What angers us most about Sean Taylors death

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12-04-2007, 11:25 AM
That's a tough argument to make. These guys carry guns for their protection. I believe most criminals hope to NOT have to use the gun, but it's something that's often necessary unfortunately. When homeowners have guns, you kinda have to match that. I'm not trying to defend these idiots, but I'm trying to explain why they might do what they did.

As far as the phone lines, that's enigmatic to me. No one seems to know. At first they said the lines were cut, then I heard they weren't cut. The police said that ST's fiance had trouble operating the phone, whatever that means. Cpayne in another thread suggested maybe they took the phone off the hook and dialed a number. That would make the phone useless. If they did cut the lines, theres definitely something to premeditated argument.

They need them for their own protection because they live criminal lifestyles. SO they need a gun because the homeowner they're trying to rob might legally own a gun for legitimate self defense? How do you even type that? That argument doesn't hold water with me. You kill someone in their own home, you get executed. Not in 20 years, as soon as you're found guilty. Walk 'em outside and line em up against the wall. I know that's harsh but who deserves our sympathy? The victim or the murderer?

12-04-2007, 11:30 AM
What pi*sses me off the MOST about the death of Sean Taylor is that if our justice system actually worked for the people instead of the thugs, Sean Taylor would be alive today.

If they had PRIOR gun charges, then WTF were they doing out on in the streets?

.....I bet you were singing a different tune when Sean Taylor picked up gun charges.

12-04-2007, 11:30 AM
What makes me so mad about this is that it was so fucking uneccessary. If they didnt want to kill him why take the damn gun and why shoot it. you could just point it at him and say get on the ground I am pretty sure he would have done what you said. Damn jackasses. I hope they fry and I hope it HURTS.

12-04-2007, 11:31 AM
.....I bet you were singing a different tune when Sean Taylor picked up gun charges.

Sean Taylor gun charges was blown out of proportion and on top of that these guys have been arrested at least twice for the same shit Sean accepted responibility and stopped using guns.

12-04-2007, 11:34 AM
What makes me so mad about this is that it was so fucking uneccessary. If they didnt want to kill him why take the damn gun and why shoot it. you could just point it at him and say get on the ground I am pretty sure he would have done what you said. Damn jackasses. I hope they fry and I hope it HURTS.

That's just it. If you're ever in a situation where you think "I might need a gun" then you probably should evaluate yourself. I own a firearm for protection, it's in my nightstand ( i don't have children). I'm not saying you shouldn't have one, I'm saying that if you are committing a crime and take a weapon, you are considering using it, either against whoever you are harming through the crime itself or any law enforcement that try and apprehend you. Either way, you are irredeemable and deserve whatever punishment you get.

12-04-2007, 11:34 AM
Sean Taylor gun charges was blown out of proportion and on top of that these guys have been arrested at least twice for the same shit Sean accepted responibility and stopped using guns.

Plus, it was never PROVEN that there was a gun involved. Just accusations.

12-04-2007, 11:37 AM
Sean Taylor gun charges was blown out of proportion and on top of that these guys have been arrested at least twice for the same shit Sean accepted responibility and stopped using guns.

The problem with the media is they can sway thought patterns so easily. When a star commits a crime, every single person hears about it. But when someone that no one knows about commits a crime, no one hears about it until they do it to a star. Who knows how many NFL players have committed crimes? I bet we only hear about 15% of the crimes committed by NFL players.

What I'm trying to say is, stars usually get back to playing and never look back when they're charged with a crime because it's a warning to them and it's basically telling them that they'll never play football again if they commit another crime. Their passion is in the game of football, and they're not willing to continue committing crimes as long as they have football. Some of the players though, decide to continue with crime, and therefore that shows how little they care about the game.

Lady Brave
12-04-2007, 11:46 AM
What pi*sses me off the MOST about the death of Sean Taylor is that if our justice system actually worked for the people instead of the thugs, Sean Taylor would be alive today.

This is from an Associated Press report on the suspects:

If they had PRIOR gun charges, then WTF were they doing out on in the streets? If the justice system would have done the job right and put these guys away when they displayed a tendency to carry DEADLY weapons and commit violent acts, then Sean would be here today. That right! If the justice system had done the job that the taxpayers are paying for, and done it right the FIRST time, this tragedy would never have happened.

The damn courts responsible for letting these guys "off" the last time are just as responsible as if they pulled the damn trigger.

Sorry, it just INFURIATES me to no end. This sensless killing could have been prevented.
The only problem with your argument is that none of the defendants have shown a history of assault.

I've been waiting for this argument to come up. I've worked in the courts and law enforcement for 16 years. I've pretty much heard it all and can't really get worked up over it anymore. Bottom line, everything starts at home. Stop expecting the courts to raise your children for you.

12-04-2007, 11:55 AM
I think the thing that infuriates me the most is if Sean is the type of guy that everyone who knew him says he was, then he probably would've just given these duchebags the money if they really needed it that bad and had just asked for it instead of trying to steal it.

12-04-2007, 12:30 PM
The only problem with your argument is that none of the defendants have shown a history of assault.

I've been waiting for this argument to come up. I've worked in the courts and law enforcement for 16 years. I've pretty much heard it all and can't really get worked up over it anymore. Bottom line, everything starts at home. Stop expecting the courts to raise your children for you.

Not expecting the courts to raise children. However I do expect and must insist that they hold people accountable for thier actions.

Thier job is to protect the public, plain and simple. Something went awry in this instance and Taylor paid the ultimate price.

Where did you hear that the defendants have not showm a history of assault? I have not heard that. That not withstanding, burgalry, theft and gun charges...hmmmm I can put 2 and 2 together and tell you that these are people who pose a clear and present danger to the public's safety. Hence get them off the street before they kill someone.

Too late.

So what do they tell Taylors family and little girl....

"OOPS" is about all they could muster.

How many times in our society have we witnessed this same string of circumstances? Person convicted of gun charges in January, is arrested for murder with a firearm in June. How many? Check CNN.COM and yo uwill see a story like this almost every day.

A registered sex offender/rapist is arrested and charged with kidnapping a little girl, raping and killing her.

It just happens too often in our society. And I am not talking about isolated instances/offenses. Hundreds of MULTIPLE OFFENDERS are let go with probation, or, poor management in the system.

And that is the reason I read that some of the posters here keep a gun in thier night stand. And why Taylor kept a weapon in his bedroom. Because there are a**hole predators out there put back in society by our courts, when thier criminal heistory clearly dictates that they be incarcerated.

I cannot accept "jail/prison over crowding" as an excuse, or, going to war is taking away funds to build new prisons. Capital offenses are at the state level and part of the state judicial systems and not the federal gov't. I cannot accept these excuses becasue this problem has been going on for generations and nothing has been done about it. They just say "overcrowding" and take that as an acceptable excuse. It's not.

China maybe an oppresive gov't, but when it comes to crime, especially violent crime, they are quick and decisive. Commit a violent crime in China, you are part of the weekly executions. Two bullets in the back of the head. And the expense of the bullets is charges to the condemned's family. Harsh and cold....yes. But that country has the largest population in the world, but has the LOWEST crime rate.

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