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hooskins 12-03-2007, 01:38 PM I say someone from this site, since we seem to have so many geniuses who would never make a mistake during the draft or free agency, so many people are expert Madden players, etc.
In all seriousness, I want Gibbs back. If Gibbs decides to retire, don't expect a great 2008 season as new head coaches often struggle in their first season with a new team. And expect to see JC regress, or not progress, if we replace Saunders and force him to learn a new system.
If we had to get someone else, I'd probably go with Cowher since I like the guy, he likes smash-mouth football and great defenses, and he is a proven winner. That said, several teams will likely be after him and he supposedly wanted to stay out of football until 2009. He could be saying that he doesn't want to return to football in 2008 to gain leverage in contract negotiations, but who knows.
I agree about JC, we need to keep Saunders.
HOGTIMUS PRIME 12-03-2007, 01:48 PM I believe if he still has the fire to coach it has to be Cower, Williams IMO has regressed some in his ability to run a defense, I do not believe he is head coach material. Other than that I would look to an unproven coordinator and hope to get lucky, whom ever it is they need to be able to evaluate talent properly, that is another reason Cower would fit in here nicely. I know it would never happen but Marty Shott. might be a perfect fit with Saunders running the offense? He would at least rebuild this team in hurry.
Ocliw 12-03-2007, 02:07 PM you have no faith in your coach... dont call yourself a fan
Here we go with the (Not a True Fan) crap again.Everyone in here is disappointed with the team. Have you been watching the games?
firstdown 12-03-2007, 02:23 PM you have no faith in your coach... dont call yourself a fan
Then a good fan as you must think you are can explain what Gibbs has done to give us faith.
SFREDSKIN 12-03-2007, 03:09 PM Then a good fan as you must think you are can explain what Gibbs has done to give us faith.
4 Superbowls, 3-1 record, second coming one playoff appearance, change in QB's and inheriting a mess takes time, you can't change over night. PATIENCE is what's needed, I say one more year and if he doesn't produce then you can call for his head. We are so close, if critical injuries and bad luck weren't a factor this would be a moot point. I think if anybody deserves one more chance it's Gibbs!!
bertoskins2 12-03-2007, 03:41 PM I would like to see B. Cowher and his new staff. At this point I feel we have the players( at least most of them), I think we need a new captain of this ship, a proven winner!
Please god not G. Williams
sad to say snyder is already set at G. williams. if this is so, please do keep Al sunders to run his offense in this team without Greg meddling it
munny 12-03-2007, 04:48 PM I think it will be Williams, and I think he will probably fail. The last time they re-signed Williams, they all but came out and said he would be the coach when Gibbs leaves(They can't actually say that because of hiring regulations).
I do think it would be good to let Saunders run the offense the way he wants, not some butchered half Joe/half Al flavor of it. If it doesn't work, move on, but at least let him run it the way he wants to and find out.
I don't know who I want to be the next head coach, but I feel confident Danny will not pick a good one. He won't hire a GM, so how can we trust him to hire a coach. If he doesn't recognize there name in the paper, he is not interested. He manages this team the way I manage my Madden 2008 game(Except I actually win). Nothing matters if they don't start with a GM and give that GM power and some control.
I love Gibbs, he has been responsible for 95% of the greatest sports fan moments of my life. That is why it hurts to feel that he needs to go. I don't believe this team is any better now than when he got here. I would give no other coach this long, but I just have a hard time staying mad at Gibbs. Danny would never fire him, but I think Joe will realize his time here has been a failure and step down. Oh well, just more sad thoughts for a sad week.
Cowell 12-03-2007, 04:52 PM I think, that it will probably be Gregg Williams who steps up and fills the roll but I would love to see Danny bring in Bill Cowher. That guy can really build a football team and he has an eye for talent. Two things we really need.
RobH4413 12-03-2007, 05:01 PM Even though I voted Grimm (out of impulse), I'm going to go with Williams. I also firmly believe we should keep Saunders as our O coordinator.
Have Joe completely step down, keep the infrastructure in place, build through the draft, and give it some time. I think the "The game has passed JG by", argument is starting to gain some momentum, and I can't help but see the argument validate itself more and more.
Gibbs needs to go spend time with his family, be the president of the organization, and keep the same virtues of class and integrity that he's known for. Gibbs gave "Redskins football" and identity, and I kind of like that continuity. Williams embodies it perfectly, and I'd love to see him have his own team. He's more than earned it.
mlmpetert 12-03-2007, 06:53 PM Im not a GW fan because of the Friend artical, so my comments are bias towards not haveing him as our next head coach.
I think the most important thing for this team is keeping Al Saunders one way or another (Head Coach or Offense Cord.).
The offense finnaly knows his system. This is JC's first year EVER (besides high school) of having the same offense as the prior year. I would hate to have him learn another system.
We have seen what our offense can do in every first half of every game this year (except NE), which makes me believe theres a underlying problem with our adjustments and half time pep talks, both which I think mainly fall on Joe.
Al talks to the media less then Joe and GW. Id rather have a coach that stays quite about team issues then one that allways ready to take on any question (The way NE handles the media)
I dont know if Al would be a good coach or not, but i dont think GW would be, and going after the all the big name coaches (like Cower) hasnt worked yet for us. Grimm didnt become head coach for Pitt for a reason, plus if we get him we likely loose Saunders since there both offensive guys.
Id rather have Al continue to just be O Cord. for now.
For the record I voted for other, maybe someone thats not a big name, a Deffensive guy since they seem to be livelier .
If we have to go with a big name to sell tickets and get me excited, just to later let me down I think Lou Holtz is the man. His "pep talks" always fire me up for some reason. Plus Pitt beat WVU this weekend and that's who he did his pep talk on this week, i bet Pitt was listening