12-11-2007, 02:32 PM
Arrogant cheaters. I have a bigger problem with Belichek then the Patriots team. He was a head coaching failure in CLeveland and he was failing in NEw England until he stumbled upon Tom Brady...now it's like his arrogant ass invented the football. Your a pretty good coach who stumbled on an ALL TIME Great QB...get over yourself.
12-11-2007, 04:23 PM
I have no problem with Tom Brady. He is arguably the best quarterback in the NFL. His school boy looks alone make some men jealous. Belichek is the scrub I don't like. He is arrogant and obnoxious. He has been caught cheating and his reaction is to prove to the rest of the NFL, he doesn't have to cheat, even though he did.
12-11-2007, 04:33 PM
Arrogant cheaters. I have a bigger problem with Belichek then the Patriots team. He was a head coaching failure in CLeveland and he was failing in NEw England until he stumbled upon Tom Brady...now it's like his arrogant ass invented the football. Your a pretty good coach who stumbled on an ALL TIME Great QB...get over yourself.
Actually he got Cleveland to the playoffs and he was D-coordinator for both NYG Super Bowls.
12-11-2007, 04:36 PM
There's a whole lot of religious/moral reasons that make people choose to go through with having a baby once it is conceived, independent of their relationship status. I think that assuming a millionaire actress purposefully got pregnant to trap someone that didn't want to be with her is a stretch. More likely, they just weren't being all that careful...
Well none of us will ever know the real story. And that is why it's silly to say he ran out on her, and it's silly to say she trapped him.
12-11-2007, 05:08 PM
Personally, I think the hate for the Pats comes down to Belichick. He gives a poor first impression (and second and third). Nobody here really knows him, so their perception of him is based on what little information we have to go on.
So, here's what we have to go on:
1.) Football Etiquette -
Relentless attack. No mercy. Score as many points as possible -- not as many points needed to win.
2.) Outward Appearance -
Unkempt. Disheveled. Unprofessional.
3.) Press Conferences -
Poor speaker. Rude. Blunt. Inconsiderate. Unemotional, if not angry.
4.) Media Gossip -
Cheated on his wife. Cheated in the NFL.
Put Dungy on the Pats, even with Brady and everything else, and I think most of the hate for the Pats goes away. In short, it's hate for Belichick -- not Brady or the Pats as a team. Thats my analysis anyways.
12-11-2007, 06:28 PM
Personally, I think the hate for the Pats comes down to Belichick. He gives a poor first impression (and second and third). Nobody here really knows him, so their perception of him is based on what little information we have to go on.
So, here's what we have to go on:
1.) Football Etiquette -
Relentless attack. No mercy. Score as many points as possible -- not as many points needed to win.
2.) Outward Appearance -
Unkempt. Disheveled. Unprofessional.
3.) Press Conferences -
Poor speaker. Rude. Blunt. Inconsiderate. Unemotional, if not angry.
4.) Media Gossip -
Cheated on his wife. Cheated in the NFL.
Put Dungy on the Pats, even with Brady and everything else, and I think most of the hate for the Pats goes away. In short, it's hate for Belichick -- not Brady or the Pats as a team. Thats my analysis anyways.
The first one I like and wish the Skins would play that way. Second I really don't care what a coach wears. I think thats his way of telling the NFL that he is a grown man and can decide what to wear without their help. Which I agree and there was one coach who had to get permision (yes a grown man asking permision) to wear a suit. Third the press is just as blunt, incosiderate, etc as you say he is to the press. Just look at the reports and editorials when ST died. Fourth nothing to argue about both are wrong.
Redskin Warrior
12-11-2007, 11:21 PM
I think it's the fact that "THEY GOT CAUGHT CHEATING". That definitely couldn't be helping.
That is my reason plus no one actually know how long they have been cheating since Belbitch has been coach them probably. If I told you that MJ & the Bulls cheated during there championship run you probably won't respect them either. That is the real reason behind them running up the scores on opponents because they got caught. I feel if the Pats told Goodell "Hey man we have been cheating for the last 7 years." he would go public with it for the sake of the NFL. They would lose plenty of money & sponsors probably.
12-12-2007, 12:02 AM
Yeah, well the Broncos cheated during their two SB years (salary cap infractions), and no one thinks any less of them.
12-12-2007, 10:49 AM
Someone mention the class of the Colts and how they pulled PM after they had a hugh lead this week. They also forgot to mention that with the second string QB that hit a deap pass right off the bate and scored. I'd have to say running a play like that would be running up the score if we use the same standard applied to the Pats.
Speaking of running it up, does anyone want to bet that the Pats will be looking to run it up on Mangini this weekend? They might score 60+.