part of being a soldier is understanding the risk involved. That's part of the reason they are so revered. Also, we had a conscious choice to go to war or not (well, not us, but politicians).

The tragedies in Africa are heartbreaking. No doubt about that. They need relief and I have no idea why we haven't done more than we have. But this isn't the point. It's not like we rank the audacity of a crime, then go down the check list checking it off. You can't do that. You get criminals that come to you, and you deal with them. Let's get down to basics, many arrests are made to keep your taxes lower. It's all about making money. I go the opposite way of an above poster, I typically find sentences too harsh. People in jail for parking tickets, how ridiculous. I feel that violent crimes are typically the only ones that require intensive incarceration. That includes any sort of violent tendencies.

And you say it's just dog fighting? We're talking about illegal gambling and with that much money around, you don't think guns are involved. WHo knows what else these guys transported.

Yes, I'm an animal lover. Vick is a complete and utter loser. He never developed as a QB, he never took advantage of his opportunities, and actually ended up ruining them. I guess I just don't understand how people can support a guy who just tormented helpless animals. Yeah, there are worse crimes in the world, but why not stop the ones we can at home.

12-10-2007, 05:34 PM
Vick deserves it. Hell he's a celeb. If he was some kind of noname hoodrat, he would have gotten more. Besides celebs get out early all the time. You can drive drunk and high, hop a curb, run your tree into a car and serve less than 2 minutes in jail. I think Vick will serve 12 months or so, be up for parole and get out on good behavior (maybe?). Anyone saying it's too harsh of a punishment is obviously looking for Vick to get a slap on the wrist. Ya, let ME go out and kill up a bunch of dogs and see if I serve less than 2 years in jail. Pfft.

12-10-2007, 06:32 PM
Vick deserves this, all the way. Maybe, and this is probably asking a bit much, this will actually make him think about these stupid decisions he makes. I love dogs and when I heard what he did to them I wanted them to lock him up for the most time possible, and the Feds have pretty much done that. Besides, he could've gotten less if he had just followed the judge's orders and stayed out of trouble while he was out of jail, but he didn't even do that. Good riddance. And as much as I hate to say this, in prison he's not gonna be lumped into general population, he's probably gonna be put in a private section, kinda like what they do with celebrities who go to jail. But if he is put in general pop. then I won't care, he'll just be getting more of what he deserves.

12-10-2007, 07:04 PM
I doubt there will be anything "tight" about it.

Maybe a split end?

I think the term is "wide receiver."

12-10-2007, 08:55 PM
Amen brother

Vick deserves every last second of that. I don't believe of torture of any sort. Animal, human, anything.

And you say it's just dog fighting? We're talking about illegal gambling and with that much money around, you don't think guns are involved. WHo knows what else these guys transported.

Yes, I'm an animal lover. Vick is a complete and utter loser. He never developed as a QB, he never took advantage of his opportunities, and actually ended up ruining them. I guess I just don't understand how people can support a guy who just tormented helpless animals. Yeah, there are worse crimes in the world, but why not stop the ones we can at home.

12-10-2007, 09:08 PM
I was very happy he got 23 months, I thought he would get the minimum.

Vick could possibly get out of jail early and violate his probation (3 years probation FYI) by smoking weed. They have random drug tests for people on probation and we already know he doesn't know how to clense his system before a test.

12-10-2007, 09:53 PM
"Don't do the crime if you can't do the time".

Leader of the operation;

Not cooperating as required by the plea agreement;

Smoking weed while in the pre-sentencing phase;

What part of 23 months becomes harsh?

The loss of salary does not in anyway figure into the sentence. That is his own stupidity.

12-10-2007, 09:55 PM
"Don't do the crime if you can't do the time".

Leader of the operation;

Not cooperating as required by the plea agreement;

Smoking weed while in the pre-sentencing phase;

What part of 23 months becomes harsh?

The loss of salary does not in anyway figure into the sentence. That is his own stupidity.

Are you Jack Handy? (random thoughts)

12-10-2007, 09:57 PM
Let's see I believe the Feds make you serve at least 75% of a prison term. So thats at least 17 months. He could be out just about the right time for the Raiders to be looking for a new QB. Shame the Cowboys don't need someone they always have room for crooks.

Who said the NFL will let him back in and lets not forget he still has the state of VA to answer to.

12-10-2007, 11:16 PM
i am a bit middled on this one...

as far as the dogs, i don't give hardly a rat's a. the pettiest of crimes against a human isn't worth 1000 damn dogs. not all of the athletes you cheer for everyday are saints. get over yourself?

the real crime here is just pure stupidity.


serve your time and get back to doing what you do. spare us the jokes please.

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