12-04-2007, 07:35 AM
I've gotten over what Lavar did to us and moved on, and I really think his playing days are over. I'd like to see him up in the booth for us though, he could be a great announcer. As for his speech, it was really good, and I'm glad he did it, because he probably redeemed himself in a lot of our fans' eyes.
12-04-2007, 08:39 AM
Lavar was a good guy, and a team player. I kinda wish things would have went differently for him. I just heard his speech on ESPN, and wow....really heart-felt.
12-04-2007, 11:17 AM
i caught the speech yestreday evening and I was moved by his emotion for Sean. I have a ton of respect for LaVar (as all of you know) I am one of his biggest supporters. In an article I read it pointed out that during his speech when he addressed "his teammates" he looked over at the Redskin organization that was there, not the Giants contingent that flew in. In LaVars heart I think he still feels like a part of the Redskins family and wants to be part of it again in some way shape or form. I think he did an awesome job yesterday.
I wish things could have worked out differently for LaVar here. He seemed to be reaching out and calling a truce with his speech yesterday.
12-04-2007, 11:24 AM
i caught the speech yestreday evening and I was moved by his emotion for Sean. I have a ton of respect for LaVar (as all of you know) I am one of his biggest supporters. In an article I read it pointed out that during his speech when he addressed "his teammates" he looked over at the Redskin organization that was there, not the Giants contingent that flew in. In LaVars heart I think he still feels like a part of the Redskins family and wants to be part of it again in some way shape or form. I think he did an awesome job yesterday.
There's no question he's still a part of this community and wants to be. He's on Comcast now, and as you pointed out, he looked in their direction yesterday to let them know, let by gones be by gones.
He's a good dude. I just think he got caught in the unfortunate middle of the business side of life in the NFL.
12-04-2007, 11:27 AM
I grew up with LaVar being my favorite player. I'm from PA and go to a couple PSU games a year. It was so fun seeing him lay out RB's in college. Then that transferred over into the NFL. I was upset when I saw the Redskins got rid of him. And then when he gave that speech, I broke down. I had to finish listening to it, even though I was going to be a few minutes late to class. I wanted to hear what he had to say. It'd be nice if he came back, maybe not as a player, but as a coaching assistant. He could help put the team into the mental state that they have to be in. He's a great leader, as I saw at PSU.
There's no question he's still a part of this community and wants to be. He's on Comcast now, and as you pointed out, he looked in their direction yesterday to let them know, let by gones be by gones.
He's a good dude. I just think he got caught in the unfortunate middle of the business side of life in the NFL.
That and perhaps a clashing of egos with the coaches. Either way, I agree he's still a part of the Redskins family and I think overall the fans still have a special place for him in their hearts. I have three #56 jerseys and I still wear them proudly.
12-04-2007, 11:38 AM
By the way, is that way you say "by gones be by gones"..... I didn't check. LOL
12-04-2007, 03:26 PM
I just saw Drew Rosenhauses speech and I have to say that was the fakest speech I've ever seen. While watching it I couldn't help but think that the guy was using the oppurtunity to show his "sensitive side" in an effort to gain more high profile clients. I think if you watch his speech about midway through it he saw that his crying was a little over the top and he ended up bringing it down a notch.