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Actually, I will disagree with you on Belichick.... He actually had the Browns in the play offs the year before.... but after I believe like 5 games, Modell announced the move... and everything fell apart.
Belichick also had alot of success before and AFTER as a coordinator... GW is hot and cold with us.
I'm sure that Belichick has his ups and downs as a coordinator too.
GW can only be as good as his players. Other than last year he's had much more success than failure.
Redskin Rich 12-04-2007, 12:02 PM I'm sure that Belichick has his ups and downs as a coordinator too.
GW can only be as good as his players. Other than last year he's had much more success than failure.
Yes, Belichick has had ups and downs.... mostly ups... every success Parcells had, BB was by his side. Parcells NEVER won a play off game without BB on his staff.
GW has occasional success... with ALOT of downs. I believe the current staff should get 1 more year. If it doesn't get going by then... then it is time for something new. I think an up and comer like Grimm, or a proven winner like Cowher would do well.... Of course, I wouldn't mind seeing Marty come back either.
I would take Marty back, but I really doubt that Snyder would.
Redskin Rich 12-04-2007, 12:14 PM I would take Marty back, but I really doubt that Snyder would.
You are 100% correct on that too.
Stacks42 12-04-2007, 12:18 PM The skins need a hard nosed coach. We have had years and years of laid back coaches that assume players will take responsibility for thier own actions and are never held accountable.
"Heck, if you cant find the time in your schedule to come to redskins park for offseason practices/workouts, ill trust that you will be in peak condition and ready to go for the season."
We see how that one worked out
6 turnovers = they fought there guts out
5 of 6 losses= I'm really proud of this team
50(something)-7=they left it all on the field
Stacks42 12-04-2007, 12:20 PM My point is it is left up to the players to motivate themselves, and apparently that just doesnt cut it. It has been the same under Norv, Spurrier, and Gibbs.
SFREDSKIN 12-04-2007, 12:40 PM Before anybody jumps on the I want a new coach wagon, please read this from JLC's column "Guest blog". Best common sense read I've had!!
Redskins Insider (http://blog.washingtonpost.com/redskinsinsider/)
GTripp0012 12-04-2007, 12:50 PM The skins need a hard nosed coach. We have had years and years of laid back coaches that assume players will take responsibility for thier own actions and are never held accountable.
"Heck, if you cant find the time in your schedule to come to redskins park for offseason practices/workouts, ill trust that you will be in peak condition and ready to go for the season."
We see how that one worked out
6 turnovers = they fought there guts out
5 of 6 losses= I'm really proud of this team
50(something)-7=they left it all on the fieldYes, I'm sure screaming and yelling does wonders for motivating 23-35 year old men. What better way for a coach to inspire victory than to act like an immature baby in front of his team!
Yes, I'm sure screaming and yelling does wonders for motivating 23-35 year old men. What better way for a coach to inspire victory than to act like an immature baby in front of his team!
I agree, I don't think a hardass works any better than a laid back kind of coach, the both have their strengths and weaknesses. Look at the Cowboys this year, it seems that Parcells leaving turned out to be a good thing for them.
Stacks42 12-04-2007, 03:25 PM Yes, I'm sure screaming and yelling does wonders for motivating 23-35 year old men. What better way for a coach to inspire victory than to act like an immature baby in front of his team!
Then why does the military have drill sergeants? They inspire, motivate the troops, and won't accept failure. The skins dont have motivators on the coaching staff or on the field? Where is the skins Ray Lewis?
Parcells had players follow him everywhere he went "Parcells guys". Granted gibbs took some time off, but do you think that if he went to another team anyone would follow him? No! Does anyone follow Norv, No!There is a need for a decisive leader starting at head coach, players will see that and follow that person, at this point this team mulls around with no direction. When there is a time to be decisive (end of games and quarters) there is no direction and it is directly reflected upon the team and how it carries itself. False starts, penalties, turnovers, and poor clock managment are a sign of a poorly coached team.
Some coaches (ie. Bellichek, Cohwer, Schottenheimer) have a fire inside that players see and want to follow. All i hear from the Skins players is "i dont want to let coach gibbs down" and "i feel so sorry for him".