UPDATE: Four Arrested in Taylor's Death

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11-30-2007, 11:13 PM
greed...what a motive. that takes the f@cking cake.

11-30-2007, 11:25 PM
It's a damn shame. They are so young. Young black men killing other young black men. I'm glad that I made the choices that I made in life to keep myself from turning into a statistic. I can only pray for their families. Hopefully they can turn their lives around but I honestly don't see them making it in prison that long. They shouldn't have tried to steal what wasn't theirs. They shouldn't have killed that man, they shouldn't have killed Sean Taylor. Not saying I wish they would've died that night but I wish the good guy had won that fight. I just hope the good guys win the war.

Hail To The Redskins............Hail Sean Taylor !

I am struggling with something and I hope that someone here can help me. I have heard various sentiments that are similar to this. Why is it worse that it is black guys that are accused of this horrible crime? Part of Wilbonehead's commentary was "black on black crime." I understand that the majority of murder victims are killed by another member of their own race (this is true across the board according to FBI statistics). But is it any better or worse that his murderer is of a certain racial background? If any good can come of this then let it be that we all stand together outraged at whoever commited this crime not seperate along racial divides. Sports gives us a chance to unite (black guys cheer for Cooley, white guys cheer for Moss and we all cheer for SmootSmack). I hope whoever did this is executed.

11-30-2007, 11:28 PM
I feel worse now than I did at any point this week, this development doesn't bring me closer as it just brings me despair. I read just about every article written, from Whitlock to Wilbon and even the DC Sports Bog report on what Cowturd said, and while this proves just about all of them wrong it brings me nothing because Sean Taylor is still gone. And what's the lesson in this? Somebody please help me, because I'm just about losing my mind over this.

11-30-2007, 11:29 PM
As a Buccaneer fan my heart is with Redskin nation! I lived in North Virginia for 10 years and became friends with a lot of Skin fans.

Sean Taylor, R.I.P! You were coming into your own my friend! I'm glad that they found the killers and I hope they let everyone in the prison know that they orphaned a child and ended the career of a stellar defensive back that was only 24 years old and working his way to elite status!

Doesn't this whole thing just make football look so small in comparison!

My prayers are with his family and with all of you in the Skin nation because I know how I would feel if one of mine fell this way in a senseless crime! God, I'm sooooooo mad! Although I'm a Bucs fan I graduated from U of Miami in '01 and Taylor is a Cane. Nuff said! They'll go to prison but that won't be the justice that they'll serve. They killed one of the good guys and they'll pay for it.

11-30-2007, 11:59 PM
I am struggling with something and I hope that someone here can help me. I have heard various sentiments that are similar to this. Why is it worse that it is black guys that are accused of this horrible crime? Part of Wilbonehead's commentary was "black on black crime." I understand that the majority of murder victims are killed by another member of their own race (this is true across the board according to FBI statistics). But is it any better or worse that his murderer is of a certain racial background? If any good can come of this then let it be that we all stand together outraged at whoever commited this crime not seperate along racial divides. Sports gives us a chance to unite (black guys cheer for Cooley, white guys cheer for Moss and we all cheer for SmootSmack). I hope whoever did this is executed.

Well as a black man it hurts me to see young black men killing one another. After all the shit that went on in the 40's, 50's and 60's. Other black people were killed ( Medgar Evers, MLK, Vernon Dahmer) so I have the right to vote, go to good schools, eat at nice restaurants, stay in nice hotels. Just basic civil rights. I guess you have to be black to understand. So when I see these pieces of shit killing another black man that's made it, it makes me sick and angry. They just have no sense of history and it comes from the household.

But regardless these thugs need to be put to death. I'm tired of this shit. I'm tired of all the black on black crime. Everyday I can pick up the newspaper and see another innocent victim being carjacked or killed. Especially here in DC. Except this time it's a famous athlete that we all root for. But the reality is it happens all the time.

Beat the Cowboys
12-01-2007, 12:54 AM
Well as a black man it hurts me to see young black men killing one another. After all the shit that went on in the 40's, 50's and 60's. Other black people were killed ( Medgar Evers, MLK, Vernon Dahmer) so I have the right to vote, go to good schools, eat at nice restaurants, stay in nice hotels. Just basic civil rights. I guess you have to be black to understand. So when I see these pieces of shit killing another black man that's made it, it makes me sick and angry. They just have no sense of history and it comes from the household.

But regardless these thugs need to be put to death. I'm tired of this shit. I'm tired of all the black on black crime. Everyday I can pick up the newspaper and see another innocent victim being carjacked or killed. Especially here in DC. Except this time it's a famous athlete that we all root for. But the reality is it happens all the time.

I agree I teach in Compton, CA and it's sad to see generation after generation fall for this trap. It's the crabs in the bucket mentality, these are young people who made poor choices that will forever haunt them and Sean's family. It happens far to often. I'm glad that they were caught and hopefully will recieve the justice they deserve. RIP Sean Hail to the Skins.

12-01-2007, 12:59 AM
Good to hear...

Such a sad series of events... it's glad to hear that these kids are off the streets. Terrible shame all around.

Prayers to the killer, prayers to Sean and his family.

12-01-2007, 01:01 AM
Eric Rivera: MySpace.com - $MR.FLORIDA$ - 17 - Male - LIL PAKISTAN BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!, Florida - www.myspace.com/ericriverajr4 (http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=54829123)

Jason Mitchell: MySpace.com - $ FEAR GOD NOT THEM $ - 20 - Male - lehigh acres, Florida - www.myspace.com/105813923 (http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=105813923)

(-Notice the picture and caption from the comment on Aug. 30, 2007)

Charles Wardlow: MySpace.com - CDub - FORT MYERS, Flevoland - Rap - www.myspace.com/cdubnext2blow (http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=251964564)

Wardlow's sister (I guess): MySpace.com - ¤TeeTee¤ [PLEASE FREE MY BR0 CHARLES WARDL0W] - 18 - Female - [2-3-9] FORT MYERS [2-3-9], Florida - www.myspace.com/tishaud_jamaal_gary_4eva (http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=43137622)

12-01-2007, 01:17 AM
Check out these videos


In the column under Local News, click on the first and third thumbnails about one of the suspect's family responding to the arrest (the second thumbnail is Sean Taylor's dad)

But this is what really got to me, listen at the 1:45 mark of the "Suspect's Family Speaks Out" video. You'll see the suspect's mom on her cell phone and she says "They say that Sasha paid them to come to the house and do that."

First of all, who's "they" and secondly is she saying Sean Taylor's sister (half-sister) paid these guys to rob Taylor's house?!

12-01-2007, 01:28 AM
Does Flordia have the death penalty?

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