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Sammy Baugh Fan 12-02-2007, 10:37 PM Probably Smoot's best game since his first stint with the Skins. Anybody who says the guy can't support the run need only watch this game. Smoot was outstanding.
Smoot gave 150% from my seat in the stadium.
Sheriff Gonna Getcha 12-02-2007, 10:37 PM I can only imagine what you closed minded people would say of the posts I have made on foxsports.com.
NOW, let me do this, for a THIRD time.
Okay, so you insult people and then apologize?
Also, if you knew you were going to make a lot of people really upset with you, why would you post it anyways. It's one thing to fail to realize that your post is going to be viewed as insensitive and dumb, it's quite another to realize as much but to post your thoughts anyways.
SmootSmack 12-02-2007, 10:38 PM FYI - It's not against team rules to travel unless you have to be at a team meeting, game, practice, etc. Sean didn't have to be anywhere. He didn't tell Gibbs he was leaving, but he did NOT have to. JLC interviewed players who said it is common for players to travel home if they don't need to be at the Park or at a game.
Just to add to that
Injured players rarely hit the road with Redskins - Examiner.com (http://www.examiner.com/a-1070329~Injured_players_rarely_hit_the_road_with_R edskins.html)
Again, it's hard to respect the opinions of those that don't have the accurate information to back them up
Sheriff Gonna Getcha 12-02-2007, 10:39 PM Yeah, because if he HAD gotten explicit permission from the team to go back to Miami (which Gibbs certainly would have granted, but Sean didn't need to ask), the mere act of asking for permission would have protected him from the gunshot wound.
Stupidest argument I've heard made yet, and I truly mean that. Mike Wilbon thanks you for letting him off the hook.
Funniest post I've seen in a while.
SmootSmack 12-02-2007, 10:39 PM Being new here, which I do not deny, I have taken it kind of easy with what I post in relation to my thoughts. I can only imagine what you closed minded people would say of the posts I have made on foxsports.com.
NOW, let me do this, for a THIRD time.
I am a lifelong Skins fan, and as disappointed and heartbroken as I am currently, I will continue to be a fan. I will however not attend anymore games or purchase anymore skins merchandise until they give me a reason to root for them. Just giving up on games as they have all year long does not make for happy fans.
I mean if I'd basically given up on a team (yet somehow still remained a fan), the last thing I'd do is join a message board about them
ashlyparks 12-02-2007, 10:40 PM Well, Mc4dc,
I guess you don't know what the true nature of a football fan is...I'm sorry if you were misunderstood in your previous posts, but you don't give up on your team. Especially in this case. They played their hearts out today. And they lost. And I'm not going to begrudge the Redskins that. I can't imagine going out on the field and playing the game today. I respect, admire and appreciate all the Skins did...you don't give up on your team. Especially in their time of need. You just don't. And this situation is unprecedented.
SmootSmack 12-02-2007, 10:41 PM This isn't the public park... your taxes don't pay for it.
I am soooo making that my next sig
ashlyparks 12-02-2007, 10:42 PM Sorry, mc4dc, I saw that you wrote you still support the team. Good. But you should show it. And I agree. Michael Wilbon. I used to really respect you. Kiss my ass. Apologize.
GMScud 12-02-2007, 10:43 PM Okay, so you insult people and then apologize?
Also, if you knew you were going to make a lot of people really upset with you, why would you post it anyways. It's one thing to fail to realize that your post is going to be viewed as insensitive and dumb, it's quite another to realize as much but to post your thoughts anyways.
Plus, why come on a site and continue to post your comments when you know for a fact they are going to be widely viewed as negative and combative? Do you feel some compulsion to just forcefeed your BS to people who you know don't want to hear it?
mc4dc 12-02-2007, 10:43 PM This is a message board right?
So don't agree with me, I'm fine with that. But when people make personal attack simply because they don't agree with you, that just shows how limited their thinking capabilities are.
So I tell ya all what.
I'll stick to my other message boards about the Skins,
And you here