Staylor2121 12-04-2007, 09:58 PM What I dont get is if they thought he wasnt home. Why would they go straight to his bedroom? Was they planing on attacking Jackie? Were they clearing the house and Sean scared them? Just doesnt make sense fucking scum balls should line up for a firing squad with Taylors family with guns. Eye for an Eye!!!!!!!!!!!!
DynamiteRave 12-04-2007, 10:06 PM Look if any of you are looking for the death penalty for any of these guys you can forget it. The shooter is 17 and the Supreme Court just ruled that it's Unconstitutional to exucute anyone under 18. The rest of these idiots are not even eligible for the death penalty under Florida law.
My big concern is this. Some of these guys will make it back into society one day and believe you me chances are they will be ten times as worthless and 100 times a bigger threat to the general public. There is no justice in that. This nightmare has no end in sight. Or maybe we can start to change things. We gotta get rid of many of the types of the guns in our society that are most frequently used in violent crimes. Period.
My Juvenile Delinquency teacher said by time these guys sit, and then go to trial and then if they have to deal with appeals and such, the guy will probably be 18.
I mean unless the kid either JUST turned 17 or they're gonna throw this thing in court as fast as they can, there's a chance he'll turn 18 before sentencing.
And in violent cases such as murder and rape, juveniles almost always get waived to adult status.
I SERIOUSLY doubt he'll get first degree murder/capital murder because the murder itself wasn't premeditated. Shooter's probably looking at life without the possibility of parole. (Sorry for everyone who wanted him to fry) :(
DynamiteRave 12-04-2007, 10:09 PM What I dont get is if they thought he wasnt home. Why would they go straight to his bedroom? Was they planing on attacking Jackie? Were they clearing the house and Sean scared them? Just doesnt make sense fucking scum balls should line up for a firing squad with Taylors family with guns. Eye for an Eye!!!!!!!!!!!!
They scoped out the house during Sean's party, apparently they were guests. They probably went straight towards the bedroom cause hey, isn't that where most people keep money/jewelry/expensive things in their house?
Sean and the intruders probably ran into each other, shooter got startled and pulled the trigger.
DynamiteRave 12-04-2007, 10:20 PM I have 3 friends getting guns cus of this.
A gun is an American's Right and Choice and I am not advizing either way. As a non-Active Duty Marine I have a weapon but take it VERY serious. It was made to KILL. Period. Guns are not very serious and I know we have folks on both sides of the fence.
If you use a gun in a crime you should get the MAX of the law. Death or Life...the MAX
I don't really advocate gun use. I DEFINITELY am not one of those people who are like get rid of all of them. Cause in the US that's definitely not gonna work. Crime would run CRAZY rampant then. I just wish there was a better tactic so that good people could keep guns for protection and criminals/drug dealers couldn't. I mean, cause if it's coming into my house and it ends up being like a showdown at the ok corral, i'm probably gonna be the one to lose.
I just know I could never have a gun. I'd probably shoot it and the recoil would be so bad, it'd fly out my hands like something out of bad police academy movie. :doh:
Daseal 12-05-2007, 12:50 AM THis was bad enough, but the last thing I want to see is more people getting guns. I enjoy shooting guns for fun, go to Blue Ridge Arsenal sometimes, but I don't think it's ever something I could have in my house.
(Talking about hand guns, not hunting rifles, etc)
That Guy 12-05-2007, 03:38 AM more hand guns in houses = more dead children :/.
not everyone is responsible or careful enough for that to ever be a great idea.
I do understand that with all the guns currently out and the fact that an illegal weapons charge means nothing to a murderer that gun control laws don't really work well in practice. And i have nothing against the second amendment, but i did read about wynn's friends playing with a gun when he was a kid (and one of them ended up dead), and a month ago someone i know blew his big toe off playing with a gun in his room, and it's not like those things are isolated incidents. some people are just too accident prone or stupid to be trusted with loaded weapons.
flashalexb 12-05-2007, 10:08 AM I say we hang these guys.
jgalecpa 12-05-2007, 10:22 AM Unfortunately, can't fry the shooter if he was under 17 when it took place, per the Supreme Court.
(It matters only the age at which it took place, not the age at sentencing.)
This got John Malvo off the fryer, if you remember.
My wife wondered if maybe the others agreed to say the 17 yr old did it for just that reason.
Don't know FL law about whether or not they have a 'triggerman statute' determining if only the triggerman can be given the Death penalty.
Almost certainly will be LWOP (Life Without Opportunity for Parole) case.
saden1 12-05-2007, 10:33 AM At 17 he's no child. I'd imagine it's not too difficult to tell right from wrong at that age. Hopefully he'll be lucky enough to be someones bitch in the pen.
Bill B 12-05-2007, 12:10 PM Unfortunately, can't fry the shooter if he was under 17 when it took place, per the Supreme Court.
(It matters only the age at which it took place, not the age at sentencing.)
This got John Malvo off the fryer, if you remember.
My wife wondered if maybe the others agreed to say the 17 yr old did it for just that reason.
Don't know FL law about whether or not they have a 'triggerman statute' determining if only the triggerman can be given the Death penalty.
Almost certainly will be LWOP (Life Without Opportunity for Parole) case.
Spoke to my friend who used to work in the Florida judicial system - even though the others did not pull the trigger they can all be tried for the death penalty (as long as they are over 18 like you said) according to Florida law. My friend went on to say that Reed Rubin is the prosecutor in the case and he is tough as nails and will most likely go full force in getting as long a sentence as possible for all the defendents or death if possible. Also my friend went on to tell me that life in prison in Florida means their entire living years (not like some states where life may mean a certain number of years) and that there will be no possibility of parole for these guys unless the governor grants Clemency which has not happened in Florida I believe ever. Finally the judge who is overseeing the case is a former prosecutor and is not light on criminals per my friends dealings with him - even if this is a trial by jury these guys are in a world of trouble. My friend said the only way one of these guys doesn't get life is if they make a plea deal turning on the others and maybe he would get a lesser sentence like 25-30 years.
Here is an excerpt from USA that states what these guys are facing:
If the suspects are convicted of first-degree murder, all but the juvenile could be handed a death sentence. While he is expected to be charged as an adult, the juvenile would instead face 25 years to life in prison, as Florida law prohibits executing those who were minors at the time of the crime.
Suspects charged with murder in Sean Taylor case - USATODAY.com (http://www.usatoday.com/sports/football/nfl/2007-12-01-taylor-case_N.htm)